Certificate Course in Paper Mache Course Details

  • Course Id : UMSAS/Paper Mache
  • Candidate Eligibility:Not Required/Traditional Art
  • No. Of NOS (If QP) : n/a
  • NSQF Level : n/a
  • Cost Category : 3
  • Course Duration
  • Theory duration :149
  • Practical duration : 355
  • OJT duration : 0

Trainer Qualification Work Experience

Trainer Qualification / Work Experience
  • Minimum –Complete Trained in Paper Mache Art Passed From any affiliated institution.
  • Certified for Job Role: “Trained In Paper Machewith minimum accepted 50%
  • Recommended that the Trainer is certified for the Job Role: “Trained In Paper Mache Art with minimum accepted 50%
  • Alternatively, must have successfully undergone a CGSC organized TOT workshop on “How to Trainer (N/A).
  • Minimum 1 to 2 years of Paper Mache experience in relevant job role and a Minimum of 1 to 2 years and Training experience in relevant job role.
  • State Award, National Award or equivalent Award.


Nameand address ofsubmitting body:

Upendra Maharathi Shilp Anusandhan Sansthan, Patna

Ministry of Industries, Govt of Bihar

Patliputra Industrial Estate


(0612) 2262482

Nameand contact detailsofindividualdealingwiththesubmission

Name:Shri. Aahok Kumar Sinha

Positionintheorganisation: Deputy Development Officer (D.D.O)

Telnumber(s):(0612) 2262482

Mobile: 9431049498


QualificationTitle / Certificate Course in Paper Mache
QualificationCode / UMSAS
Nature and purpose ofthequalification / Nature: Certificate Course
Purpose: Qualified learners who attain the above skill can also become an entrepreneur.
Body/bodies whichwillaward thequalification / Upendra Maharathi Shilp Anusndhan Sansthan, Patna
(Certificate Awarded by UMSAS, Patna)
Body which willaccreditproviders to offercoursesleading to thequalification / Upendra Maharathi Shilp Anusndhan Sansthan, Patna
(Certificate Awarded by UMSAS, Patna))
Body/bodies whichwillcarry out assessmentoflearners / Examination Cell of Handicraft, Patna
Occupation(s) to whichthequalification givesaccess / Paper Mache
Licensingrequirements / Not Applicable
Level of the qualificationintheNSQF / n/a
Anticipated volumeoftraining/learning requiredtocomplete thequalification / 504
Entry requirementsand/orrecommendations / Not Required/Traditional Art
Progression fromthequalification / Job Progression:After completion of course and after 1 year of field experience the trainee can work as painter and Artist.
Planned arrangementsforthe Recognition ofPriorlearning(RPL) / Yes
Internationalcomparabilitywhereknown / N/A
Date of planned reviewofthequalification. / N/A
Formal structure of the qualification
Title of component and identification code / Mandatory/Optional / Estimated size (learning hours / Viva –voce / Practical hours / Level
1. History and Tradition / M / 84 / 84 / - / N/a
2. Pulp ready and giving ratio knowledge. / M / 84 / 13 / 71 / N/a
3. Finishing the statute and decoration. / M / 84 / 13 / 71 / N/a
4.Statute ready mold plaster of perish. / M / 84 / 13 / 71 / N/a
5. Throw Pulp casting framed, coloring the statute. / M / 84 / 13 / 71 / N/a
6.Evaluation the statute and ready eight sample during training / M / 84 / 13 / 71 / N/a
TOTAL / 504 / 149 / 355



Examination cell - Upendra Maharathi Shilp Anusandhan Sansthan, Patna

HowwillRPLassessmentbemanagedandwhowillcarryit out?

YES. Learnerswho have met the requirementsof any Unit Standard that forms partof thisqualification mayapply for recognitionof prior learning to the relevantEducationbody. The applicantmust be assessedagainst the specific outcomes andwith the assessmentcriteriafor the relevant UnitStandards.

Describetheoverallassessmentstrategyandspecificarrangements whichhavebeenputin placetoensurethatassessmentisalwaysvalid,reliableandfairandshowthatthesearein linewiththerequirementsoftheNSQF.


- Criteria for assessment based on each learning outcomes, will be assigned marks proportional to its importance.

- The assessment for the theory &practical part is based on knowledge bank of questions created by trainers and approved by Examination cell (UMSAS, Patna)

- For each Individual batch, Examination cell will create unique question papers for theory part as well as practical for each candidate at each examination.

- To pass the Qualification, every trainee should score a minimum of 40% in each Theory and 60% in each Practical subject.

- Assessmentcomprises the following components:

>Job carried out in labs/workshop

>Record book/ daily diary

>Answer sheet of assessment

>Viva –voce

>Progress chart

>Attendance and punctuality


UMSAS Patna faculty teaching the Handicraftcourse, also assesses the students as per guidelines set by Examination cell of UMSAS.


Minimum 75% attendance is compulsory for the students to appear for the assessments.


Sr. No. / Method of Assessments / Weightage
1 / Practical test / 70
2 / Viva –voce / 30
Total / 100


Passing criteria is based on marks obtain in attendance record, term works , assignments, practical’s performance, viva or oral exam, module test, class test, practical exam and final exam

Minimum Marks to pass practical exam – 70%

Minimum Marks to pass theory exam – 30%

Grade Equivalents:-

>85% Ex

>65% & <85% A

>50% & <65% B

>35% & <50% C

<35% D


The assessment results are backed by evidences collected by assessors. Successful trainees are awarded the certificates by UMSAS, Patna.