Reaction Number: Lit. Ref: Repeat of Exp. No.

Risk Assessment

Matrix / 4
Explosive / 3
Highly Toxic / 2
Stench / 1
Novel research / For Gaseous reagents use the risk matrix one unit higher / Explosive / Carcinogen; Mutagen; Teratogen; Sensitiser / Highly Toxic / Toxic / Pyrophoric in air or in contact with water / Lachymator / Stench-complete form on the web / Highly Flammable; Flammable / Harmful/Irritant / Oxidising / Corrosive / Novel Research Substance
>100° or >1 atm / * / * / * / H / H / * / M / H / H / M / H / H / * / Consult safety advisor
rt-100° or <1 atm / H / * / * / M / M / H / L / M / H / L / M / M / H / High
rt or less; & 1 atm. / M / * / * / L / M / H / L / L / M / L / L / L / M / Medium
<5g / 5-
100g / 100g / <5g / 5-
100g / 100g / <5g / 5-
100g / 100g / <5g / 5-
100g / 100g / L / Low
Compound / FW / d / Quantity / mmols / equiv
Control Measures / Fire Extinguishing / Disposal After Experiment / Experimental Conditions
Safety Specs Obligatory / CO2 / [ ] / Waste solvent (Non Chlorinated) [ ] / Heat ? / N/……….. / °C / See hot reactions risk assessment
Fume Hood Obligatory / Dry Powder / [ ] / Waste Solvent (Chlorinated) [ ] / Reflux /condenser ? / N /Y
Lab Coat Obligatory / Special(Specify) [ ] / Can aqueous waste be disposed to drains? (consult website) [ ]
Special Treatment (specify) [ ] / Cooling ? / N/ 0 / °C / See cold reactions risk assessment
Gloves / [ ] / Pressure? / N/……….. / bar / See standard risk assessment; For pressure reactions complete a special risk assessment
Type / Vacuum? / N/……….. / mbar
Full Face Shield / [ ] / Emergency Treatment / Inert Atmosphere ? / N/Y / See inert atmosphere protocols
Safety Screen / [ ] / Wash exposed area
with copious water [ ] / Suitable for out of hours work? / All / WU / RUN / NO
Spillage Procedure
Special Ops Suite / [ ] / Use Std. Protocol (see appendix) [ ]
Other (Specify) / [ ] / Seek medical advice [ ] / Evacuate Area [ ] / Highest Risk Ranking / * / H / M / L
For hazards in risk matrix 3, is occupational health screening required? (consult website) [ ] / Other (specify) [ ] / Special Procedure (Specify) [ ]
Other notes.
Other Risks not considered above: / Hazard
(1,2,3) / Likelihood (1,2,3) / Risk (H,M,L) / Actions to minimise risk and notes
Operation or Hazard
Name / Signature / Countersigned / Date