Student Name
Welcome to Chemistry
Instructor: Paul
Textbook: Edvantage Science Chemistry 1 & 2 (AP Chemistry 1) or Prentice Hall Chemistry
Course Objective: To prepare students for future college and career by developing good study habits and learning the content of basic chemistry.
Course Requirements: Students will develop and maintain an interactive notebook read and take notes from textbooks and lectures, complete all homework, work collaboratively to investigate labs, work independently to write up the results of the labs, study for and hopefully pass quizzes and unit tests.
Course Expectations:
Principled: Students are encouraged to work together, but not to copy. If you don’t know the difference, then do your work independently. Any student caught cheating will be given a zero for that assignment and have a parent contact. Late papers will be accepted with a maximum of 50% graded awarded. No late papers will be accepted after the unit test is given.
Inquirers and Communicators: Students are expected to use safe lab procedures to investigate answers to chemistry problems and to communicate the results in a formal lab write up.
Thinkers and Risk Takers: Students will be expected to attempt difficult assignments and be comfortable with trial and error efforts, not giving up, but being persistent and patient in the face of rigorous content.
Knowledgeable and Thinkers: Students will be expected to read, take notes and complete homework to obtain a basic knowledge of the content on their own. Coming to class prepared to ask questions.
Open Minded and Caring: Students will work collaboratively in and outside of class to further their knowledge of chemistry, and through this process, become more accepting of the diverse population of our community. Students will demonstrate caring for others by contributing to the learning process of others and NOT disrupting the learning process. Students will show care for their own learning process by NOT having cell phones out during class unless given permission by the teacher.
Reflective and Balanced: Students will continually evaluate study habits and learn to modify and improve said habits. Students will also demonstrate good time management as they juggle school, family and extracurricular activities.
Grade Percentages:
21st Century Skills - 5%
Homework – 10%
Notebooks/Labs - 20%
Quizzes/Tests - 50%
Semester Exam - 15%
Textbook Information: Students may opt to purchase the working textbook for $21/textbook. If a student opts to NOT purchase the textbook, then all work must be completed on their own paper and the textbook should not be written in. Students must pay before receiving the textbook.
Communication: Schoology will be great resource for student’s assignments and helpful video links. Be sure to check it out. Both students and parents are encouraged to check infinite campus daily to see grades, missing assignments and attendance. Students and Parents are also encouraged to join the Chemistry class remind message system. Directions to join the messaging system are on the back page.
Discipline: It is my goal to never embarrass or humiliate a student. I respect and encourage my students to positive behavior, unfortunately, sometimes it becomes necessary to have negative consequences. These consequences can include teacher/student conference, teacher/student/parent conference, student/parent phone call, choice of sentences/push-ups/sit-ups, office referral, ISS and/or OSS. Cell phones can and will be confiscated and given back at the end of class, unless a student argues, and/or is a repeat offender, then a conference with the student and his/her parent/guardian will be scheduled and the phone returned to the parent/guardian.
Curriculum: Fall Semester 2017
There will be four unit tests during the semester and a final exam.
Unit / Title / Test on or before1 / Skills and Processes of Chemistry / 9/22/17
2 / Nature of Matter / 10/13/17
3 / The Mole / 11/13/17
4 / Expressing and Measuring Chemical Change / 12/15/17
Parent Teacher Nights are a great way to invest in your child’s education. Please reserve September 20 and November 1 evenings to spend at GWHS!
I have read and understand the expectations of Chemistry.
Student Signature______Parent Signature______Date______
21st Century Skills and Participation RUBRIC
Students will receive 2 points a day for strong work in all categories. 8 points a week.
8- A
7- B
6- C
5- D
4 < F