Crown Employees (Police Officers - 2009) Award
Application by NSW Police Force.
(No. IRC 246 of 2010)
Before The Honourable Justice Boland, President / 15 April 2010VARIATION
1.Insert at the end of Grade 1 of subclause 41.2 Gradings, of clause 41 Special Duties Allowance, of the award published 26 February 2010 (369 I.G. 1233) the following new item:
Protection Officers, Protection Operations Unit, Anti Terrorism and Security Group
2.Insert at the end of Grade 3 of subclause 41.2 of clause 41, the following new item:
Electronic Evidence Officer, State Electronic Evidence Branch, Special Services Group
3.Delete the words "subject to subclause 0" in subclause 48.2 of clause 48, Recall to Duty and insert in lieu thereof the following:
"subject to subclause 47.7"
4.Delete the words "subject to subclause 0" in subclause 50.5 of clause 50, Lockup Keepers’ Or Sole Detective’s Recall
"subject to subclause 47.7"
5.Delete Table 11 and Table 12 of Part B, Monetary Rates, and insert in lieu thereof the following:
Table 11 - Stocking Allowance (Non-Commissioned Officers)
Maximum PerAnnum
Stocking Allowance / 121.00
Table 12 - Plain Clothes Allowances (Non-Commissioned Officers)
Non-Commissioned Officers required to perform duty in plain clothes shall be paid the followingallowances in accordance with the provisions of clause 59 - Provision of Uniform lieu of the provision of
uniform. (Note: Non-Commissioned Officers paid as Detectives under clause 38 Salaries (Detectives) shall
not be entitled to a Plain Clothes Allowance).
Per Annum
Non-Commissioned Officers required to perform duty in snow
climate areas as specified in paragraph 59.6 - Provision of / 1,467.00
Non-Commissioned Officers required to perform duty in cold
climate areas (category 2) as specified in paragraph 59.5 - / 1,404.00
Provision of Uniform
Non-Commissioned Officers required to perform duty in cold
climate areas (category 1) as specified in paragraph 59.4 - / 1,372.00
Provision of Uniform
All other Non-Commissioned officers. / 1,259.00
6.This variation shall take effect on or after 15 April 2010.
R. P. BOLAND J , President
Printed by the authority of the Industrial Registrar.
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