PROTOCOL COST Comprehension and Production Tense Experiment (version 1-18)

May 2009

The protocol consists of 5 sections: 1. Introduction, 2. Comprehension – Part 1, 3. Production – Part 1, 4. Comprehension – Part 2 and 5. Production – Part 2

1. Introduction

The experimenter introduces this task as follows:

“Today we’re going to watch some movies. First I will tell what these movies are about. [SHOW INTRO Pirate Hammer RIGHT 3]

Here you can see a road.


On this road there is a table, a plant and a bike. Look this is about hammering Pirate Pete has to hammer near the bike, hammer near the plant and also hammer near the table [the experimenter may ask the child to name the latter objects].

It is indicated in the protocol when the target question needs to be asked. For most clips the target question needs to be asked when the second action (so the one near the plant) is beginning. Then it says: Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen.

However, for some clips the target question needs to be asked when the third action (so the one near the table when the participant comes from the right, and the one near the bike when the participant comes from the left). Then the protocol says: Ask the test question while the third action is happening on screen.

This is to ensure that present tense can be elicited (because the action is still going on, when the answer is given).

2. Comprehension – Part 1 (the verbs used here are the ones used in Dutch)

PR1. movie PR1 Pirate Snore RIGHT 2

This movie is about snoring. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Where was Pirate Pete snoring before?


PR2. movie PR2 King Dance LEFT 3

This movie is about dancing.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the third action is happening on screen

Exp:Where is king Charlesdancing now?


PR3. movie PR3 ClownCough right 2

This clip is about coughing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Where is clown Kate going to cough later?


Now we are going to change the game a little. This is Loekie the Lion. talk about the handpuppet He is going to ask the questions now, but he cannot say before, earlier or later. Ok?

C1. movie C1Clown Throw LEFT 2

This movie is about throwing.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while thesecond action is happening on screen

Pup:Where is clown Kate throwing?


C2. movie C2 Pirate Sneeze LEFT 2

This movie is about sneezing.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where wasPirate Pete sneezing?


C3. movie C3 King Kneel LEFT 2

This movie is about kneeling.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where is king Charles going to kneel?


C4. movieC4 Clown Dance RIGHT 2

This movie is about dancing.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where was clown Katedancing?


C5. movie C5 KingsnoreLEFT 2

This movie is about snoring.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where is king Charles going to snore?


C6. movie C6 Pirate Cough LEFT 3

This movie is about coughing.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the third action is happening on screen

Pup:Where is Pirate Pete coughing?


C7. movie C7 King Sneeze RIGHT 2

This movie is about sneezing.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where is King Charles sneezing?


C8. movie C8 Clown Kneel RIGHT 2

This movie is about kneeling.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where was Clown Kate kneeling?


C9. movie C9 Pirate Throw RIGHT 2

This movie is about throwing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where is Pirate Pete going to throw?


3. Production – Part 1

Exp: “Now we’re going to watch some more clips. But this time you can play the puppet. Do you want that? I’ll start the sentence and you make the puppet finish it. OK?”

P1. movie P1 Clown SneezeLEFT 2

This clip is about sneezing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the bike Clown Kate … ?


P2. movie P2 Pirate Dance RIGHT 2

This clip is about dancing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the bike Pirate Pete… ?


P3. movie P3 KingCoughRIGHT 3

This clip is about coughing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the third action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the table King Charles … ?


P4. movie P4 Clown Throw LEFT 2

This clip is about throwing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the table Clown Kate … ?


P5. movie P5 Pirate Kneel LEFT 2

This clip is about kneeling. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the plant Pirate Pete … ?


P6. movie P6 King Snore LEFT 2

This clip is about snoring. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the bike King Charles … ?


P7. movie P7 ClownDance RIGHT 3

This clip is about dancing.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the third action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the table Clown Kate … ?


P8. movie P8 PirateCoughLEFT 2

This clip is about coughing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the bike Pirate Pete … ?


P9. movie P9 KingSneeze RIGHT 2

This clip is about sneezing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the bike King Charles … ?


4. Comprehension – Part 2

Exp: “Now we’re going to do what we did in the beginning. So we’re going to look at the clips and then I’ll ask a question and you have to answer it, OK?

PR4. movie PR4 King Throw RIGHT 2

This movie is about throwing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Where was King Charles throwing before?


PR5. movie PR5 ClownKneel RIGHT3

This movie is about kneeling. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the third action is happening on screen

Exp:Where is Clown Kate kneeling now?


PR6. movie PR6 PirateSneeze LEFT 2

This clip is about sneezing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Where is Pirate Pete going to sneeze later?


Now we are going to change the game a little. This is Loekie the Lion. talk about the handpuppet He is going to ask the questions now, but he cannot say before, earlier or later. Ok?

C10. movie C10 Pirate Snore RIGHT 2

This movie is about snoring. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where was Pirate Pete snoring?


C11. movie C11 Clown Cough RIGHT 2

This movie is about coughing.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where is Clown Kate going to cough?


C12. movie C12 King Dance LEFT 3

This movie is about dancing.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the third action is happening on screen

Pup:Where is King Charles dancing?


C13. movie C13 Pirate Kneel LEFT 2

This movie is about kneeling.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where is Pirate Pete kneeling?


C14. movie C14 King Throw RIGHT 2

This movie is about throwing.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where was King Charles throwing?


C15. movie C15 Clown Sneeze LEFT 2

This movie is about sneezing.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where is Clown Kate going to sneeze?


C16. movie C16 King Cough RIGHT 2

This movie is about coughing.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where was King Charles coughing?


C17. movie C17 Clown Snore LEFT 3

This movie is about snoring.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the third action is happening on screen

Pup:Where is Clown Kate snoring?


C18. movie C18 Pirate Dance RIGHT 2

This movie is about dancing.Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Pup:Where is Pirate Pete going to dance?


5. Production – Part 2

Exp: “Now we’re going to watch some more clips. (And we’re going to do what we did before, so) this time you can play the puppet. Do you want that? I’ll start the sentence and you make the puppet finish it. OK?”

P10. movie P10KingKneel LEFT 2

This clip is about kneeling. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the table King Charles … ?


P11. movie P11ClownSnoreLEFT 2

This clip is about snoring. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the plant Clown Kate … ?


P12. movie P12PirateThrow RIGHT 2

This clip is about throwing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the tablePirate Pete … ?


P13. movie P13ClownCough RIGHT 2

This clip is about coughing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the bike Clown Kate … ?


P14. movie P14PirateSneeze LEFT 3

This clip is about sneezing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the third action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the bike Pirate Pete … ?


P15. movie P15KingDanceLEFT 2

This clip is about dancing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the bike King Charles … ?


P16. movie P16PirateSnore RIGHT 2

This clip is about snoring. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the bike Pirate Pete … ?


P17. movie P17ClownKneel RIGHT 2

This clip is about kneeling. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the second action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the table Clown Kate … ?


P18. movie P18KingThrow RIGHT 3

This clip is about throwing. Let’s watch.

Play movie

Ask the test question while the third action is happening on screen

Exp:Mmm, I think that near the table King Charles … ?
