Linked Data Workshop 27th – 28th May 2010

Summary of actions from Action Area sessions

Action Area 1: Developing and using URIs

Institutional perspective

·  Invite small number of like minded organisations to work together, but keep it small

·  Establish a “best practice” guide

·  Hugh Glaser @ Southampton invited URIs to be sent to him and he would maintain same-as relations

National perspective

·  Parties seeking interoperability can collaborate to establish:

·  Models for types of content

·  Best practice for URIs

·  Policies for URIs

·  Andreas Juffinger @ Europeana offered to host discussions / wiki space

Action Area 2: Encoded Archival Description (EAD)

Session 1

·  Dave Price (Oxford) and David Flanders (JISC) to lead the work.

·  Arrange a 2 day workshop of EAD subject experts and LD experts to took at data and devise an RDF data model.

·  Possible collections: Oxford (DP) and LoC (RS). LoC is developing an XML database which will be in beta in September.

·  EAD is the priority but consideration will be given to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) asap. Note that Oxford uses TEI within EAD.

Session 2

·  Mike Keller will initiate a student project to expose some EAD records as RDF.

·  The 60th anniversary of the US Civil War provides an opportunity to showcase EAD and other related material. RDF provides a good mechanism for aggregation. There are opportunities for funded projects in this area.

·  Newspaper collections could be interlinked through events. There are good opportunities for funded projects in this area.

Action Area 2: Freebase

·  SUL is contributing additional catalogue information to Freebase in RDF format.

·  Other organisations are invited to also contribute.

·  As the RDF is open, other service providers may choose to look at additional services or use the material to showcase alternate approaches.

Action Area 2: Rights issues

·  Look for uncontentious stuff;

·  Identify contentious stuff and begin working through issues, surface issues for working parties

·  Look to create models for blanket deals, either within the library community, or with publishers.

Richard Masters 1 of 2 2010 06 21