Report of the Allotment Managers Committee meeting held on 3rd May 2017.


Dr R BibbMr N Rush

Mr C Butlin (Chairman)Mr S Scott

Mr R ColemanMs S Townsley

Ms D Rose

Mrs B Snape – Clerk to the Council


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs C Poole and C Radford.


The report of the previous meeting was approved and accepted as a true reflection of the meeting.


It was reported that both padlocks have now been cleaned and serviced. The spare lock is kept in the Green Giant for emergency use.

Plot 75 Concern was expressed that children from Plot 75 were being allowed to run wild over other tenants plots. The Clerk agreed to email the tenant in question.

Plots 48 & 58 have both been strimmed and received an application of round-up.

All the machinery, which had been sent away for repair, has now been serviced/repaired and returned to the site.

All the fruit trees have now been pruned and the stakes will be removed. With reference to the two dead fruit trees, the Chairman reported that he will arrange for replacements to be purchased from Hathern Nurseries, as they offer 20% discount on fruit trees.

The hedge has been trimmed by Mr Moody, who has made an excellent job.

No news has been received regarding the break-ins.

The water has been turned back on and there is no evidence of any leaks.

The delivery of the free manure is working well, although, some tenants are complaining about the distance they have to walk to fetch some. An area on the car park closest to the main gate is to have a tarpaulin sheet laid down, to enable some to be delivered there.

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Consideration is to be given to reverting back during the summer to the gate locking system of last car out locks the gate.


Claire Murphy – Request for skip Arrangements are to be made for a skip to be delivered to the site during May.

Garden waste – Brown bins An appeal is to be made to all tenants not to put any soil into the brown bins


a) Dog Fouling Appropriate signs have been erected around the site.

b) Flags Two new flags have been purchased and one will be erected shortly.

c) Joining Fee A heated discussion had been held on the site between the Chairman and a few tenants, relating to the purpose of the £25 joining fee. The Chairman explained to the tenants that it was to cover the cost of reinstating a plot left in a poor condition.

A discussion was held as to whether the fee should be refunded, if the plot is left in a “reasonable condition”. Determining “reasonable condition” and the length of time between vacating and re-letting the plot was referred to, therefore, it was agreed to continue with the £25 non-refundable joining fee.

Training session The Chairman is to host a training session for the sit-on-mower. Several tenants have expressed an interest in attending.

A petrol cylinder mower has been donated to the site, although, it has restricted use only on good grass, not suitable for areas with stones.

Welding Arrangements are to be made for a mobile welder to attend on site to repair the Green Giant.

Troughs The installation of the water troughs has been an excellent asset.


5th July 2017