Dear Students, Parents, and Community Members,
Welcome to a new year at Joel E. Barber School! Home of the proud Buckskins where we know “Children Are Our Future.” We have tremendously talented students, enthusiastically supportive parents, and an exceptionally dedicated faculty and staff.
You will find useful information in this handbook about our school. The standards and expectations have been set by the Board of Education to promote student success, school safety, and academic progress. We are committed to providing all students with the best learning environment to promote a high quality educational experience.
Points of Buckskin pride and honor will include nurturing responsible citizens, being respectful, encouraging life-long learning & self-discipline, and promoting critical thinking & honesty. Students will feel empowered to reach their fullest potential in learning and citizenship through the academic and extracurricular programs provided at our school. We are the academic team and, by working together through the expectations contained in this handbook, we will promote a safe, productive learning environment.
We are a learning community. Everything we do will be about learning. I happen to believe much more learning takes place in a school where students and staff feel emotionally and physically safe. Please come to school prepared to learn, participate in our nationally recognized clubs and activities, and help Joel E. Barber School be the indisputable best!
Have a great year!
Yours in education,
Jason Cole
Tina Nolan
Jack Glendenning – President Carla Ivey
John Sanwald– Vice PresidentLevi Angst
Bob HallJennifer Raef
Melissa Wehner
Melissa Angst – Board Secretary/Treasurer
Tina Nolan – SuperintendentJason Cole – Principal
Kindergarten -Angie DampierFirst Grade -Tisha Foreman
Jessica JoinerKaren Barker
Jenny AngstHeidi Norfleet
Second Grade -Lisa CunninghamThird Grade -Janet King
Megan ZimdarsWhitney Wrast
Candice Tyre
Fourth Grade -Toni Reid Joy Moore
Fifth/Sixth Grade -Sandy SamplePreschool -Sherri Kyle
Rachael JohnsonBrooke Morton
Ingrid StarnesAshley West - Aide
JacalaMaggard Renee McCowan-Aide
Lindsay Delcour- At-Risk Speech Pathologist- Donna Reeves
Junior High -Brandon Hileman- MathSpecial Ed -Sandy Harvey - Primary
Daniel Kelsay - Science Rebecca Perryman– Elem.
Rod Howe - Social Studies LorieMartin - Aide Shari Webster- Communication Arts Sheila Hicks - Jr. High
Kyle Starnes - P.E
DavidMaskey- Math Lacey Winfrey –Elem. Reba Morris – Speech
Melissa Willoughby– Aide
Counselor -Rebecca LohrTitle I Lori Curry- Aide
Vickie Cunningham-Aide
Sydney Davis- Aide
Reading Recovery- Valeri Lindsey
SarahStigallAt-Risk- Kyle Rhoades
Music and Band - Maria PeteteComputer Literacy – David Kremer
Elementary P.E. - Monie WoodArt – Justin Hilton
Library Media Center- Amber SandersAt-Risk- Debbie Merritt
Receptionist/Secretary - Tara Allen
Receptionist/Secretary –Melissa Spencer
Assistant Bookkeeper - Brenda Morton
Board Secretary/Treasurer- Melissa Angst
Grants/Special Ed/Communications- Wendy Williams
NurseHeather Nolting
Bus DriversJackie RubleSammanthaDollarhide
Alettia Shepherd Monie Wood
Christopher LaFon Trish McGuire
Aaron Willoughby Jerry Williams
Cook Staff Karla Sutton Tammy Heinrichs
Jamie HeinrichsKay Arthur
Vickie Lingenfelser
CustodianTerry NeffCustodian Loretta Blain
CustodianKelly CookCustodianPaula Jones
Custodian/MaintenanceShawn Heinrichs
School Resource Officer-
Contact Numbers
Joel E. Barber School(417) 532-4837
Please note:
This handbook provides guidance and guidelines for students and their parents.
However, in every instance in which there is a governing board policy, the board policy always governs and supersedes any statement in the handbook. In each instance in which a governing policy exists, this handbook will cite that policy for the readers’ convenience.
Children Are Our Future
At Joel E. Barber, we believe every student has the right to an education free from disruptions in a safe and orderly environment. The staff at JEB will use the best practices in education and set high but achievable standards for their students. We expect all students to put forth the effort necessary for them to achieve at the highest level, ask for help when needed, and to complete all assigned work.
Striving for academic success…providing all students with the opportunity to reach their full potential and achieve their future goals.
Code of Ethics
The Laclede County C-5 District calls upon each member of the school community to exercise ethical behavior and instill moral courage within each student.
Adherence to the Code of Ethics of the Laclede County C-5 District will cultivate integrity, initiative and responsibility, allowing each person to achieve his or her potential as an effective citizen, thereby contributing to the common good.
The Code of Ethics is defined by the following core values:
• Fairness and Justness: acting with impartiality and honesty; making decisions
based on fact and reason.
• Honesty: being truthful, sincere and forthcoming.
• Integrity: adhering to an internalized code of ethics.
• Kindness and Compassion: demonstrating courtesy, care and mercy.
• Open-mindedness: choosing to consider the perspective of others.
• Respect: acknowledging the inherent worth of self, others and surroundings.
• Responsibility: exercising one’s abilities to meet an obligation or standard.
• All students, staff, and families will feel a sense of belonging to the Laclede County C-5 School community.
• Each student’s performance will be at or above grade level.
• Every student will demonstrate behaviors characteristic of responsible citizens.
Academic Success
Joel E. Barber school is committed to providing students with the best learning opportunities possible to include advanced courses. Students must attend regularly, study, and be committed to accelerated learning.
A-B Honor Roll – Academic Success
Joel E. Barber staff and community are proud of students’ hard work and want to recognize them frequently. Students will be recognized for their academic successes quarterly by publishing a list of students who are on the honor roll.
Absences – Assignments Make-Up
Parents or Guardians must call in all absences (sick at home, doctor/dentist visits, etc.) each day. Students who are absent 5 days without excuse may be referred to the Juvenile Office, Division of Family Services, and Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for truancy follow-up with the parents or guardians. Students who are absent three consecutive days or more will be required to bring a written excuse from a competent medical/dental authority.
To request daily assignments when your child is absent, parents will:
- Make the request, by phone or note, to the office by 12:00 noon.
- Pick-up homework in the office at the end of the school day on the date of absence.
- All students that are absent will have the same number of days absent to make up assignments. For example, Sally is absent for two days. Sally will have two days to complete make up work.
Attendance – Whole Day/Tardy
Students should strive to maintain a good attendance record. Frequent absences from class disrupts the continuity of the learning process. Attending classes regularly leads to increased student achievement through continuity of learning and a developed level of responsibility equipping the student with life skills.
Students cannot learn if they are not present. Poor attendance may limit accomplishments and lead to poor work habits.
Parents will to the best of their ability:
• Encourage their student to arrive on time and attend school every day.
• Instill the importance of education.
• Inform the school as soon as possible of an address or phone number change.
• Make every effort to schedule appointments for students when school is not in session (it is understood this is not always possible, but should be attempted).
• Notify school with every absence, tardy, or early withdrawal. Written notification should be turned into the student's school office before the bell rings the next present day. (medical notes, etc)
• Absences caused by personal illness or injury, illness within the family which necessitates that a student be absent, and perhaps other extenuating circumstances, need to be communicated to the student's school.
• Illnesses that would justify an absence from school includes, but is not limited to fever,
vomiting, diarrhea, or a diagnosed staph infection.
• Please try to take all vacations while school is not in session. The school district provides a calendar each spring prior to the next school year to help families plan vacations around the days school will be in session.
All excuses will be reviewed while understanding that legitimate excuses do exist, but should not be abused. Students who exceed the amount of reasonable absences could constitute further review by an outside agency such as the school counselor, principal, Children’s Division, and the Prosecuting Attorney.
Regular school attendance is compulsory by law (RSMo 167.031, 167.033, 167.051) and by the Laclede County C-5 Board of Education. The principal or designated representative may refer students who miss 10 days or more at any time in a school year (who do not have legitimate documentation) to the juvenile office, Division of Family Services, and prosecuting attorney’s office. Any student who exceeds 18 days of absences or falls below 88 percent of attendance without proper excuses is referred for retention.
Parents will be notified of child’s absence daily, if notification has not been received in the office by 10:00 each day.
When students are tardy or leave early, they miss learning opportunities. When students arrive in class late or leave early, it is a disruption to the learning process. It is important that students be in school and on task with learning. Students who are tardy to school or leave more than 5 days are subject to the same referrals as if they were absent.
Junior High students are given time between classes to collect their supplies and transfer to the next class. The first two weeks of school, we will be working with the students diligently to be able to open their lockers, collect their supplies, and transfer to their classes in a timely manner. After this learning session, students are expected to be in their seats and prepared when the bell rings. Students will receive two warnings each semester. For the third and fourth tardy for the semester, the student will receive lunch detention. On the fifth tardy, a student will receive one day of after school detention. Each time after this, the student will receive a day of after school detention orISS. Students are allotted passes each semester.
Bus Regulations
Riding the bus is a privilege. Improper conduct on the buses will be reported to the principal or superintendent with steps to correct the problem. Students should know and follow the bus rules (also see the Code of Conduct for Students of Joel E. Barber School in this handbook). Students, including High School students, who do not obey the rules or the driver will face disciplinary action and/or will be denied the privilege of riding. The student responsible will pay for damage to a bus by a student. When unloading, students must walk 10 feet out in front of the bus and observe directions of driver. When crossing a highway, pass in front of the bus at the driver’s signal. Students should never stand in the roadway while waiting for the bus. Animals, flowers in glass containers, inflated balloons, playground balls, ball bats, and any other object deemed inappropriate by the bus driver are not permitted on the buses. Except for field trips, eating or drinking (other than water)is not allowed on school buses. Students are to be at their bus stop waiting for the bus. This ensures the shortest ride time for all students.
Bus Passes
Parents, except for emergencies, need to call before 2 p.m. to request buspasses. We will not hold buses for late bus pass calls. Students who come to school on the bus will return home on the same bus unless they have a note from their parent/guardian requesting a bus pass to ride a different bus. Students are not to get off the bus except at their regular stop on their way to or from school. Groups of students no larger than five, in grades K-8 only, may ride to another student’s home with permission of the other parent/guardian and a properly signed bus pass from their parent/guardian.
Non C-5 Students, due to insurance liability, are not allowed to ride C-5 buses without prior approval of C-5 school administration.
Bus Rules - The driver is in charge of the bus. NO student should attempt to force another student to follow the instructions of the bus driver.
- No food or drinks are allowed on buses.
- Obey bus driver at all times.
- Remain seated, facing forward, at all times.
- Keep feet on the floor and objects out of bus aisles.
- Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
- Speak in a normal voice, using language that is acceptable at school.
Consequences for not following bus rules will be administered as for similar infractions under the Laclede County C-5 School District Code of Conduct.
NOTE: Possession of a weapon, tobacco, or illegal drugs may result in permanent bus suspension. Suspensions and/or expulsions may be carried over from one school year to the next school year. School administrators shall be allowed to exercise their own judgment in the administration of
disciplinary actions depending on the severity of the misbehavior. Suspension of bus privileges by the principal or superintendent for grave, serious or repeat offenses may be given at any offense level.
Care of School Property
Buildings, buses, books, lockers, etc., are all part of school property to be used by the students as a means of aiding in their education. Students who deface or lose school property will be required to pay the cost of repair or replacement. Serious offenders may be suspended or expelled from school depending on the degree of the offense.
Cell Phones
Cell phones are not permitted for use during school hours. Administrative approval and arrangements may be made for students to bring them to school. During the school day, all student cell phones will be turned in to the office, turned in to homeroom teacher, or kept in the student’s locker or tote bag with the phone being turned off. A student using the cell phone during school time will receive the following consequences; 1st time – phone will be confiscated and sent home at the end of the day. 2nd offense – phone will be confiscated and returned only to parents during a parent conference. Subsequent offenses will incur ISS consequences and parent picking up cell phone. Continuous disregard to this policy will result in possible juvenile referral, parent picking up cell phone, and ISS/OSS. At no time are students allowed to text or call during the school hours without administrative permission. Joel E. Barber School is not responsible for the loss of any cell phone.
Check-Out Procedure for Student Transfer to Another School
- Parent notifies the teacher in writing at least one day before the child is to leave.
- Return all books and supplies to the teacher.
- The student is responsible for cleaning out their desk/locker.
- Parent gets a note from the teacher stating all books and supplies have been returned – note is given to the receptionist or secretary in the office.
- Withdrawal grades will be issued to students for work completed and evaluated at the last mid-term, quarter and/or semester reporting period - partial grade reports will not be prepared.
Child Abuse
Joel E. Barber C-5 School will allow access, as prescribed by law, to any student by Family Services when that organization is investigating a suspected child abuse case. The school district will not notify the parent of such contact. Teachers and administrators are under direct mandate by state law to report any and all suspected child abuse cases. There is no provision for discretionary judgments.
Class Rankings
Class rank will be determined by assigning grade points to each grade for allclasses. The sum of the grade points divided by the number of grades will determine the quotients on which rank is to be established. Class rank will be determined at mid-term of the 4thquarter of the 8th grade year.
In the interest of encouraging and recognizing outstanding academic achievement, the top students of the graduating class will be recognized. Additionally, the top student in each graduating class will be awarded the Valedictory Medal of Excellence. The student with the second highest GPA in each graduating class will be awarded the Salutatory Medal of Excellence. Students who received 85% or higher in every class, to include elective classes, will be considered honor students.
Classroom Expectations
All Joel E. Barber students will meet the following expectations on a daily basis:
• Students will be in their seats and ready to learn when the tardy bell rings.
• Students will be prepared for class by having their books, supplies, and completed homework.
• Students will be respectful of the teacher, other students, and school property.
• Students will be safe and orderly at all times.
• Students will maintain a positive attitude toward learning.
• Students will take great pride in being a Buckskin!
Computer Use
All computers and other technology are exempt from privacy. Parents must sign a statement granting their child use of computers or other technology in our school. Administrators may revoke use of computers and other technology for students, guests, faculty and staff. Computers and other technology use are subject to the District’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). By signing and returning to the school the Internet Use Permission (IUP) form, parent(s) or guardian(s) grant students the privilege of using computers and other technology at school (see the IUP on the next page).