Name ______Date ______Period ___


1. In 1922, Benito Mussolini seized control of the Italian government. Roman Catholicism was named the

official state religion. Labor unions were abolished, strikes were forbidden, and political opponents

were silenced. Mussolini gave free rein to big business and reduced workers’ wages. Mussolini’s rule is

an example of what type of government? A dictatorship is when one person has control of the entire

govt. due to power, not blood lines.

2. What is the main difference between a democracy and a dictatorship?In a dictatorship one person has

control of the entire govt. due to power and a democracy is a govt. by the people.

3. George II was the King of England from 1760 to 1820. As ruler of the British Empire, King George’s

policies led to discontent in the American Colonies. This discontent sparked the American Revolution

in 1776, in which the Americans won their independence from the King’s rule. King George III’s govt.

was an example of what type of government? A monarchy is ruled by one individual who attains

position because of blood lines.

4. Let’s say that the people of California are unhappy with one of their senators in Washington. They are

upset because he has not done anything he promised to do during the election. What is the most likely

way the citizens of California can have their views better represented? The easiest way to remove a

legislator from office is through elections. Vote him out.

5. Give an example of American democracy in action: If college students are upset with the military

involvement in Afghanistan what could they do. What could they do to let their voice be heard? What

freedom are they using from the Bill Of Rights? Political Protest/In a democracy, freedom of speech is

protected. In the United State, the Constitution protects the right to protest.

6. Under a monarchy system of government where does power traditionally go when the monarch dies?

They pass their rule to their heir. It could be their first born son or if there is no son it could go to their

daughter, neice or nephew.

7. How can you show democracy in action at 18 years of age and older?Voting

  1. Give an example of a monarchy by telling how Queen Elizabeth of England became Queen.

Queen Elizabeth became the queen when her father died and the reign went to the only heir, Queen Elizabeth.

  1. Sometimes countries do not get along if they have different types of government. The reason the United States and North Korea don’t get along is North Korea has a ___dictatorship____ form of government and the United States has a ______Democracy______.
  2. Adolf Hitler controlled Germany in the 1930’s. He was what type of a leader?dictator
  1. What was the main reason the Founding fathers insisting on a democracy for the United States?

They felt that being ruled by a King in another country was ridiculous. They wanted the power to rule themselves, so they declared their independence & went to war with England for their freedom.

  1. What type of governmentdoes France, Germany, United States, and Mexico have?Republic/
    elected representatives have political power, and there is no monarch.
  1. Fidel Castro became the dictator of Cuba in 1959. How would he have become the leader if he is a dictator? He overthrew the previous leadership easily by promising democratic reforms but he became the same kind of dictator.
  1. What type of democracy does the United States have? How do you elect your leaders?Representative democracy
  2. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. How is a constitutional monarchy different from an absolute monarchy? In a constitutional monarchy the monarch is just the head of state but the constitution is what the country is run by and the elected officials are the ones who make most of the decisions. In an absolute monarchy all decisions are made by the monarch unless he or she allows opthers to be a part of that decision making.



On the test be able to put each of these on a chart under the correct government heading of:

Monarchy Dictatorship Democracy Theocracy

  1. This form of government is based on the idea that the majority should rule. democracy
  2. In this form of government, ordinary people have no input or say in the way in which they are governed. dictatorship
  3. In this form of government, all political authority comes from the people. democracy
  4. In this form of government, ordinary people’s basic rights are respected. Democracy
  5. In this form of government, all the power is held by a single individual or small group. dictatorship
  6. This form of government does not allow the general population to exercise any influence.dictatorship
  7. In this form of government, citizens can vote for a candidate whom they feel will represent

their interests.Democracy

  1. In this form of government, people don’t vote on laws. Harsh laws are enforced violently and brutally.


  1. In this form of government, non-religious rulers surrender civil rule to religious leaders.


  1. In this form of government, the ruler inherits political power. Monarchy
  1. In this form of government, government policy is seen as a heavenly guide. Theocracy
  1. In this form of government, there is a continuity of leadership within the same family.


  1. This form of government is thought to be the most common form of government in ANCIENT

times. Monarchy

  1. The purpose of government is to enforce God’s laws. Theocracy
  1. In this form of government, the leader is part of the royal family, which acts as a training

ground for future rule. Monarchy

  1. In this form of government, power by government leaders is often used to oppose rival

religions. Theocracy