Board of School Directors Meeting November 10, 2009

4:30 pm

Present: Meg Gallagher, Superintendent, Loren Pepe, Principal, Jennifer Iannantuoni, Butch Findeisen, Kristin Schiessl-Alf

Visitors – Sonia Burnham-Johnson

1. Call to Order – The meeting was opened at 4:00 pm, by Jennifer Iannantuoni, seconded by Butch Findeisen, and approved. A motion was made to accept the agenda as may be amended, seconded and APPROVED.

2. Financial – Sonia presented information on the budget; shortfalls and revenues. Sonia distributed a draft of the 2010/2011 budget. This was reviewed and discussed. Jennifer had a question on transportation which Sonia will check into and get an answer. Healthcare was discussed.

3. Minutes – A motion was made to approve the minutes from the October 16, 2009 meeting as may be amended, seconded and APPROVED.

4. Public Comments - none

5. Old Business –

a) Buildings and Grounds.

·  Buildings and Grounds update was distributed and discussed.

·  Pre-school bathroom – it was suggested that instead of a new bathroom, the bathroom that is in the back of the preschool room could be accessed. Changes in preschool room were discussed.

6. New Business –

a) Approve donation –

·  A motion was made to approve the Killington Rise Above Grant for $1994.00, seconded and APPROVED.

·  A motion was made to approve the public transfer of fund from the Town of Killington in the amount of $847.32, seconded and APPROVED.

7. Principals report

·  Prof. development/Inservice – a science consultant was hired for a teacher’s inservice. The teacher’s also had an inservice on Autism and Asperger’s.

·  Loren gave information on the Roots of Success

·  Vermont I –Team is knowledgeable and cost efficient.

·  Fire Safety Day was well done.

·  Think Cody fundraiser raised approx. $3600.00

·  Loren will meet with the Plymouth principal in the near future.

·  Trailblazers had their first meeting.

·  Parent Conferences went well.

·  Ski and Sport Swap went well. Shari Borzekowski and Lori Weirether did a great job running the swap.

·  Current enrollment is 77, pre-school 20

·  The flu clinic was successful.

Board Report – Kristin rode the bus. The children were well behaved.

8. Executive Session - none

9. Meetings – The next meeting will be Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 4:00 pm Sherburne Elementary School Library.

10. Adjournment – a motion was made to adjourn at 5:25 pm, seconded and APPROVED.

Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Sihler, Secretary