Paper Present for WAY XV General Assembly 1)

“Bismillahir Rahamanirr Rahaim”

(By the name of God who Is most powerful & merciful)

Alhamdulillah (all price to God)

“Role of National youth councils in Meeting the global peace challenge”.

Allhaj. Mohammad Fazlul Haque, CDYW (UK)

Chairman & CEO Jatiya Torun Sangha (JTS)

The youth & social welfare council of Bangladesh.Vice chairman, Asian youth Council (AYC) & STI/AIDS Network of Bangladesh (SANB).

To-days world is very much need of peace. Peace not only need in crisis or conflict areas, like Kashmir(India-Pakistan), Palestine (Arab-Israel), Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya and some African and Latin American and other issues in this world. Beside this we have inter-faith, Inter-race, inter-culture as well as in many nations having domestic, political, social and climate problem; then we have labor-farmer, student-youth unrest, malnutrition, over population and HIV/AIDS problem. These all are hampering peace & peace process.


No peace possible in anybody’s life without meeting human basic needs. We need peace in person, family, society, nation and whole world. To obtain peace we, the respective national youth councils must work to meetthe minimum requirement of human basic need so that we can have food, shelter, cloth, education & proper medical care-these should start from the grassroots level. Un employment and fascist rulers are also big threat to obtain peace.

Eve teasing:-

Now a day’s Eve teasing is a series problem in Bangladesh. May be this also a problem in other countries? It has become such a problem unfortunately, which is created by young people and victims are also young girls. Sometimes parents, teachers even young girl’s brother are also victims, some people put on death. Eve teasing becomes a series problem and threat to peace in parson family, society and whole nation of Bangladesh. Youth councils, youth organizations like boys scout, girls guide, and junior chamber, youth-red cross, Leo, rotarect clubs with the help of other social groups,


Civil society and govt. can play vital role to prevent Eve teasing thermion ugh advocacy, motivational and legal action program. In Bangladesh, because of our all efforts government has taken some legal action with the help of Judicial and law forcing agencies.

I am happy that world assembly of youth (WAY) has chosen its XVth general assembly theme “youth rise for peace”. This is in the realization and the important of the role that peace playas for the young people today, who makes more half of world population, mostly in the third world countries. Four decades ago, the then UN human- rights commission secretary general Mr. Morris Strong told “in any issue youth should be given most importance. Because they are leaders of today and tomorrow.” Mr. Morris Strong’s this historical remark should be consider by all of us, governments and united nations.

Peace is the desire of everybody, irrespective of color, culture, race, gender and religion, but it takes a special kind of process to actively seek it. I am sure that in this


Xvth general assembly of WAY, young and adult expert people from all over the world will find out various ways to obtain peace. WAY can help the national youth councils to develop such youth leaders who will become vanguard of peace and that should start at school label with ‘peace education’ can be part of syllabus.

Youth have an essential role in our society to act within the conflicts and promotion of non-violent values and attitudes. It is important that young people became aware that there are non-violentways to deal with conflicts and to provide them with knowledge and skills to change the aggressive trends of our societies, especially political unrest must find out peace full solution. I think united nation along with UN Peace University at Tokyo can help lot to educate youths through national youth councils by organizing work-shops, seminars, trainings and short-courses. There are need of various publications, TV-media show, short-films and cultural movement towards peace.

Our respective religious very strongly support peace movement and maintain peace. In Islam, we welcome


“Bismillahir Rahamanirr Rahaim”

(By the name of God who Is most powerful & merciful)

Alhamdulillah (all price to God)

“Role of National youth councils in Meeting the global peace challenge”.

Allhaj. Mohammad Fazlul Haque, CDYW (UK)

Chairman & CEO Jatiya Torun Sangha (JTS)

The youth & social welfare council of Bangladesh. Vice chairman, Asian youth Council (AYC) & STI/AIDS Network of Bangladesh (SANB).

To-days world is very much need of peace. Peace not only need in crisis or conflict areas, like Kashmir(India-Pakistan), Palestine (Arab-Israel), Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya and some African and Latin American and other issues in this world. Beside this we have inter-faith, Inter-race, inter-culture as well as in many nations having domestic, political, social and climate problem; then we have labor-farmer, student-youth unrest, malnutrition,

over population and HIV/AIDS problem. These all are hampering peace & peace process.


No peace possible in anybody’s life without meeting human basic needs. We need peace in person, family, society, nation and whole world. To obtain peace we, the respective national youth councils must work to meet the minimum requirement of human basic need so that we can have food, shelter, cloth, education & proper medical care-these should start from the grassroots level. Un employment and fascist rulers are also big threat to obtain peace.

Eve teasing:-

Now a day’s Eve teasing is a series problem in Bangladesh. May be this also a problem in other countries? It has become such a problem unfortunately, which is created by young people and victims are also young girls. Sometimes parents, teachers even young girl’s brother are also victims, some people put on death. Eve teasing becomes a series problem and threat to peace in parson family, society and whole nation of

Bangladesh. Youth councils, youth organizations like boys scout, girls guide, and junior chamber, youth-red cross, Leo, rotarect clubs with the help of other social groups,


Civil society and govt. can play vital role to prevent Eve teasing thermion ugh advocacy, motivational and legal action program. In Bangladesh, because of our all efforts government has taken some legal action with the help of Judicial and law forcing agencies.

I am happy that world assembly of youth (WAY) has chosen its XVth general assembly theme “youth rise for peace”. This is in the realization and the important of the role that peace playas for the young people today, who makes more half of world population, mostly in the third world countries. Four decades ago, the then UN human- rights commission secretary general Mr. Morris Strong told “in any issue youth should be given most importance. Because they are leaders of today and tomorrow.” Mr. Morris Strong’s this historical remark should be consider by all of us, governments and united nations.

Peace is the desire of everybody, irrespective of color, culture, race, gender and religion, but it takes a special kind of process to actively seek it. I am sure that in this


Xvth general assembly of WAY, young and adult expert people from all over the world will find out various ways to obtain peace. WAY can help the national youth councils to develop such youth leaders who will become vanguard of peace and that should start at school label with ‘peace education’ can be part of syllabus.

Youth have an essential role in our society to act within the conflicts and promotion of non-violent values and attitudes. It is important that young people became aware that there are non-violent ways to deal with conflicts and to provide them with knowledge and skills to change the aggressive trends of our societies, especially political unrest must find out peace full solution. I think united nation along with UN Peace University at Tokyo can help lot to educate youths through national youth councils by organizing work-shops, seminars, trainings and short-courses. There are

need of various publications, TV-media show, short-films and cultural movement towards peace.


Anybody by saying “Assalamu-alaikum” means ‘peace be upon you’. Peace also encourageby other rellegeays like in Hinduism “Om santé” means ‘let peace prevail’ In Buddhism “Buddang saranong gossami, Dharmong saranong gossami” means ‘Let everybody in this world will be happy and peaceful’. In Christianity and Zionism also encourage to work for peace.

Peace should start at family

In my childhood I found meditating with peaceful co-existence and tolerance within family members making them to find what similarity among them self not differences. I also always avoid doing anything that will create miss-understanding or encourage fighting among themselves. These kindof attitude and tolerance should be practice at organization, society, nation and global liable.

As earlier I told you that peace is very much connected with human basic needs. I have seen in my life how in the absence of education create unnecessary fighting among people. So in 1964, being a primary school boy at the age of only ten years I started a school for poor and


Uneducated people and in 1966 on 1st October I & my friends established the youth council the Jatiya Tarun sangha (JTS).Again in1967 at the age of 13, I travel whole Bangladesh with a bicycle to see the leaving condition of the people, like Akbar the great Mogul emperor who was shorn on thrown at the age of 13 also. I found how peace was absent, because of lace of educational and medical facilities, though they have some food and poor housing facilities. I also saw over population and unemployment threat to peace. From 1967 political unrest began with Pakistan military regime that creates mass movement and finally in 1971 on 26 march Bangladesh declared as independence country under the leadership of bangha boundha shake mujibor rahaman through a liberation ware mostly participated by young people including Bengali military and Para military personals we are grateful to and other countries who supported our independence war. After the war JTS started reconstruction work, in April 1972 a delegation of WAY visited Bangladesh and encouraged us. Bangladesh first time attendantded WAY 8th general assembly in august 1972 at Manchester, UK. Today


we feel proud that, today Jatiya Tarun Sangha (JTS)- the national youth and social welfare council of Bangladesh become one of the largest NGO’s of Bangladesh by running hundred school, collage, madrasa , socio economy and training program STIH and AIDS program. Our paramedic training centers and health clinics having joining 320 “Smiling sun clinics” and nearly 8000 satellite clinics serving 20 million people by 27 NGOs all over Bangladesh under “Smiling sun Franchise Program” (SSFP) founded by USAID-from the people of America has became largest health services in private sector in the world. You will be happy to know that this program created thousands of jobs at grass root level andpeaceful life in families and societies and we are going to sustain the program. Thanks to JAYCESS international for recognizing these work by awarding me as “the outstanding young person of the world” in 1987. I am happy many young people of Bangladesh are following me and I hope many of you will do such work.

Alcohol drags and tobacco free life style is very much helpful for peaceful life. Human rights and gender equality exchange of students and youth as well as general publicincluding home


Stay between different nations and continents should be increase. Global HIV/AIDS situation reached in alarming position and great threat to peaceful life, mostly affected are young people. Bangladesh setup a good example of very law HIV/AIDS affected country in the world, because of joint effort by govt. and NGOs supported by UNAID and global fund. STI/AIDS network ofBangladesh (SANB) with 335 member organizations at community level is playing very important role.But these NGOs capacity building is very much needed.

UN peace force also playing important role for global peace.Again Bangladesh proud to be the highest contingentof UN peace force.

How we can expect peace in the world, when within UNsystem by creating Security Council of Super Powers causing lot of global peace. I thinksometimes they played good role too. If we want to stop the present situation, then we must start now younger generation. Youth participation is must at all level in all walks of life including political decision making and implementation process. Youth Parliament

System can practice within national youth councils. In Bangladesh JTS started youth parliament in 1978 with the then President of Bangladesh, today many of them are members of Parliament and Ministers.


To prepare youth for peace, first we need solidarity among young people, youth organizations and national youth councils as well organize under united efforts of World Assembly of Youth(WAY),then capacity building of national youth councils ,for that we need technical and financial support for advocacy, training,workshops and find out system to translate our ideas into action. May Allah(GOD) help us all. Thank you all.