Mr. Marino

American Civilization 9 LRC

2010 – 2011 Class Syllabus

Contact Information

Phone: (215) 944-1358


Course Overview

American Civilization 9 LRC uses the period of American history from 1850 -1945 as a vehicle for the teaching of various disciplines within Social Studies. An emphasis is placed on political science and geography. In addition, reading comprehension and writing skills are further developed.

Units of Study



Westward Expansion

Rise of Industry and Political Reforms

The Growth of Cities and Immigration

Becoming a World Power

World War I

The Roaring 20s

The Great Depression

World War II

Skills That We Will Practice

Improve reading comprehension through the use of:

active reading strategies

  • Improve writing through the use of:


various note taking methods

Improve organization through the use of:

graphic organizers


  • Improve interpersonal skills through the use of:

cooperative learning and group projects

Assessment Procedures

Students will be assessed in a variety of ways. Individual assignments will be weighted based on the amount of effort and critical thinking required, and quarterly grades will be weighted by category as follows:

Tests / Projects 60%

In Class Assignments 30%

Homework 10%

Discipline Plan

Classroom Rules

  • Be prepared for class. This includes sitting in your seat and being ready to learn when the bell rings. Please also make sure that you have all the supplies and materials that you will need prior to the start of class.
  • Be respectful of others and their possessions. Please show common courtesy by keeping your hands and feet to yourself, demonstrating verbal respect, and keeping any criticisms positive.
  • Respect the learning environment. This includes not disrupting the learning environment by talking or getting out of your seat without permission. In addition, keep the area free of trash and do not bring food into the classroom.


Earn good grades

Positive feedback for a job well done

A note or a phone call home

Bonus points

Participation in field trips

Consequences (Weekly)

1stViolation – After class discussion to discuss the problem

2ndViolation – 30 minute after-school conference to resolve the problem

3rd Violation (or serious disruption) – 5 o’clock detention and / or administrative referral