
To: / Secretary Marlin L. Mackey – PCC Chair
Cc: / Mike Baca – Project Oversight and Compliance
From: / Deputy Secretary Thomas A. McQuillan – TARC Chair
Date: / February17, 2010
Subject: / February 2010Technical Architectural Review Committee

The Department of Information Technology, Technical Architecture Review Committee (TARC) met on February 17, 2010 to review the Department of Public Safety (DPS), New Mexico Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NMLETS) Upgrade project., Taxation and Revenue Department (TRD) MVD Dealer and Vehicle Licensing System Reengineering project, and Department of Health (DOH) Health Assessment Tool (HAT). DPS, TRD, and DOH will request Project Implementation Certification at the February 2010 PCC meeting. Summary of TARC assessment is as follows:

DPS – NMLETS Upgrade Project

DPS Documents presented to TARC for review:

  • DPS Request for Project Architecture Review
  • DPS Project Compliance Spreadsheet
  • DPS NMLETS Upgrade Project Operations and Support Plan.
  • DPS NMLETS Project Network Architecture
  • DPS NMLETS Project Security Questionnaire
  • DPS NMLETS Upgrade Project Business Continuity Plan
  • DPS NMLETS Upgrade Project Presentation

TARC Recommendation to PCC => DPS NMLETS Upgrade Project has passed architectural review:

  • Full Committee – Passed Review with no recommendations and no contingencies.

TRD – MVD Dealer and Vehicle Licensing System Reengineering Project

TRD Documents presented to TARC for review:

  • TRD Project Compliance Spreadsheet
  • TRD MVD Project System Design Document
  • TRD MVD Project Operations and Support Plan.
  • TRD MVD Project Security Questionnaire
  • TRD MVD Project Business Continuity Plan
  • TRD MVD Project Presentation

TARC Recommendation to PCC => TRD MVD Project has passed architectural review:

  • Full Committee – Passed Review with no recommendations and no contingencies.

DOH – HAT Project

DOH Documents presented to TARC for review:

  • DOH Request for Project Architecture Review
  • DOH HAT Project Compliance Spreadsheet
  • DOH HAT Project System Design Document
  • DOH HAT Project Business Continuity Plan
  • DOH HAT Project Presentation

TARC Recommendation to PCC => DOH HAT Project has passed architectural review:

  • Full Committee – Passed Review with no recommendations and no contingencies.