The Lorna M. Peterson Prize

(Deadline for Nominations: March 1, 2013)

The Lorna M. Peterson Prize supports scholarly and creative work by undergraduate students taking part in Five College programs. The $500 prize is awarded annually based on nominations from Five College programs.

Dr. Lorna M. Peterson served as the Executive Director of the Five College Consortium from 1990-2009. This prize, established by the Five College Board of Directors and her colleagues and friends throughout the Consortium, honors her commitment to collaboration as a means of advancing understanding and expanding opportunity, especially for students.


·  Any undergraduate student participating in a Five College program is eligible for nomination.

·  Funds can be used to support such activities as scholarly work, performance, research or arts projects, conference attendance or travel related to student work.

·  Each Five College program may nominate one student per year.

Nomination Instructions:

·  Nominations must be submitted by a faculty member on behalf of a Five College program.

·  Nominations should be submitted by email to . (Subject Line: Lorna M. Peterson Prize Committee)

·  The email should include two PDF attachments, one from the faculty member writing on behalf of the nominating program, another from the student being nominated.

·  The nominating letter (1-2 pages) should identify the nominating program and the primary author of the nominating letter (with contact information). It should describe the student’s past work in the program field and relationship to the program, how the prize will support the student’s work and development, and how the student’s work will contribute to the development of others.

·  The student’s statement (1-2 pages) should describe the work the prize will support, why the work is interesting, how it connects to the work of the Five College program, and how the work will be shared with others.

Submit to: (Subject line: Lorna M. Peterson Prize Committee) (Deadline: March 1, 2013)

Awards Announced: March 2013

For further information, contact Nate Therien, Five College Director for Academic Programs, at 413/542-4011 or