SHM Inquiry Investigation

Station 1 –

Materials: Ruler, 3 masses, hooks, fulcrum

Information:Torque causes an object to rotate (and no longer be in equilibrium). The fulcrum is the pivot point around which the object rotates.

To Do:Place two masses on either side of side of the fulcrum until it balances. Repeat but use two different masses.

Question 1a – How are the distance from the fulcrum and force of gravity related?

Question 1b – What factors seem to have an affect on torque?

Station 2 –

Materials: Ring stand with pendulum and stopwatch

Information: Period is the time for the pendulum to swing back and forth one time.

To Do: Pull back the pendulum to various release points. Measure the period each time

Question 2- How does release point affect the period of a pendulum?

Station 3 –

Materials- Pendulum, 3 different masses, stopwatch

Information: Period is the time for the pendulum to swing back and forth one time.

To Do: Measure the period for pendulums with different masses.

Questions 3- How does mass affect period of pendulum?

Station 4 –

Materials- 3 Pendulums of different length, stopwatch

Information: Period is the time for the pendulum to swing back and forth one time.

To Do:Pull back mass at end of pendulum to the same place every time and measure period.

Questions 4- How does length affect period of a pendulum?

Station 5-

Materials- Spring, stopwatch

Information: Period is the time for the spring to move up and down one time.

To Do: Measure the period for spring each time.

Questions 5- How does the distance pulled affect the period of a spring?

Station 6 -

Materials- 3 different Springs, stopwatch

Information: Period is the time for the spring to move up and down one time. Spring constant is a measure of the “Stiffness” of the spring.

To Do: Measure the period for each spring.

Question 6- How does spring constant affect the period of a spring?

Station 7 -

Materials: Spring, 3 different masses, stopwatch

Information: Period is the time for the spring to move up and down one time.

To Do: Measure the period for spring with different masses.

Question 7- How does mass constant affect the period of a spring?

Station 8 -

Materials: Spring, 4 masses, ruler

Information: Equilibrium is when net force is 0. “Stretch distance” = x is distance spring moves from equilibrium when NO weight is on spring.

To do: Measure the equilibrium length. Measure x as you add more weights

Question 8: How does F (from hanging mass) affect x?