The specifications sheet is a reference tool for the conduct of the partnership. It is a tool that allows you to draw the general outline of the project and inform the various actors implied of the elements that concern them. Meeting reports should be drafted and distributed systematically.

Name of project/ Partnership:
Project initiator:
Project leader:
Specification sheet editor:
Date: / Version n°: / Date 1st version:
Priority Strategic Reorganisation Re-evaluation Urgent
I. Project Introduction
1.1 Nature of project
Descriptive summary
1.2 Rationale and background
Why was the partnership created?
Describe the legal, logistical, temporal, geographical, etc. framework
1.3 Partners
Names and specific goals/priorities
1.4 Beneficiaries
Who are they? What are their expectations? Have they been consulted?
1.5 Objectives
Precise, operational and realistic
1.6 Targeted results
Precise, realistic and consistent with the objectives
1.7 Challenges, opportunities and constraints
Threats and opportunities, gains and losses to partners and other factors that may positively or negatively affect the project.
1.8 Scenario and alternative scenarios
Description of important stages of action and possible solutions in case of failure
II. Plan of Action
2.1 Planning
Explain in detail the steps needed to complete the various activities so as to achieve results
2.2 Indicators and performance
Qualitative and quantitative means of verification
2.3 Validation
What is the decision-making system?
2.4 Human resources
Skills, availability, staffing eventual training needs
2.5 Materials and logistics resources
Necessary, available, procurement, deadlines
2.6 Financial resources
Detailed budget estimate, budgetary means
III. Organisation
Organigramme: Distribution of Responsibilities
3.1 Project leader
Skills, availability, legitimacy
3.2 Steering committee
Composition, role, involvement, skills, functioning
3.3 Project team
Composition, skills, organisation, functioning
3.4 Working group
Composition, role, functioning, skills
3.5 Project management
Structure, activities, coordination
3.6 Methods and project tools
Procedures, patterns, techniques, regulations
IV. Communication Plan
4.1 External communication
Graphic charter, logos, communications support, target
4.2 Internal communication
Means and needed activities, project stakeholder participation
4.3 Activity report
For whom? Why whom? How often?
4.4 Marketing / sales approach
Present the benefits of the product/services and the means to promote them (e.g. networks)
V. Evaluation
5.1 Terms
How to evaluate? By whom? When?
5.2 Interim report
What are the evaluations stages of activities/partners?
5.3 Impact
What are the short and medium term impacts?
5.4 Capitalising on experience
What are good practices? Key factors for success? The achievements and failures?
