Cincinnati Christian University, CLASS PIANO I, Fall 2013



Professor: Dr. Hickman MUAP 110p 01 and 02

Office # 268 Classroom #277

Email: One semester credit hour

Section 01 meets TH 12:30-1:20 p.m.

Section 02 meets TH 11:00-11:50 a.m.


Always bring to class the following materials:

1. Required text: Alfred's Group Piano for Adults, Second Edition, Book 1.

2.  Folder for Class Piano (there will be quite a few handouts that you must keep together

and bring to class each day), paper, and pencil (not pen).

Optional materials: Music Flashcards.


Group instruction (meeting two hours each week) for the student with little or no previous training in piano. Covers piano technique, music reading, chord charts, and keyboard skills. No prerequisites.


This course is designed to help the beginning pianist to develop basic keyboard skills. Specifically, the course will prepare the music major with limited piano skills to enter the piano minor. Electors are also welcome.

In almost all colleges and universities all over the world, a certain degree of proficiency in playing the piano is required for all music majors. Keyboard skill is invaluable to the church musician, who must play choir parts, warm-ups, and simple accompaniments in rehearsal, and to the voice or instrumental teacher, who must be able to play technical exercises and accompaniments. Also, keyboard expertise is practically synonymous with achievement in reading music. The importance of keyboard instruction in the curriculum of all aspiring professional musicians cannot be overstated.


At the end of the first semester of study, the student should be able to do the following:

1. Identify and play all treble and bass clef notes.

2. Know dynamic, tempo, and other markings.

3. Read rhythmic notation.

4. Play simple pieces, hands together.

5. Play five-finger patterns and chords in all major and minor keys.

6. Play scales in all major white keys.

7. Demonstrate keyboard skills such as simple transposition, improvisation, sight-reading, harmonization, accompaniment, and ensemble-playing.


25% for first exam

25% for second exam

25% for final exam (during exam week)

25% for attendance and assignments (including homework, practice, quizzes, and class participation)


1. Absences. Only two absences per semester are permitted without penalty. These absences should be reserved for serious illness or school trips. On the third absence (for any reason) an "F" will be averaged into your attendance and assignment grade. Four absences lower your final grade by one letter. On the fifth absence you will be required to drop the course. If you have a valid, documented reason for missing more than this allotment, you may apply for readmission to this class through the Registrar's Office.

2. Make-ups. You are responsible for obtaining and completing any assignments missed during your absence. Late homework will be marked down 20%. Any assignment not turned in by one class period after it is due will receive a “0” grade. Quizzes cannot be made up; you earn a “0” if missed. I may allow a test to be made up if there are extenuating circumstances. Email me or talk with me about it as soon as possible--preferably before the absence occurs.

3. Tardiness. If you arrive after the class has begun, you will be marked tardy. Four tardies equal one absence.


Practicing for this class is imperative! I recommend that you practice a minimum of 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week. Cramming a week's worth of practice into one day simply doesn't work. It is a good idea to schedule it into each school day so that your practice will be consistent. You may practice in any unlocked practice room located in the music wing of Presidents Hall.


1. NO FOOD OR DRINK SHOULD EVER ENTER THE KEYBOARD AREA OF THE CLASSROOM. Please respect these expensive instruments.

2. Students who require academic accommodations due to any documented physical, psychological, or learning disability should request assistance from the Academic Support Director, Marie Reeves (244-8420, WMB 153), within the first two weeks of class

3. This class meets every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the semester EXCEPT for Fall Break and Thanksgiving Break.

4.  The professor reserves the right to change any part of this course plan as she deems



Daily Course Plan

Page numbers refer to: Alfred’s Group Piano for Adults, Book 1, second edition.

Date Session Assignments

8/27 Session 1. Unit 1: Keyboard Basics

Proper body and arm position to prevent injuries.

Read and practice everything up to p. 18.

8/29 Session 2. Up to p. 28.

9/3 Session 3. Unit 2: Intervals

Up to p. 33. Homework due: p. 27-28.

9/5 Session 4. Up to p. 40.

9/10 Session 5. Unit 3: Major Five-Finger Patterns

Up to p. 46. Homework due: p. 39-40.

9/12 Session 6. Up to p. 56

9/17 Session 7. Unit 4: Major Five-Finger Pattern Review

Up to p. 64. Quiz #1.

9/19 Session 8. Up to p. 70. Homework due: p. 69-70.

9/24 Session 9. Review.

Up to p. 70.

9/26 Session 10. Exam I

10/1 Session 11. Unit 5: Minor Five-Finger Patterns

Up to p. 76.

10/3 Fall Break No class.

10/8 Session 12. Up to p. 83.

10/10 Session 13. Unit 6: Minor Five-Finger Pattern Review

Up to p. 89.

10/15 Session 14. Up to p. 96.

10/17 Session 15. Unit 7: Chord Qualities

Up to p. 101. Quiz # 2.

10/22 Session 16. Up to p. 105. Homework due: p. 95-96.

10/24 Session 17. Unit 8: Major Scales

Up to p. 107.

10/29 Session 18. Up to p. 109. Homework Due: p. 107.

10/31 Session 19. Review.

11/5 Session 20. Exam II

11/7 Session 21. Up to p. 116.

11/12 Session 22. Unit 9: Group 1 Major Scales and Triads

Up to p. 131.

11/14 Session 23. Up to p. 134.

11/19 Session 24. Unit 10: Group 2 Major Scales and Triads and Inversions

Up to p. 147.

11/21 Session 25. Up to p. 147.

11/26 & 11/28 Thanksgiving Break. No class.

12/3 Session 26. Unit 11: Dominant and Dominant Seventh Chords

Up to p. 154.

12/5 Session 27. Up to p. 157.

12/10 Session 28. Review.

12/12 Session 29. Review.

Final Exam will take place according to exam week schedule.