Wrestling Coaches Advisory Minutes

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Coaches Advisory Committee

March 22, 2006


Committee in attendance: Lewie Benitz (Wisconsin Rapids), Mel Dow (Prairie du Chien), John Mesenbrink (Arrowhead), Scott Schmitz (Mineral Point) and Bob Empey (Stoughton – Coaches Assn. Rep.). Dave Anderson attended the meeting representing the WIAA. Bob Empey chaired the meeting and John Mesenbrink recorded the minutes.

I.REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES – March 23, 2005 meeting. The minutes were approved unanimously.


A.Review of 05-06 Season Topics/Points of Emphasis and interest

1. Summer Coaching Contact – No incidents or abuses were reported and there were very few questions for the WIAA Office. The coaches' reaction was very favorable. The contact was used as coaches suggested it would be. Coaches need to inquire/consider "who is responsible" in the event of an accident during times that are outside of the 5 unrestricted days of school sponsored contact. Outside organization club insurance policies, USA Wrestling or YMCA may provide protection, for example.

2. Female wrestlers – Continued growth has been reported in small numbers of female wrestlers. Numbers do no yet warrant a separate female season (females only). Last year approximately 125 females were skinfold measured; this year the number was closer to 200. There were 10,000 total skinfold forms processed for wrestlers in 2005-06. No membership-sponsored event is considered to be needed at this time.

3. 7% On-Line Pilot 2005 – The only glitch/error that coaches noted was with tenths of a pound in TrackWrestling not quite matching the WIAA results from the current processing program. Justin Tritz indicated that this has been corrected. By having each wrestler's minimum weight available for everyone to see, the new procedure can be a means of self-policing adherence to the rules. Opportunities should be made available for all coaches to work with the program and get comfortable in advance of the season. A suggested time would be at the WWCA clinic and over the summer. Feedback thus far has been very positive. Mel Dow moved that the 7% on-line program is 100% supported and should be implemented in fall 2006. Lewie Benitz seconded. Passed unanimously.

Concerns were raised about the hydration test process, specifically for heavy weight athletes identified as dehydrated who are not interested in losing weight. Lewie Benitz emphasized continued progress needed with pass/fail test strips for hydration testing and should be required when the product is validated.

4. Front Head Lock – Bob Empey stated that when front head technique is used incorrectly, officials should address that specific coach and athlete, rather than all coaches together. Dave Anderson emphasized that coaches cannot ignore this issue. Front headlock will be a point of emphasis at fall wrestling meetings, in order to draw attention to this issue for officials. A brief narrative will be provided by WWCA on correct and acceptable techniques vs. incorrect and punishable techniques. Emphasis will be on athletes improving their positions. Coach Benitz noted certain issues could be overlooked by not conducting regional sport meetings and favors meeting vs. DVD or distance learning.

5. Blood/Fluids – Coaches were reminded that there cannot be a casual approach to blood/fluids. Dave Anderson expressed disappointment in how this was handled at regional and sectional tournaments. WIAA sanctioned events must have required blood spill materials on-hand. ADs/hosts must be cognizant and have available. It may be good for officials to remind coaches of proper procedure in the heat of battle. Dave Anderson suggested the possibility of coaches wearing gloves during matches to be prepared in the event of blood time.

6. Review/Editorial Changes to Season Regulations – Page 54 will include changes to the time of consolation matches – all periods must be 2 minutes. Page 47 will include clarification of teams with only grade 9 students with respect to contest maximums and day of scrimmage. Text will be added to Wisconsin adaptations to clarify acceptable securing of laces, as reference for new coaches and out of state teams (to be taped or secured by shoe or Velcro cover).

7. Other

a. For 7% Committee meeting:Hydration testing – Coaches requested exploring the possibility of a simple pass/fail strip to eliminate gray area and individual interpretation. If technology becomes available and proven, everyone would be required to utilize the same product/process.

b. Ranking forms – Coaches would like the Officials Advisory Committee to consider modifying the ranking forms to indicate level of competition officials are qualified to work, i.e. frosh/JV, varsity dual, regional, sectional, state competition, with number values assigned on the same scaled as currently used.

c. Issues for officials – With an illegal slam, officials need to report to the score table and correctly indicate legal/illegal. Once an athlete is determined able to wrestle, result is called by official. Motion was made to experiment with this procedure for handling illegal slams in competition (Dow/Empey). Passed unanimously. The goal is to eliminate unethical decisions of win/loss. Allows the official a little time to process what just took place and make a calm decision. Coaches also felt this may help to eliminate less than ethical behavior.

d. Coach/official cooperation – A motion was made by Coach Schmitz to invite 1 or 2 officials to attend the Coaches Advisory Committee meeting and 1 or 2 coaches to attend the officials Fall master interpreter meeting in October. The goal would be universal support of current issues.


A.Review of

1. TrackWrestling Program – Feedback once again was very positive. The coaches enthusiastically support continued use of this program. One improvement would be to list a wrestler's final record in the preliminary round position. Weight class entries should be open to the public only after the seeding meeting on Saturday. These suggestions will be relayed to Justin Tritz.

2. Regional tournaments – Coaches had general questions about the process of determining regional/sectional groupings. Coaches naturally view groups from a competitive perspective, failing to recognize that several things contribute to the drawing/redrawing of sectional groupings including: co-op teams, increasing/declining enrollments, schools adding/dropping programs, providing conferences the chance to not re-enact their conference meet at regionals. It was also noted that tournament planning takes into consideration all school sports, and for cohesiveness and consistency the responsibility is assigned to one WIAA staff member.

3. Sectional tournaments – No issues reported.

4. Team sectional – The coaches inquired about the possibility of advancing more than one team from regionals. The primary issue is where this fits on the calendar.

5. State Individual tournament – The coaches presented a proposal for a wrestleback to 3rd place at the State tournament. The issue was voted on by head coaches of WIAA member schools, with a vote result of 239-48 in favor of the wrestleback (83% approved). Support within the WWCA total membership is over 90% in favor. Options would include extending the current sessions or adding an additional session to increase tournament proceeds. Additionally, the first round of Division 2 and 3 matches could be moved to Thursday/Session 1, which would add to the excitement and increase attendance at that session. The current tournament model with no seeding results in the potential 2nd-best wrestler ending up in 5th place. A wrestleback would provide more accurate reflection of ability. It was suggested that this topic should be discussed with administrators to identify potential issues and advantages of this system. The coaches will develop a bullet outline with proposed schedules and advantages/disadvantages of the proposal. Coaches' research indicates Wisconsin is one of few states in the region not using the proposed model.

a. Weigh-ins – Crowded – An option to alleviate the congestion in the weigh-in area would be for coaches and athletes to remain in the stands until weight classes are called. The coaches have requested modifications to the weigh-in procedures in some way, possibly by adding scales and/or keeping coaches out of weigh-in area.

b. Inappropriate behaviors – There were problems again this year with inflatables being brought into the arena. The WIAA has zero tolerance for this behavior and spectators were removed from the tournament when they were observed in possession of inappropriate items. Coaches and school administration need to relay the rules to fans, wrestlers and parents regarding their conduct at the state tournament. Specific emphasis should be placed on not allowing sexual blow-up toys.

c. Extra Coach passes – Allows for flexibility for coaches to be with their athlete prior to and immediately following their match. Provide further direction for Per Mar and coaches.

6. State Team tournament

a. UW Field House – 2006 – Seating arrangement for finals night is very tight for teams. A recommendation was presented to arrange teams across from each other on opposite sides of the competition floor. A motion was made to alter competition on Friday to utilize 2 mats rather than 4 at once for Division 1 (Empey/Benitz). Passed unanimously.

b. 28 wrestlers – Program Identification/Competition Identification– A maximum of 28 wrestlers will be allowed on the roster and in the program. Wrestlers must be identified by number on the roster in order to be eligible to compete. The coaches agreed unanimously. It was requested the WIAA explore the possibility of displaying competitors' last names on a card/board during each match (approximately 450 name cards). The committee discussed the tournament taking on a "main event" setting, with one final conducted at a time. No action.

c. Reinwand letter – Discussion with no action on selection of music played during the finals (March of Champions). WIAA is 'open' to WCA input in this area. Some like the tradition the music represents.

7. Review/Editorial Changes to Tournament Procedures – The committee would like WIAA to address the issue of healthy food offered for competitors during the tournament. Limited food items/snacks may be brought into the tournament in athletes' bags. The coaches will provide a list of wrestler friendly/healthy foods to the WIAA. They request education for Per Mar and concessions on healthy items that may be brought in by wrestlers, and would like the WIAA to again explore the possibility of wrestler-friendly concessions especially on lower level, at reasonable cost.


A.Minimum weight printouts and processing – 05/06 – No issues reported.

B. Weight Classes – The coaches have requested information from the National Federation regarding what states across the nation are looking at so Wisconsin can be informed of other ideas.

C.Wrestling Officials Tournament Availability – Numbers – Some younger master level officials seem not to be getting the opportunity to officiate State Tournaments. The coaches questioned the potential for utilizing an assistant referee at State Individual and Team. Dave Anderson pointed out coaches and officials have been on alternating positions and perspectives on this topic. There has been no strong or persisting interest expressed. Every time an official is added in any/every sport, there are concerns for its rippling effect upon regular season. Anderson pointed out that every year in the past eight there have consistently been numbers of new/first time officials at the individual and team state tournaments. Coaches must be responsible to submit a ranking on officials. Officials must continue working hard, improving skills, working big events, expanding out of their area, and they need to be patient about State assignments.

D.Other – Discussion within the WWCA has addressed the potential for the wrestling season to start after Thanksgiving. No action.


A.Front Headlock – As previously discussed.

Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.