College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Department of Electrical Engineering
Course Name / Credit / All-English(A) or Part-English(P) / Undergraduate Course(U)
or Graduate Course(G)
Engineering Mathematics-Differential Equation / 3 / P / U
Electrical Circuits Ⅰ / 3 / P / U
Control System / 3 / P / U
Introduction of Biomedical Engineering / 3 / P / U
Microcomputer Theory and Laboratory / 3 / P / U
Electric Machinery Control with Experimentation / 3 / P / U
VLSI System Design / 3 / P / U
Interface Circuit Design for Micropro- cessor / 3 / P / U
Introduction to Electronic Design Automation / 3 / P / U
Special Topics on Nano electronics Experiments / 3 / P / U
Introduction Quantum Mechanics / 3 / P / U
Optoelectronic Devices / 3 / A / G/U
CAD for VLSI Design / 3 / A / G/U
Optimization Methods / 3 / P / G/U
Special Topics on Wireless Communication / 3 / P / G/U
Submicron Device Physics and Technology / 3 / P / G/U
Multimedia Communication IP Design / 3 / P / G/U
Biomedical Instrumentation Design / 3 / A / G/U
Nano Electronics / 3 / P / G/U
Microwave Circuit Laboratory / 3 / A / G/U
Advanced Electric Motor Drives and Control / 3 / P / G/U
Digital TV RF Module Design / 3 / A / G/U
Power Electronics and Power Integrated Circuit Design / 3 / A / G/U
Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering
Course Name / Credit / All-English(A) or Part-English(P) / Undergraduate Course(U)
or Graduate Course(G)
Advanced Algorithms for Distributed Computing / 3 / A / G
Computer Architecture / 3 / A / G
Social media mining / 3 / A / G
Department of Communication Engineering
Course Name / Credit / All-English or Part-English / Undergraduate Course
or Graduate Course
Electronics II / 3 / P / U
Probability / 3 / P / U
Signal and System / 3 / P / U
Communication Theory II / 3 / P / U
IP Switching / 3 / P / G
Signal Compression / 3 / A / G
Digital Communication / 3 / P / G
Optimization Theory for Communications / 3 / P / G
Advanced Image Processing / 3 / P / G
Multimedia Communications / 3 / A / G
Seminar / 1 / P / G
Seminar / 1 / P / G
Mobile Data Dissemination Technology / 3 / P / G
IP Switching / 3 / P / G
Optimization Theory for Communications and Its Applications / 3 / P / G
Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology
Course Name / Credit / All-English(A) or Part-English(P) / Undergraduate Course(U)
or Graduate Course(G)
High Interaction in Multimedia / 3 / A / G
Academic Writing of Digital Learning / 3 / A / G
Instructional design and development / 3 / A / G

*Part English: Class materials and exams in English

Update: DEC,2015