SC 443


Curriculum Guide


Board Members

Mr. Francis R. Perkins, President

Mr. Richard J. Galante, Vice President

Mr. David Arminio

Ms. Susana Cooley

Mr. Thomas Layden

Mr. Vito Nufrio

Mr. Guy Francis

Ms. Lois Jackson

Mr. Angel Salcedo



District Superintendent …………………………………………………………………...……………………....Dr. Patrick Martin

Assistant Superintendent …………………………………………………………..……………………….….…Mr. Gregory Tatum

Assistant Superintendent ………………………………………………………………………………………….Dr. Noreen Lishak

Director of Student Information/Technology ………………………………..………………………….………….Ms. Ann M. Hart

Director of Athletics, Health, Physical Education and Nurses………………………………..……………………Ms. Linda Ionta


Language Arts/Social Studies 3-5 ……..………………………………….…………………………………….. Mr. Robert Ghiretti

Language Arts/Social Studies Pre-K-2…………………………………………………………………………Ms. Maureen Corbett

Mathematics/ Science 3-5 …………………………………………….………………………………………. Ms. Deborah Ford

Mathematics/Science Pre-K-2……………………………………………………………………………………Ms. Terri Matthews

Guidance K-12/SAC …..………………………………………………………………………………….……….Ms. Nicole Ahern

Language /Library Services 6-12 ….………………………………….…………………………………….…Ms. Mary Malyska

Math 6-12…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Mr. Jason Mauriello

Science 6-12……...... …………………………………………………….………………………………….Ms. Maureen Guilfoyle

Social Studies/Business………………………………………………………………………………………..…….Ms. Libby Galante

World Language/ESL/Career Education/G&T/Computer Technology…...……………………………….….Ms. Yvonne Lorenzo

Art/Music …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….Mr. Ronald Rago

Curriculum Committee

Anatomy & Physiology

William Soranno

Table of Contents

Title Page

Board Members


Department Supervisors

Curriculum Committee

Table of Content

District Mission/Philosophy Statement

District Goals

Course Description

Recommended Texts

Course Proficiencies

Curriculum Units

Appendix: New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards

Mission Statement

The Township of Union Board of Education believes that every child is entitled to an education designed to meet his or her individual needs in an environment that is conducive to learning. State standards, federal and state mandates, and local goals and objectives, along with community input, must be reviewed and evaluated on a regular basis to ensure that an atmosphere of learning is both encouraged and implemented. Furthermore, any disruption to or interference with a healthy and safe educational environment must be addressed, corrected, or when necessary, removed in order for the district to maintain the appropriate educational setting.

Philosophy Statement

The Township of Union Public School District, as a societal agency, reflects democratic ideals and concepts through its educational practices. It is the belief of the Board of Education that a primary function of the Township of Union Public School System is to formulate a learning climate conducive to the needs of all students in general, providing therein for individual differences. The school operates as a partner with the home and community.

Statement of District Goals

Ø  Develop reading, writing, speaking, listening, and mathematical skills.

Ø  Develop a pride in work and a feeling of self-worth, self-reliance, and self discipline.

Ø  Acquire and use the skills and habits involved in critical and constructive thinking.

Ø  Develop a code of behavior based on moral and ethical principals.

Ø  Work with others cooperatively.

Ø  Acquire a knowledge and appreciation of the historical record of human achievement and failures and current societal issues.

Ø  Acquire a knowledge and understanding of the physical and biological sciences.

Ø  Participate effectively and efficiently in economic life and the development of skills to enter a specific field of work.

Ø  Appreciate and understand literature, art, music, and other cultural activities.

Ø  Develop an understanding of the historical and cultural heritage.

Ø  Develop a concern for the proper use and/or preservation of natural resources.

Ø  Develop basic skills in sports and other forms of recreation.

Course Description

This course is designed to give the student an understanding and appreciation of the human body’s structures and functions. By studying the disorders associated with the body’s systems, the student will understand how susceptible to disease the body can be and how decisions made in their everyday lives can affect their health.

The first half of this course will introduce the student to the basic principles of human anatomy and physiology and investigate skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Numerous laboratory exercises, audio-visual materials, demonstrations, and lectures will be utilized to demonstrate the relationship of the structures and mechanisms of each system to the functions of the entire human body.

The second half will investigate the cardiovascular, lymphatic (immune), respiratory, digestive, urinary, endocrine, and reproductive systems. The course will conclude with a fetal pig dissection.

The twelfth grade human anatomy and physiology student will explore the following content topics that are aligned with the New Jersey Core Curriculum Science Standards:

·  Organization and Development 5.3.12A

·  Matter and Energy Transformations 5.3.12B

·  Reproduction and Heredity 5.5.12C

These topics will incorporate the following content topics where applicable:

Science Practices 5.1.12A,B,C,D

Physical Science 5.2.12A,B,C,D

Recommended Textbooks

Marieb,E. Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 9th Edition. Pearson,2010

Course Proficiencies

Students will be able to…

A. Understand the levels of organization

1. Utilize the language of anatomy

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the chemical concepts essential to living organisms

3. Demonstrate that cells are the basic units of structure and function in living organisms

4. Understand how cells are organized into tissues and tissues into organs

5. Demonstrate an understanding of the processes of cell reproduction and differentiation

B. Understand structure/function relationships

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the skeletal system

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the muscular system

3. Demonstrate an understanding of the cardiovascular system

4. Demonstrate an understanding of the respiratory system

5. Demonstrate an understanding of the nervous system

6. Demonstrate an understanding of the endocrine system

7. Demonstrate an understanding of the digestive system

8. Demonstrate an understanding of the urinary system

9. Demonstrate an understanding of the reproductive system

C. Understand interdependence of systems

1. Demonstrate an understanding of homeostasis

2. Demonstrate an understanding of what cancer is and how it affects the systems of the body

Curriculum Units

Unit 1: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology

Unit 2: Cells and Tissues

Unit 3:Skeletal,Muscular,and Nervous Systems

Unit 4: Lymphatic and Cardiovascular Systems

Unit 5: Respiratory and Digestive Systems

Unit 6: Urinary, Endocrine, and Reproductive Systems

Pacing Guide- Course

Content Number of Days

Unit 1: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology 10

Unit 2: Cells and Tissues 30

Unit 3: Skeletal,Muscular,and Nervous Systems 50

Unit 4: Lymphatic and Cardiovascular Systems 45

Unit 5: Respiratory and Digestive Systems 25

Unit 6: Urinary, Endocrine, and Reproductive Systems 20

Unit 1: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology

Essential Questions / Instructional Objectives/ Skills and Benchmarks (CPIs) / Activities / Assessments
1.  What is the difference between anatomy and physiology?
2.  What is the basic human body plan?
3.  What is the importance of homeostasis?
4.  How do human systems maintain
5.  How do homeostatic imbalances
affect human health? / 5.3.12A.1: Represent and explain the relationship between the structure and function of each class of complex molecules using a variety of models.
5.3.12A.6: Describe how a disease is the result of a malfunctioning system, organ, and cell, and relate to possible treatment interventions. / ·  Utilize Internet websites to research human body structure.
·  Color and label body directions, surfaces, planes, cavities, and organs on human body diagrams.
·  List in order, and define the levels of structural organization of the human body.
·  Observe, examine, and explain information, diagrams, and animations of human body structure found on available computer software and video/DVD resources.
·  Demonstrate the anatomical position.
·  Write and submit a lab report based on a lab investigation of the location and identification of organs and systems in a dissectible human body torso model.
·  Give examples of the homeostatic functions of human systems.
·  Give examples of various pathologies associated with homeostatic imbalance. / 1. Chapter Tests
2. Homework
3.Lab Quizzes
4. Lab Reports
5. Lab Performance

Unit 2: Cells and Tissues

Essential Questions / Instructional Objectives/ Skills and Benchmarks (CPIs) / Activities / Assessments
·  List the functions of cell division in the human body.
·  Perform an Internet research to investigate mitosis and pathologies associated with abnormal cell division.
·  Color and label diagrams of the stages of cell division.
·  Examine and explain information, animations, and diagrams of both normal and abnormal cell division, found on available software resources.
·  List different types of cancers and their risk factors, effects on body systems, and prevention/treatment.
·  Write and submit lab reports based on the following lab investigations:
a.  microscopically identify the stages and components of mitosis.
b. Simulate mitosis using chromosome models. Utilize internetwebsites to investigate the types of tissues.
Color and label diagrams of the main types of tissues.
Examine and explain information, animations, and diagrams of tissues, found on available software resources.
Write and submit a lab report based upon a microscopic investigation of the various tissue types. The report will include the examination, identification, and drawing of these tissues.
List ways that different tissues affect human health.

Unit 3:Skeletal, Muscular, and Nervous Systems

Essential Questions / Instructional Objectives/ Skills and Benchmarks (CPIs) / Activities / Assessments
1.  What is the function of the skeletal
2.  How are bones structured?
3.  What are the major bones of the skeletal system?
4.  How do joints result in movement?
5.  What pathologies are associated with the skeletal system?
6.  How does the muscular system function?
7.  What are the three types of muscle tissue?
8.  How is the structure of a skeletal muscle related to how it is able to contract?
9.  What are the steps required for a muscle to contract?
10.  What are the names of the major muscles, and what are their actions?
11.  What are some disorders associated with the muscular system?
12.  Why is the nervous system important?
13.  How is the nervous system subdivided?
14.  What is the structure of a neuron and how does it carry an impulse?
15.  What are the parts of the Central Nervous system and their structures and functions?
16.  What disorders affect the nervous system? / 5.3.12A.4: Distinguish between the processes of cellular growth(cell division) and development(differentiation).
5.3.12A.6: Describe how a disease is the result of a malfunctioning system, organ, and cell, and relate to possible treatment interventions. / ·  List 5 functions of the skeletal system.
·  Explain how the skeleton maintains homeostasis.
·  Color and label:
a.  a diagram of the structure of a typical long bone.
b.  a diagram of the microscopic structure of compact bone.
c.  diagrams of the major bones of the skeleton.
·  Utilize Internet websites to investigate the skeletal system.
·  Identify anatomical structures on a sectioned bone specimen.
·  Write and submit a lab report based on locating and identifying the bones in a human
·  List the steps of bone development, from embryo to adult.
·  Examine and explain information on the skeletal system, found on available software resources.
·  List pathologies of the skeletal system.
·  List the functions of the muscular system.
·  Color and label diagrams of:
a. the three ways of muscle tissue
b. microscopic and gross anatomy
of a skeletal muscle.
·  Utilize Internet websites to
investigate the muscular
·  List, in sequence, the events of muscle cell contraction (sliding filament theory).
·  Write and submit lab reports based on each of the following lab investigations:
a. experimental stimulation of frog
muscle fibers and the resulting
b. microscopic examination of the
three types of muscle tissue.
c. identification of the major
skeletal muscles and their
·  Examine and explain
information on the muscular
system, found on available software resources.
·  List and explain several muscular disorders. / 1. Chapter Tests
2. Homework
3.Lab Quizzes
4. Lab Reports
5. Lab Performance
Essential Questions / Instructional Objectives/ Skills and Benchmarks (CPIs) / Activities / Assessments
· List the functions of the nervous
· Color and label diagrams of the
nervous system, including the
neuron, brain, and spinal cord.
· Utilize Internet websites to research
the nervous system.
· List, in sequence, the events
involved in nerve impulse
transmission and synaptic
· Write and submit lab reports based
on each of the following lab
à microscopic examination of
nervous tissue.
à demonstration of nerve tissue
properties and reflexes.
à dissection of an animal spinal
à dissection of a sheep brain.
· Identify six of the twelve pairs of
cranial nerves and their functions. · List and explain nervous system
· Examine and explain information
on the nervous system, found on
software resources.

Unit 4: Lymphatic and Cardiovascular Systems

Essential Questions / Instructional Objectives/ Skills and Benchmarks (CPIs) / Activities / Assessments
1. What is the function of the lymphatic(immune) system?
2.How are the various components of the different lymphatic organs similar or distinct?
3.How do the structure and function of
the immune system affect the
homeostasis of the organism?
4. What are some immune system pathologies?
5. What are the components of the cardiovascular system?
6. What are the functions of blood?
7. What are the types of blood cells?
8. What are the structures and functions of the heart?
9.What are the types, structures, and functions of blood vessels?
10. What is blood pressure?
11. What are major disease processes
that affect the cardiovascular system and how do they affect the whole organism?
/ 5.3.12A.6: Describe how a disease is the result of a malfunctioning system, organ, and cell, and relate to possible treatment interventions. / · Describe the molecular structure of the
various lymphatic organs.
· Examine and describe lymphatic
vessels and circulation.
·  Describe lymph and its functions.
·  Compare and contrast the function and structure of various lymphatic organs.
·  Explain the lymphatic system’s role in human immunity against disease.
· Examine, draw and label prepared
microscope slides of various lymph
· Investigate information, diagrams and
available Internet websites, CD-Rom,
laserdisc and video resources.
·  Internet search of human immunity.
·  Research the spleen, tonsils, thymus gland and write a brief description of how each contributes to the function of the lymphatic system in maintaining health.
Complete immune system worksheet activity.
· Write and submit a lab report based on
each of the following lab exercises:
à Identify and draw blood cell types
à Examine, draw, and label blood
vessel types microscopically.
· Examine information, diagrams, and
perform investigations. Focus on
available Internet websites, CD-Rom,
laserdisc and video resources.
·  Write and submit a lab report based on each of the following lab exercises:
à  Dissect a preserved animal heart.
à  Identify heart sounds with a stethoscope.
à  Measure pulse rate and investigate factors that alter pulse rate. (standard or sensor)
à  Record and interpret an electrocardiogram.
à  Measure and interpret a blood pressure reading (manually and with computer sensors)
· Examine heart models and identify
structures (healthy vs. diseased)
· List ways to maintain a healthy
·  cardiovascular system. Identify and discuss blood disorders
·  Examine and discuss heart pathology.
Give examples of vascular pathologies. / 1. Chapter Tests
2. Homework
3.Lab Quizzes
4. Lab Reports
5. Lab Performance

Unit 5: Respiratory and Digestive Systems