Town of Stockton Springs

Harbor Committee

January 8, 2015


The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m.

1.  Roll Call

Present: Bruce Suppes, Darren Shute, Phil Dion, Stanley Russell, Steve Henkel.

Absent: David Laing, Kenneth Wyman.

Also Present: Les Bryant – Harbormaster, Marnie Diffin – Town Manager, Mac Smith – Recording Secretary.

Due to the absence of of a regular voting member, Mr. Suppes appointed Mr. Dion as a voting member for the meeting.

2.  Minutes

Motion was made, seconded and passed 4-2-0, with Mr. Dion abstaining, to approve the minutes of the December 2014 meeting as corrected.

3.  Harbormaster Report

Harbormaster Les Bryant made the following report:

There is one float at Russell’s Marine that has been repaired and is awaiting transport.

The Harbormaster boat has been winterized.

The Harbormaster still has not heard about the batteries for the pump-out barge.

Mr. Suppes thanked all who volunteered their time on December 5 to help remove the dock sections from the harbor.

4.  Financial Report


Approved – Harbor Committee January 8, 2015 Page 1

Mr. Suppes presented the financial report.

5.  Old Business

a.  Lights

The conscensus of the Committee was to replace all the pole lights at the harbor with LED lights, which will has a rebate from the state attached to it. Mr. Suppes said he would discuss the matter with the Select Board.

b.  Pump-out Barge Calender Year 2015 Grant

Mr. Suppes reported that he had received a letter saying the grant had been approved for $2,500 to support the pump-out barge, and that the amount was more than they asked for.

c.  Repairs to Section 2 of “Straight” Docks

This was discussed in the Harbormaster’s Report.

d.  “Yacht Club” Development Project

Mr. Suppes said he had been in contact with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and they reported the yacht club has no allowed moorings.

Mr. Suppes said questions were raised for the town’s moorings that were recreational, non-commercial or fishing-related. He said the state said the town moorings were permitted, but not the four moorings the town rented out.

Mr. Suppes said the four moorings generate $2,800 annually and suggested pursuing the proper permits for them. Mr. Russell said the permit fees were minimal.

Mr. Suppes said that even if the yacht club was to get a permit for moorings, it would still need permission from the town’s Harbormaster.

Mr. Suppes discussed the septic system and the fact that it services the harbor, the yacht club and the third parcel at the harbor and the town’s obligations if there is trouble with the septic system.


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Mr. Suppes discussed what was spelled out in the septic system deed regarding what could go into the septic system and how that could affect the yacht club.

There was discussion on how to keep the yacht club parking from the town’s parking.

e.  Other Old Business

There was no other old business.

6.  New Business

a.  Proposed Harbor Budget for FY 2016 (commencing July 1, 2015)

Mr. Russell said that the Harbormaster deserves more money and that the Harbormaster was taken advantage of with his last raise. Mr. Russell recommended that the raise be effective January 1, 2015.

Mr. Suppes suggested $8,000 a year going forward.

Mr. Russell said that if the proposed marine/yacht club comes to pass, the Harbormaster’s pay will have to be re-evaluated.

Mr. Shute said that if the Harbormaster collects late fees this year, those late fees would cover the Harbormaster’s raise.

Ms. Diffin introduced the idea that the committee might want to make the Harbor Account an enterprise account.

Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to ask Ms. Diffin to bring to the Select Board the idea of changing their account to an enterprise account.

b.  Committee Recommendation for Harbormaster Salary for FY 2016

See discussion above.

c.  Committee Recommendation for Harbor Fee Schedule for 2015 Boating Season


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This item was tabled.

d.  Other New Business

There was no other new business.

7.  Adjournment

Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.


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