Notes for Guidance: Application for a Research Training Support Grant for AHRC-funded Doctoral Students only

Types of visit that can be funded

  • AHRC-funded doctoral students only
  • Types of visit:

+UK Study Visits

+Overseas Study Visits

+Overseas Conferences

  • Study visits and overseas conferences must be for the purposes of conducting primary research. All study visits must be essential to the successful completion of your thesis.

For Overseas Conferences, you must provide evidence to show that you have been invited to present a paper at the conference.

For Overseas Study Visit, your study visit must be approved by the PG Section of the Registry so you must also submit an Application for Approval to Undertake Overseas Fieldwork / Research to the PG Section of the Registry at least one month before the study visit is due:

It is your responsibility to ensure that an appropriate entrance/research visa is obtained before your Overseas Study Visit or your Overseas conference commences and that you have taken proper account of any health, safety and security issues. Please note that a risk assessment should be made before research students travel into the field. It is your responsibility to assess the risk and discuss it as necessary with the supervisor and others. The School advises all students to consult Foreign Office guidance and NOT to travel to countries or areas contrary to FO recommendations. Failure to obtain an appropriate visa may lead to the withdrawal of any funds granted for that overseas study visit or conference.


  • The RTSG cannot be used to fund attendance at UK conferences
  • Funding cannot be provided for students in the writing-up stage of their project
  • Funding cannot be provided before 1 October of the starting year of a student’s AHRC funding
  • The AHRC does not allow study visits in the last three months of an award.

Value of the RTSG

A fixed rate per student will be available per year during the tenure of the AHRC for a maximum of three years; if the student’s award ends sooner than this they will not count in the calculation for the full three years (eg if the end date of a student’s AHRC award is 30 September 2012, the students can apply for a RTSG for 2010-11 and for 11-12 only). The fixed rate for the 2010-11 academic year is £200.

If an AHRC award holder does not apply for the RTSG allowance during this academic year, they can carry over any unspent funds in to the next academic year as long as this is within the period of their AHRC award.

The RTSG can be used to provide a contribution towards the costs of travel, additional accommodation, and other associated costs that are incurred as a result of the student’s trip. Travel should be by the most economical means available, and should be by standard-class public transport except in exceptional circumstances.

Payment of the full amount will be made to successful candidates by BACS directly to their UK bank account.

Deadline of RTSG application

A Research Training Student Grant (RTSG) application can be made at any time of year but must be normally submitted to the Scholarships Office at least one month before the study visit or conference is due to take place. Retrospective approval will not normally be granted. It is advisable to submit the form at least two months in advance to ensure that the payment is processed before your departure.

Notifications of results

Once your application has been assessed, the Scholarship Office will be notified of our decision. If you are successful in gaining funding, an email will be sent to you giving details of your entitlement.

Certification form

On your return from the study visit/overseas conference, a certification form must be completed and returned to the Scholarships Officer. The certification form will be sent to you alongside a letter detailing your entitlement. Failure to return the form may result in further payments in relation to your AHRC award, being delayed.

If, on your return, when your travel receipts are submitted, your costs are found to be less than the contribution made by the RSTG, a repayment will be requested.

Once your study visit or conference has been approved, you may not change the dates or details of the study visit-conference without prior authorisation from the Scholarships Office. If the study visit or conference is cancelled, any overpayment made must be repaid in full to the School.

If you have any queries please contact:

Application for a Research Training Support Grant

Please read the accompanying notes carefully before completing this form. This form must be submitted at least one month before the study visit or conference is due to take place.

Name of AHRC award holder:Student ID:

Current Address:Email:

Year of course in current session (1st, 2nd, etc):

Projected title of thesis & Name of supervisor

SECTION 1 – For Completion of the Award Holder


i) Please state your reasons for attending the conference and indicate how it is relevant to your research (Do not exceed one page).

ii) Conference Details

You must provide evidence to show that you have been invited to present a paper at the conference. Applications will be considered only in cases where your supervisor certifies that the conference is relevant to your research. Give the conference dates, the location and the EXACT travel dates and costs.

Conference Dates (Day, month and year)
FROM TO / Conference Location
Travel Dates (Day, month and year)
FROM TO / Travel Costs
£ p
Other costs (please specify) / Costs £ p
Total cost (including travel costs & Other costs): / £ p


i) Please state your reasons for your proposed study visit and indicate how it is relevant to your research (Do not exceed one page). Applications will be considered only in cases where your supervisor certifies that the proposed fieldworkis essential to your research and demonstrates why

Fieldwork Dates (Day, month and year)
FROM TO / Fieldwork Location
Estimated expenditure (please specify) / Costs
£ p
(a)International travel (specify type and cheapest rate)
(b)Local Travel (specify type)
(c)Maintenance (food, accommodation, clothing)
(d)Medical insurance and Visas
(e)Research Expenses (excluding purchase of equipment)
(f)Other expenses
Total cost: / £ p

I confirm that I have read the accompanying Notes of Guidance and that I will undertake to inform the Scholarships Office if the study visit or conference is cancelled. In the event of the trip being cancelled, I understand that I will be required to refund to the School, via the Scholarships Office, any money paid.



SECTION 2 – For Completion by the Supervisor

i)Please state the purpose of the study visit and indicate whether or not satisfactory completion of the thesis or dissertation is dependent on the trip. In the case of Overseas Conferences, please state the relevance of this conference to the award holder´s research. Applications will be considered only in cases where it is certified that the study visit/conference is essential to the applicant’s research and demonstrates why.

ii) I confirm that I have read the accompanying Notes of Guidance and that the details of the study visit or overseas conference completed by the award holder are accurate. I undertake to inform the Scholarships Office if the study visit or conference is cancelled, and I understand that, in the event of the visit or conference being cancelled, the student will be required to refund the School, via the Scholarships Office, any overpayment.


Print Name:

Once completed, this form should be returned to:

Scholarships Officer
Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square
United Kingdom