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July 20, 2016
KET Multimedia Day



Unit 4 Learning Targets

Unit 4: Divide by One-Digit Numbers / Operations and Algebraic Thinking / OA 3 – Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies, including rounding. / ●LT 1 - I can use the correct operation to solve a multi-step word problem.
●LT 2 - I can explain the meaning of remainders in word problems.
●LT 3 - I can write equations using a variable to represent the unknown.
●LT 4 - I can use mental math or estimation strategies to check if my answer is reasonable.
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten / NBT 6 – Find whole number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and or area models. / ●LT 5 - I can divide a two-digit dividend by a one-digit divisor using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division.
●LT 6 - I can divide a three-digit dividend by a one-digit divisor using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division.
●LT 7 - I can divide a four-digit dividend by a one-digit divisor using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division.
●LT 8 - ·I can illustrate and explain my calculations by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.

CLICK HERE for a sample Self-Paced Menu!






Picture-Perfect Science


Crash Course KIDS YouTube Channel

Crash Course YouTube Channel

Illustrative Mathematics



Georgia Standards


SET A GOAL. CLick here to set a goal and make something happen!

Important Texts:

Digital Natives by Marc Prensky

blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schoolsby Michael B. Horn, Heather Staker, Clayton M. Christensen (Foreword by)

What is Blended Learning?

Video 1: Blended Basics (2:33)

What is a Digital Native?

PBS Video Clip

Content and Standards Resources:






Illuminations Math

Illustrative Mathematics

Influential People:

Alice Keeler- She wrote 50 Things You Can Do With Google Classroom.

Jennifer Gonzalez- Cult of Pedagogy


Google Drive

●Everyone has a Google Drive account now! Google is linked up with your Microsoft Outlook login, so you won’t need to do anything to set it up! It’s a great way to save/store/share!

Google Classroom

●This is the only way we function in our classroom! Students must have log-ins, but this is a great place to post links to videos, assignments, documents, etc.

Here’s a “Getting Started” video to help with Google Classroom

Here’s a Quick-Start Guide to Google Classroom


●GoNoodle gets over 10 million kids moving to be their strongest, bravest, silliest, smartest, bestest selves.

●Wonderopolis® is a place where natural curiosity and imagination lead to exploration and discovery in learners of all ages. Brought to life by the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL), our Wonders of the Day® will help you find learning moments in everyday life—ones that fit in with dinner preparations, carpool responsibilities, a stolen moment between breakfast and the bus, or within school curriculum and education programs.

Explore Boards

●These boards are much like Glogster, which we have seen in other trainings. You have the option of creating your own board, but there is a search feature to include only boards in your results. There are many that are pre-made and CCSS aligned.

PBS Learning Media

●This is a KET website, much like Discovery Education. Students do not need a log-in to search and view resources.

Move It:

●This is a Google Chrome extension to add to your presentations. You must be using Chrome! Get kids moving with this kinesthetic timer!


●Use this tool to create your own screencasts for instructional videos. This is a Chrome Extension that you can download from the Chrome Store. Make sure to use Chrome as your browser!


●Organizes your bookmarks and websites.


●Modify existing video to insert questions for students to answer at selected times. Students can not continue the video without answering the questions.


●Has current event-type articles at multiple Lexile levels. The entire class can read about the same topic, but you can level the articles accordingly. Sometimes there are up to 4 different Lexile levels. You can search by grade level.

Project Based Learning:

●There is a huge push for Project Based Learning. This is where students develop a real-life situation that they think needs to be improved/solved. At younger grade levels, students can be presented with an idea, question, problem. This requires critical thinking. There are sample PBL tasks at the websites below.

Making Projects Click

The Buck Institute

Socratic Seminar

●A way to encourage deep discussion and utilize higher-order thinking. A structured way to get students involved in driving discussions and truly communicating with each other. (A strategy to use to move toward a “4” in PGES in some areas.)


●A free website which allows you to record anything you do on your computer. It is a fantastic way to model BYOD lessons so students can see your expectations for the lesson.

Today’s Meet

●Besides being able to collaborate online students could also use this back channel to collect and store information for up to 30 days in small groups, post revised sentences from Primary Morning Work, or define key vocabulary from lessons.

●20 Ways to use Today’s Meet in the Classroom


●This is another resource to be used for collaboration/feedback/morning work, etc.

Poll Everywhere

●Constantly taking away student cell phones? Instead use them to assess students, take attendance, gather feedback, create word clouds, all through text messaging.


●Let students study through flashcards, tests, and study games. Create your own study sets, track student progress, and let them compete against each other!

iTunes U

●Countless educational podcasts covering all subject areas by credible resources. Assign courses to students - courses contain activities using video, audio, ibooks and apps. (Works on iOS devices).

●Doesn't have to be used just for students. There are also courses for teachers such as "Flipping Professional Development”

Digital Cameras

●Use Digital Cameras to enhance classroom lessons. Some great ideas include taking photos to prompt creative writing, use photos to illustrate technical writings, complete a geometry walk, capture interviews, etc.

Digital Passport

●Easily upload your class for free and track them as they complete 5 modules (lesson plans for teachers included) regarding digital citizenship. Students complete fun, engaging assessments at the completion of each module earning a Digital Passport which could be a prerequisite to bringing devices from home.

Online Stopwatch

●Can be used in countless ways to track time during any classroom lesson.

Is Your School New to BYOD?

●How to handle the "Have Nots"

Online Research

●Lesson plans for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students to improve online research techniques.

Kentucky Virtual Library

Apps for Literacy

●Here is a list of apps to use for literacy. They are divided up by topic/strategy. Some of them are paid apps, many are free.

Tumble Books

●Students can access, read, listen to, and quiz over ebooks. This is a fantastic tool to use with students who struggle with fluency. Many of these books are AR.

Moby Max

●This is a self-paced program where students work through content as they master it. It is a great resource to include on Must Do/Can Do boards and self-paced checklists because it delivers instruction and practice that is personalized for each student. Students earn badges as they answer questions correctly.

Study Jams

●This website is much like BrainPop, but it is completely free. It is focused for intermediate grades and higher. There are also step-by-step lessons for students to interact with on a variety of topics.


●This is a free resource that has video lessons aligned with CCSS Grades 2-12! This is a resources that shows up frequently on my self-paced checklists. There are so many quality video lessons, it may not be necessary for teachers to create a lesson for each concept they are teaching. This is a huge timesaver!

Khan Academy

●This is another resource that is a time saver. The instructional videos are broken into short segments with practice questions for many of the concepts and skills. There is a misconception that Khan Academy is only for middle and high school levels, but my students use it all the time. This is another staple in my self-paced units.

RECORD BOOK… has changed my life! :) Does your district STAR test?

Here are some of my sample self-paced checklists:

Subtraction Unit

Measurement Checklist I

Measurement Checklist II

Fraction Unit

Area and Perimeter Unit

Place Value, Addition and Subtract 4.NBT.1

Place Value, Addition and Subtraction 4.NBT.2

Take a sneak-peek into our classroom! Click HERE to watch!

Watch more about the challenges and rewards of implementing blended instruction in KDE’s feature video. Click HERE to watch!

Another look into my classroom. Click HERE to watch.


Set a goal. Statistics say that you are far more likely to follow through with a goal if you write it down. You don’t have to include your name, but please choose ONE thing that you will incorporate into your classroom TOMORROW… or by FRIDAY… or by NEXT FRIDAY or by the beginning of the school year!! (Write a SMART goal with a deadline!)

PS: Here’s an older Padlet I used for a PD in Warren County. There are some extra resources linked!

Here is a sample PADLET that my students used to respond to a Newsela article.

Here is a sample PADLET that my students used as they studied animal habitats.