Westfield, New Jersey
Office of Instruction
Course of Study
School Westfield High School
Department .Practical Arts
Length of Course Full Year
Credit 5.0
Grade Level 10, 11, 12
The Woodworking II course provides a more in-depth exploration of woodworking materials, processes and machine operations. Students continue to develop individual skills and techniques in woodworking processes, learn the reasons for selecting particular materials, tools and processes, and are able to apply these to individual project work. The class explores the design and construction of furniture, and incorporates this knowledge into project work. Students develop and use practical skills, critical thinking, problem solving, self-assessment, and individual and cooperative learning strategies which aid them in other areas of study, future woodworking courses, and in everyday life. Modern technologies and construction techniques married with old-world craftsmanship guide student work. An increased expectation in the complexity and quality of projects, and an understanding of the design and planning process are a part of the learning experience. Students learn to estimate and project the time, materials and cost of projects being constructed and demonstrate the efficient use of materials.
Students are taught the importance of well-maintained tools and machines. They learn to recognize when tools and machines require maintenance and how to perform simple repairs and maintenance, including sharpening processes. Classes discuss the health and safety risks associated with woodworking in both industry and the home, and learn safety recommendations and requirements for material handling, processing and finishing. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are discussed, as well as concerns for environmentally appropriate uses and disposal of materials and finishes.
The Woodworking II curriculum is aligned with the New Jersey Current Core Curriculum Standards for 21st Century Life and Careers. Woodworking II curriculum offers inter-disciplinary integrations with the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy, and the New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards for Mathematics, Health, 21st Century Life & Careers – Career and Technical Education, College and Career Readiness Practices, Visual and Performing Arts and Technology.
A. Demonstrate a “safety first” attitude and explain the importance of maintaining a
safe, clean working environment
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for Health and Physical Education 2.1.12.D.1
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for 21st Century Life and Careers -- Career and Technical
Education 9.3.ST.3, 9.3.MN.3, 9.3.MN-MIN-2
B. Identify the Elements of Design and Principles of Design as they apply to project
planning and construction and use the above when self-evaluating projects
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History, Social Studies,
Science and Technical Subjects NJSLSA.R.4 RST.9-10.4 ,
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for College and Career Ready Practices NJ Core Curriculum Standards for Mathematics G-CO.12
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for Visual and Performing Arts Standard 1.1 , 1.3
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing,
Production and Distribution of Writing CCR W.4
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing,
Research to Build and Present Knowledge CCR W.8
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for Technology 1.1, 8.2.12.C.5
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for 21st Century Life and Careers; Career and Technical Education 9.3.ST.1, 9.2.ST- ET.4, 9.3.ST-SM.29.3.12.AC-DES.2 , 9.3.12.AC.1
C. Explain woodworking technology as it applies to production, selection and use of
wood products and engineered wood products
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History, Social Studies,
Science and Technical Subjects NJSLSA.R.4, RST.9-10.4
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for 21st Century Life and Careers -- Career and Technical
Education 9.3.ST.1, 9.2.ST-ET.4, 9.3.ST-SM 9.3-MN-PPD.1, 9.3.MN.PPD.5
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing,
Research to Build and Present Knowledge CCR W.
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for Technology 1.1
D. Select tools and machines suitable for operations necessary for project
construction, and select appropriate equipment based on personal skills and
processes being performed
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History, Social Studies,
Science and Technical Subjects NJSLSA.R.4 RST.9-10.4 ,
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for English Language Arts NJSLSA.R1 NJSLSA.R10 , CCRW.7
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing,
Research to Build and Present Knowledge CCR W.8
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for Technology 1.1
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for College and Career Ready Practices CRP6, CRP11
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for 21st Century Life and Careers -- Career and Technical Education
9.3.ST.1, 9.3.ST-SM.2, 9.3.MN-LOG , 9.3.ST-SM.4, 9.3.MN-MIN-2 , 9.3-MN-PPD.1 , 9.3.MN.PPD.5, 9.3.ST.1
E. Recognize joinery most suitable for specific fabrication operations, and
select and fabricate wood joints appropriate for projects
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History, Social Studies,
Science and Technical Subjects NJSLSA.R.4, RST.9-10.4 ,
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for English Language Arts NJSLSA.R1 , NJSLSA.R10 , NJSLSA.R10
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for English Language Arts Literacy – CCRW.7
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing,
Research to Build and Present Knowledge CCR W.8
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for Technology 1.1
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for College and Career Ready Practices CRP6 , CRP7. CRP8
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for 21st Century Life and Careers -- Career and Technical
Education 9.3.ST. , 9.3.ST-SM2, 9.3.ST-SM4, 9.3.MN-LOG, 9.3.MN-MIN-2, 9.3-MN-PPD. 9.3.MN.PPD.5, 9.3.ST.
F. Select methods used for advanced woodworking operations, and apply suitable
methods to fabricate project parts requiring bending, veneering, and inlay
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History, Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects NJSLSA.R.4 , RST.9-10.4, NJSLSA.R1, NJSLSA.R10 ,
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for English Language Arts Literacy – CCRW.7
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing,
Research to Build and Present Knowledge CCR W.8
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for Technology 1.1
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for College and Career Ready Practices CRP7 , CRP8, CRP11
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for 21st Century Life and Careers -- Career and Technical Education 9.3.ST.1, 9.3.ST-SM.2, 9.3.ST-SM.4, 9.3.MN-LOG.29.3.MN-MIN-2 , 9.3-MN-PPD.1, 9.3.MN.PPD.5, 9.3.ST.1
G. Discuss, differentiate and identify advantages and disadvantages of solid wood
construction, car case construction and frame construction, and select the
appropriate construction method for projects
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History, Social Studies,
Science and Technical Subjects NJSLSA.R.4 , RST.9-10.4 ,
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for English Language Arts NJSLSA. NJSLSA.R10 , CCRW.7
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing,
Research to Build and Present Knowledge CCR W.8
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for Technology 1.1
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for College and Career Ready Practices CRP6 , CRP7, CRP8, CRP11
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for 21st Century Life and Careers -- Career and Technical
Education 9.3.ST.1 , 9.3.ST-SM. , 9.3.ST-SM.4 , 9.3.MN-LOG.2 , 9.3.MN-MIN-2 , 9.3-MN-PPD.1,
9.3.MN.PPD, 9.3.ST.1
H. Utilize design and construction standards to evaluate the project and to make
corrections as necessary to produce quality craftsmanship
NJ C NJ Core Curriculum Standards for Visual and Performing Arts Standard 1.1 , 1.3
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for Mathematics SMP6
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for College and Career Ready Practices CRP8
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for 21st Century Life and Careers -- Career and Technical
Education 9.3.ST.1, 9.2.ST-ET.4
I. Identify on-going tool and machine maintenance to prolong the life & usefulness
of tools and machines, recognize developing problems and determine methods to resolve or correct minor problems in tools and machines
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for 21st Century Life and Careers -- Career and Technical
Education 9.3.MN.3 , 9.3.MN-HSE.1, 9.3.MN-HSE.3, 9.3.MN-MIR, 9.3.MN-MIR.3, 99.3.MN-QA.5
J. Explore careers and career training in a variety of woodworking related
NJ Core Curriculum Standards for 21st Century Life and Careers -- Career and Technical
Education 9.3.MN.4
The Woodworking II class is a hands-on project oriented class where students work on individually selected projects. Students are instructed in group and individual settings on workplace safety and regulations, woodworking methods and processes, and in tool and machine selection, use and maintenance. Students use instructional material presented to
Problem solving, critical thinking, self-evaluation, creativity and craftsmanship are an integral part of the course. Students produce projects which are challenging and appropriate to individual skill level, yet represent quality craftsmanship.
A. Woodshop Safety – 2 weeks / Ongoing throughout the year
- Safety as an attitude
- Emergency Procedures
- Safety glasses – care, use & legal requirements
- Common woodshop hazards
- Dust control
- Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
- Tool and Machine Maintenance– 2 weeks / Ongoing throughout the year
- Preventive Tool & Machine Maintenance
- Tool & Machine Repairs
- Sharpening Processes
- Project Planning– 2 weeks / Ongoing
- Required Project Learning Objectives
- Selection of Projects
- Advanced Project Plans
- From Concept to Cabinet
- Woodworking Technology– 2 weeks
- Lumbering & Material Processing
- Wood Species and Cabinetmaking
- Grading Process & Material Selection
- Wood Technology and Engineered Materials
- Project and Furniture Design– 2 weeks / Ongoing
- Furniture Styles
- Elements and Principles of Furniture Design
- Nature & Aesthetics of Design
- Six Requirements of Design
- Construction Restrictions and Design
- Advanced Woodworking Processes– 2 weeks
- Bending wood
- Lamination and Veneers
- Inlay, Intarsia, Marquetry
- Wood Carving
- Cutting and Shaping Lumber– 2 weeks / Ongoing
- Advanced Machine Operations
- Selection of Machine Processes
- Cutting Processes
- Using Power Tools– 2 weeks / Ongoing
- Advanced Machine Operations & Safety
- Selection of Power Tools for Specific Operations
- Joinery– 2 weeks / Ongoing
- Selection of Advanced Wood Joints
- Construction of Advanced Wood Joints
- Alternate Methods of Fabricating Joints
- Assembly Processes– 2 weeks / Ongoing
- Car case Construction Processes
- Framework Construction Processes
- Solid Wood Construction Processes
- Fabricating Sub-Assemblies
- Installing Trim and Moldings
- Hardware– 2 weeks
- Selection of Hardware
- Installing Door Hinges
- Installing Drawers
- Installing Tabletops
The instructor may use any of the following methods and techniques to accomplish the objectives through differentiated instructional practices that address student’s readiness levels and learning styles. The needs of diverse learners are met through:
A. Demonstration
B. Teacher-directed whole group instruction
C. Modeling
D. Guided observation
E. Guided practice
F. Written handouts and information sheets
G. Independent study
H. Monitoring student progress
I. Research projects
J. Self-assessment
K. Peer instruction
Evaluation of student completion of course objectives may be based on any of the following methods:
A. Baseline and benchmark assessments
B. Written or oral assessments of student knowledge of safety practices, procedures and processes specific to student project work.
C. Written or oral critiques of student projects
D. Rubrics designed to assess skills and knowledge learned through student projects.
E. Teacher observation of:
1. Student participation
2. Comprehension of lesson information
3. Skills exhibited
4. Safe work practice
5. Self-critique and problem solving in student project work
The following recommended activities help support this curriculum:
A. District in-service and professional development offerings.
B. Professional conferences and workshops that enhance instructional skills
C. Workshops and seminars relating to professional developments in the field
D. Review of books, journals and periodicals within the field
E. Collaboration with peers
F. Collaboration with colleagues and supervisors to discuss and reflect upon unit plans, homework and assessment.
New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts
STANDARD 1.1 - The Creative Process: All students will demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles that govern the creation of works of art in dance, music, theatre, and visual art.
STANDARD 1.2 - History of the Arts and Culture: All students will understand the role, development, and influence of the arts throughout history and across cultures.
STANDARD 1.3 - Performance: All students will synthesize those skills, media, methods, and technologies appropriate to creating, performing, and/or presenting works of art in dance, music, theatre, and visual art.
STANDARD 1.4 - Aesthetic Responses & Critique Methodologies: All students will demonstrate and apply an understanding of arts philosophies, judgment, and analysis to works of art in dance, music, theatre, and visual art.
The entire standards document may be viewed at http://www.state.nj.us/education/cccs/
New Jersey Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
STANDARD 2.1 - Wellness: All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle
STANDARD 2.2 - Integrated Skills: All students will develop and use personal and interpersonal skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
STANDARD 2.3 - Drugs and Medicines: All students will acquire knowledge about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and medicines and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
STANDARD 2.4 - Human Relationships and Sexuality: All students will acquire knowledge about the physical, emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
STANDARD 2.5 - Motor Skill Development: All students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
STANDARD 2.6 - Fitness: All students will apply health-related and skill-related fitness concepts and skills to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
The entire standards document may be viewed at http://www.state.nj.us/education/cccs/
New Jersey Standards for Language Arts Literacy
Standard RI: (Key Ideas and Details)
RI1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.