Form B: Suspected Infection with Bartonella species: Information for Diagnostic Specimens

To accompany all specimens submitted to VRZB/CDC for routine diagnostic testing for Bartonella species.

Call 404-639-1075 if you have questions on how to fill out this form.

Patient Name: ______

Patient DOB ____/____/______

Patient State of Residence: ______

Patient City of Residence: ______


Date of Onset of Symptoms ____/_____/______

First reported symptom ______

Date of Specimen Collection ____/_____/______ whole blood (EDTA)  serum node aspirate/ biopsy (type______)

Date of Specimen Collection ____/_____/______ whole blood (EDTA)  serum node aspirate/ biopsy (type______) Date of Specimen Collection ____/_____/______ whole blood (EDTA)  serum  node aspirate/ biopsy (type______)

Clinical Signs and syndromes (check all that apply)

 lymphadenopathy (nodes involved ______)

 fever (maximum______) blister or papule at site of injury endocarditis

 myalgia rash (type______) encephalopathy

 malaise peliosis hepatitis neurologic sequelae (specify ______)

 headache bacilliary angiomatosis splenic granulomata

 weight loss photophobia hepatic granulomata

 arthralgia color vision disturbance hepatomegaly

 leg pain Parinaud’s oculoglandular syndrome splenomegaly

 pallor neuroretinitis osteolytic lesions (location ______)

 jaundice conjunctivitis

 retro-orbital pain other (specify ______)

Laboratory Values (specify units if different from below)

ALT (U/l) ______WBC (K/l) ______Platelets (K/l) ______

AST (U/l) ______Neutrophils (%) ______Hematocrit (%) ______

CRP (mg/l) ______Lymphocytes (%) ______Hemoglobin (%) ______

Was the patient hospitalized because of this illness?   yes  no  unknown

If Yes, Date of hospital admittance: ____/_____/______

Date of hospital discharge:____/_____/______

Was this a fatal infection? yes  no  unknown

What sources of illness have been ruled out?______

Treatment: Date started: ____/____/______Other Conditions:

Tetracycline/Doxycycline yes  no  unknown  immuno-compromised

Chloramphenicol yes  no  unknown  immuno-suppressed

Fluoroquinolone yes  no  unknown pregnant

Erythromycin  yes  no  unknown cardiac or valve disease

Rifampin  yes  no  unknown alcoholic

Other (specify)______ yes  no  unknown  other (specify ______)


In the month prior to illness onset:

Did the patient have contact with any of the following animals?cat dog  rodentother (specify ______)

Is the animal a pet in the patient’s home?yes   no   unknown

If not, approximate date of contact: ____/____/______

What was the nature of the contact? bite scratch  lickother (specify ______)

Approximate age of the animal ______

Did the animal have fleas?  yes   no   unknown

Was patient bitten by or exposed to any fleas during this time? yes   no   unknown

Was the patient exposed to lice or to persons with lice? yes   no   unknown

What type of louse?body  head   pubic

Did the patient travel out of their state of residence?yes   no   unknown where? ______

CDC Use Only: DASH #______Accession #______Patient #______