Sturgis Soccer Association

Meeting Minutes

Monday, July 17, 2017 @ 7:00 p.m.

Board Members Attending: Bryce Richter, Scottie Bruch, Miguel Tobias, Alicia Salazar, Mark Rambow, Lindsey Duprel, P.J. Conover, Justin Foster, Jessie Glodt, Melissa Bennett, Don Wolkenhauer, & Bryce Lassle.

The meeting was held at the Sturgis Chamber of Commerce and called to order by President, Bryce R., at 7:00 pm.

Mark R. made a motion to approve the amended Policies and Procedures for July 2017. Motion seconded. Motion passes.

Approval of May 2017 meeting minutes. Motion made by Alicia S. Second by P.J. C. Minutes approved. Approval of June 2017 minutes. Motion made by Alicia S. Second by Justin F. Minutes approved.

New Business

Justin F. reported on his findings for uniform vendor. Challenger will charge $14-$16/ jersey, $10-$11 for Under Armour with no printing. No cold hard prices yet until there is a number of how many kids there will be playing. Once Justine has numbers to compare he will email it out to the board.

The Uniform Policy from May 14, 2002 was presented by Don W. If the Uniform policy is approved Don would like to have it posted and distributed so everyone knows. P.J. commented that Uniform Policy #1 would state: Non- Sponsored (added to the wording) & Sponsored are kept for Fall/Spring season. If a coach leaves the team will stay with the sponsorship for the year. –Motion was made on the Uniform Policy and Procedures by Lindsey D. Motion second by Mark R. Motion carries.

Bryce R. reported on the city funding. SSA will need to have a group of people to take the time and effort to get all the information needed to start this project. Skull construction presented a few different options for the field and prices. Bryce R. proposed a Task Force be formed for getting the ball rolling and develop a plan. This Task Force be made up of SSA Board and City and they will bring back their information to the board. Suggested members: Don W., Miguel T., Mark R. & Justin F.- Need to find outside help also. P.J. made a motion that these listed would form the committee for this project. Alicia S. Second the motion. Motion passes.

Mark R. made a motion for the city funding money of $100,000 go into the cities proposed concession stand/ bathrooms with negotiation on location of the building. Seconded by Lindsey D. Motion passes.

Bryce R. reported that there has been questions about U16 and High School students registering for rec soccer. Will we allow them to come back to rec after the school season is over. Freshmen and up don’t get to play rec. If U16 (8th graders) we will make acceptation for them to play on a team of 7th & 8th graders, but they can’t play at tournaments. U14 can play in tournaments. 7th and 8th grade girls can form a team and call it whatever they want.

Don W. made a motion that a High School player can’t play on a rec team if they have played one game for the HS season. Miguel second. Motion passes.


President’s report- Bryce R. reported that First Interstate would like to offer a fundraising opportunity during rally. SSA would be in charge of parking in the parking lot Aug. 10 5pm-10pm. All money collected would go to SSA. Scottie B. will coordinate with Melissa B to get information out for volunteers. Scottie will also need to pick up a vendors license from the city.

VP report- Mark R. reported that the HS coaches camp went fine. 65 registered and 10 walk ons for the camp. Numbers were good.

Treasures report- P.J. C reported that checking is at $12,000, savings $10,000. There should be a payment from the school of $10,000 in soon.

Secretary report- no report

Publicity report- Melissa B. gave a report on the ODP mini camp in Aberdeen. 20 kids from Sturgis were nominated and 7 went to the mini camp, 3 went to the State camp. No funding has been approved for the kids that go to ODP- funding is out of pocket right now. A selection committee was approved. Melissa would like to find replacements for the committee (2) to keep going. She will talk to the HS coaches for help. P.J. commented that he would like to see a funding form.

Scheduler report- Don W. reported that the scheduling meeting will be set after the team placement committee meets.

Head Referee report- Bryce L. reported that Aug. 19 will be the new certification for refs. October –November there is a convention for re-certification.

Fundraising report- Scottie B. reported that she would like to try to have some fun events to fundraise. One idea is a Beer & Yoga. She asked if it would be okay to have a fundraising event in the community that involved beer and the answer was yes. She has more ideas that will be presented later.

Director of Field and Maintenance report- Miguel T. reported that the gear bags and gear that the coaches were issued needs to be turned in. He isn’t able to evaluate the gear. He would like to get together with Justin F. (Uniform Coord) and go through everything. He also would like to get together with the HS coaches and see what they need- he hasn’t heard from them yet. He will contact Kristi & Brenda to see. There needs to be a shopping limit set.

Don W. made a motion of a $2,500 limit for Miguel to use on soccer gear & equipment. Lindsey D. second the motion. Motion passes.

Miguel would like to have gear bags returned this Thursday 5:30pm at the fields. Field painting will be required for each team to do this fall. He will meet with the city and see about having a stock pile of dirt or sand at the fields to fill holes.

Registrar report- Alicia S. reported that 149 players registered so far. U14-16 coaches are needed. The team placement committee needs a board member. Melissa B. said she would be on the committee. They will meet August 16 at 5:30 p.m. The board will have a special meeting following. There also is a need for U10 girls coaches.

Sponsorship report- Lindsey D. reported that it would be good to have our sponsors put in the Chamber newsletter. She will do some advertising; place on the website and email info out.

Bryce R. in closing asked – What direction are we wanting to go with SSA? Rec or transitioning to club? What are we and what direction do we want to go? He also would like to discuss Policies to revise, maybe a retreat weekend to work on them? Times & Dates need to be suggested.

P.J. motioned to Adjourn the meeting. Lindsey seconded the motion. Motion passes. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Minutes submitted by,

Jessie Glodt

SSA Secretary

Email Vote

July 31, 2017

Justin contacted me over the weekend and informed me of the proposed uniforms that he would like to present to the Board for approval. After taking bids and reviewing options from multiple different providers over the past few months, Justin would like to recommend to the Board to proceed with the purchase of the uniforms for the 2017/2018 outdoor seasons from Challenger Teamwear. Specifically, he would like to propose the purchase of the attached uniforms. Please note, this is for the U10 and above age group teams and will not apply to the U6 & U8. Those t-shirts will continue to be done through Tom’s T’s unless the Board feels differently and a motion and second is made to consider other options on them.

These uniforms are a bit more expensive, Youth sizes at $21.49 and Adult sizes at $23.45 (both w/ sponsor logo) however with the money that will theoretically be saved with having teams retain a sponsor from the fall to the spring season and players retaining those uniforms from season to season the actual cost to the association is lessened. As you can see, the uniforms are Under Armour branded. The proposed Sturgis Soccer logo could either go upper center of the uniform, with the sponsor’s logo below, or could go upper left chest as we’ve traditionally done.

Justin is making the motion to award the 2017/2018 outdoor uniforms to Challenger Teamwear and to purchase these specific uniforms. Please vote with either a “Yes” to accept this motion or a “No” to decline it. Please post any questions that you have on this proposal to this email for all to see and so Justin’s response can also be seen by everyone. For all “Yes” votes, please also indicate if you would prefer the SSA logo on the center of the uniform as pictured or the upper left as we’ve traditionally done.

Yes Votes: 12

Center placing: 5

Upper Left placing: 7

Motion passes with all yes votes with placement of the logo on the upper left.