Santa Barbara, CA
Copyright 2014 by The American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Exclusively published and distributed by Architectural Computer Services, Inc. (ARCOM) for the AIA
Revise this Section by deleting and inserting text to meet Project-specific requirements.
This Section uses the term "Architect." Change this term to match that used to identify the design professional as defined in the General and Supplementary Conditions.
Verify that Section titles referenced in this Section are correct for this Project's Specifications; Section titles may have changed.
- Section includes framing using structural glued-laminated timber.
- Product Data: For each type of product.
- Sustainable Design Submittals:
"Product Certificates" Subparagraph below applies to LEED 2009, Materials and Resources Credit 5, "Regional Materials."
- Use LEED FORMS provided in section 01 18 13 Green Building Requirements to organize the following submittals.
- Material Cost Data for individual products.
- Each wood and wood-based product.
- A lump sum cost for Timber Connectors.
- Verification of Recycled Content.
- Not required for Timber Connectors.
- Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) documentation for all adhesives and sealants.
- No-Added Urea Formaldehyde Content documentation for plywood, engineered wood products (including OSB), and laminating adhesives.
- California Air Resources Board (CARB) formaldehyde content documentation for plywood, and engineered wood products including purchase invoices indicating required products were purchased for the project.
- Purchase Invoices for all wood and wood-based products, regardless of whether the wood is required to be properly Chain of Custody or not.
- Certified Chain-of-Custody certification certificates from one of the following standards.
a.Forest Stewardship Council (FSC): via FSC CoC certificate.
b.Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI): via SFI CoC certificate.
c.American Tree Farm System (ATFS): via SFI CoC certificate.
d.Canadian Standards Association (CSA): via SFI CoC certificate.
e.Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC): via PEFC CoC certificate.
f.Other certificates are not acceptable, These include, but are not limited to: (i) SFI Fiber Sourcing certificate, (ii) PEFC Due Diligence System, and (iii) FSC Controlled Wood certificate
- For all wood products designated as “Certified,” provide evidence of compliance with Chain of Custody standards as follows:
- Demonstrate that products are Chain of Custody certified by providing vendor invoices. Invoices will contain the vendor’s Chain of Custody number and will identify each FSC, SFI, or PEFC Chain of Custody certified product on a line-item basis. A “vendor” is defined as the company that furnishes wood products to project contractors or subcontractors for on-site installation.
- Wood products for which acceptable documentation is not submitted shall be rejected and their removal required.
- Shop Drawings:
- Show layout of structural glued-laminated timber system and full dimensions of each member.
- Indicate species and laminating combination, adhesive type, and other variables in required work.
Retain "Certificates of Conformance" Paragraph below unless only using stock beams.
- Certificates of Conformance: Issued by a qualified testing and inspecting agency indicating that structural glued-laminated timber complies with requirements in AITCA190.1.
Usually retain first option in "Manufacturer Qualifications" Paragraph below unless work is nonstructural or of unusual species and design. Revise if other certification is required. Retain second option if required for LEED. Before retaining, verify that manufacturers comply.
- Certified Wood Certification Requirement: Wood and wood-based products must be obtained from vendor sources certified by an FSC-accredited certification body complaint with STD-01-001, "FSC Principles and Criteria for Forest Stewardship.” Or SFIaccredited or PEFC-accredited certification body complaint with ASTM D7612-10 (2015), " Categorizing Wood and Wood-Based Products According to Their Fiber Sources.”
- Chain of CustodyCertification Required: All wood products, including but not limited to: hardwood, softwood, and composite and engineered woods including, but not limited to; solid lumber, engineered lumber, plywood, door cores, particleboard, medium density fiberboard, and hardboard.
- Chain of Custody Certification Exemption – Recycled Content: Particleboard and medium density fiberboard products that provide recycled content documentation claims from manufacturers meeting the definitions for preconsumer and postconsumer content as defined in International Standard ISO 14021–1999, Environmental Labels and Declarations – Self-Declared Environmental Claims (Type II Environmental Labeling).
- Blank
- Purchase Invoices: Must be provided for all wood and wood-based purchased products, whether Chain of Custody Certified, Not-Chain of Custody Certified, or Exempt form Chain of Custody. Invoices must contain the vendor’s Chain-of-Custody (COC) number and identify each Chain of Custody certified product on a line-item basis.
- Vendor: Defined as the company that furnishes wood products to project contractors and/or subcontractors for on-site installation. This includes subcontractors who substantially modify a purchased product, for example, a cabinet maker who cuts sheet products into small pieces to make an assembly, such as a drawer.
B.Composite wood products: Products must comply with the California Green Building Standards Code 2013 (CalGreen), Section 5.504.4.5. Hardwood plywood, particleboard and medium density fiberboard composite wood products used on the interior or exterior of the buildings shall meet the requirements for formaldehyde as specified in CARB's Air Toxics Control Measure for (ATCM) Composite Wood (17 CCR 93120 et seq.). Those materials not exempted under the ATCM must meet the specified emission limits, as shown in CalGreen Table 5.504.4.5.
- General: Comply with provisions in AITC111.
- Individually wrap members using plastic-coated paper covering with water-resistant seams.
See Editing Instruction No.1 in the Evaluations for cautions about named manufacturers and products. For an explanation of options and Contractor's product selection procedures, see Division01 Section "Product Requirements."
- Manufacturer:Western Wood Structures, or approved equal.
- General: Provide structural glued-laminated timber that complies with AITCA190.1 and AITC117 or research/evaluation reports acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction.
Usually retain first subparagraph below if retaining requirement in "Quality Assurance" Article that manufacturer is an AITC- or APA-EWS-licensed firm.
- Factory mark each piece of structural glued-laminated timber with AITC Quality Mark or APA-EWS trademark. Place mark on surfaces that are not exposed in the completed Work.
Usually retain first subparagraph below, even for dry-use applications, because wet-use adhesive is not affected by wetting during delivery and construction.
- Provide structural glued-laminated timber made with wet-use adhesive complying with AITCA190.1.
- Provide Chain of Custody certified wood products.
- Provide composite wood, including plywood and engineered lumber, compliant with the following requirements:
- Contains no added urea-formaldehyde content.
- Meets California Air Resources Board (CARB), Air Toxics Control Measure for (ATCM) Composite Wood (17 CCR 93120 et seq.).
- Binding Adhesives: Adhesives used to fabricate any composite wood product must not contain any urea-formaldehyde content.
"Adhesives" Subparagraph below applies to LEED 2009 NC, CI, and CS CreditIEQ4.4.
Retain "Species and Grades for Structural Glued-Laminated Timber" Paragraph below if structural properties, combination symbols, or beam stress classifications are indicated on Drawings.
- Species and Grades for Structural Glued-Laminated Timber: Douglas fir-larch that complies with combination symbols indicated.
- Species and Grades for Beams:
"Species and Beam Stress Classification" Subparagraph below includes examples of typical beam stress classifications. Douglas fir-larch and southern pine are also available in 26F-1.9E; southern pine is also available in 28F-2.1E.
- Species and Beam Stress Classification: Douglas fir-larch, 24F-1.8E
Retain one of two options in "Lay-up" Subparagraph below. Balanced lay-ups are for cantilevered and continuous span applications but can be used for simple spans; unbalanced lay-ups are for simple spans.
- Lay-up:
- Unbalanced at simple-span beams.
- Balanced at cantilevered beams and beams continuous over a support.
Usually retain "Appearance Grade" Paragraph below. Premium grade is the best for appearance and may require longer lead time, Architectural grade is for transparent or painted finish, and Industrial and Framing grades are for use where appearance is unimportant. For Architectural grade, voids on the surfaces of members larger than 3/4 inch (19 mm) are required to be filled with wood-tone filler or wood inserts. For Premium grade, all voids on the surfaces are required to be filled. Typically, manufacturers use the wood-tone filler unless wood inserts are specified. Wood filler may not stain the same as the rest of the beam. The use of wood inserts, which are to be specified only with Premium-grade beams, typically increases the cost of the laminated timbers. For timbers that are stained and if unfilled voids on the surfaces are not objectionable, Industrial-grade beams may be specified. Framing grade is hit or miss, surfaced on two sides only so it is the full width of lumber used for laminations. A complete description of appearance grades is given in AITC110, available from AITC. Appearance grades do not determine number or size of knots and other defects allowed; these requirements are determined by combination symbol or structural properties specified. Special surface-treatment requirements such as rough-sawn surfacing are available from most manufacturers.
- Appearance Grade:Industrial, complying with AITC110.
- Manufacturer: Simpson Strong-tie, or approved equal.
- Materials: Unless otherwise indicated, fabricate from the following materials:
- Structural-steel shapes, plates, and flat bars complying with ASTMA36/A36M.
- Round steel bars complying with ASTMA575, GradeM1020.
- Hot-rolled steel sheet complying with ASTMA1011/A1011M, Structural Steel, TypeSS, Grade33.
- Finish steel assemblies and fasteners with rust-inhibitive primer, 2-mildry film thickness.
Usually retain last paragraph above for dry use and mild moisture exposure. Delete above and retain paragraph below for more severe wet use.
- Hot-dip galvanize steel assemblies and fasteners after fabrication to comply with ASTMA123/A123M or ASTMA153/A153M.
- End Sealer: Manufacturer's standard, transparent, colorless wood sealer that is effective in retarding the transmission of moisture at cross-grain cuts and is compatible with indicated finish.
- Penetrating Sealer: Manufacturer's standard, transparent, penetrating wood sealer that is compatible with indicated finish.
- Adhesives and Sealants.
- Products must not exceed the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) limits noted on project drawings A0.02 and A0.03, 2013 California Green Building Standards Code (CalGreen), Pages 1 (A0.02) and 2 (A0.03). Refer to CalGreen Section 5.504.4.1 Adhesives, Sealants and Caulks.
It is often advisable to allow Contractor to order glulam beams slightly long, cut them to length, and machine them for connections at Project site to ensure a proper fit. Delete first paragraph below if Project-site fitting is allowed.
- Shop fabricate for connections to greatest extent possible, including cutting to length and drilling bolt holes.
- Camber: Fabricate horizontal and inclined members of less than 1:1 slope with either circular or parabolic camber equal to 1/500 of span.
Usually retain "End-Cut Sealing" Paragraph below.
- End-Cut Sealing: Immediately after end cutting each member to final length, apply a saturation coat of end sealer to ends and other cross-cut surfaces, keeping surfaces flood coated for not less than 10 minutes.
Usually retain "Seal Coat" Paragraph below.
- Seal Coat: After fabricating, sanding, and end-coat sealing, apply a heavy saturation coat of penetrating sealer on surfaces of each unit.
- General: Erect structural glued-laminated timber true and plumb and with uniform, close-fitting joints. Provide temporary bracing to maintain lines and levels until permanent supporting members are in place.
Retain subparagraph below for glued-laminated timber that is exposed to view.
- Handle and temporarily support glued-laminated timber to prevent surface damage, compression, and other effects that might interfere with indicated finish.
Retain "Cutting" Paragraph below if glulams are shop fabricated.
- Cutting: Avoid extra cutting after fabrication. Where field fitting is unavoidable, comply with requirements for shop fabrication.
Delete paragraph below if glulams are shop fabricated.
- Fit structural glued-laminated timber by cutting and restoring exposed surfaces to match specified surfacing.
- Predrill for fasteners using timber connectors as templates.
- Finish exposed surfaces to remove planing or surfacing marks.
- Coat cross cuts with end sealer.
- Repair damaged surfaces after completing erection. Replace damaged structural glued-laminated timber if repairs are not approved by Architect.
- Do not remove wrappings on individually wrapped members until they no longer serve a useful purpose, including protection from weather, sunlight, soiling, and damage from work of other trades.
- Slit underside of wrapping to prevent accumulation of moisture inside the wrapping.