University of Liverpool Radiation Risk Assessment.
For Laboratories Using X-Ray Generators
(Form RP-RA03).
1. Laboratory and Personnel Details.
DepartmentLab Reference and Location
Lab Supervisor
Assessor (if not the Lab Supervisor)
Commencement Date for New Work
2. Brief Description of Work within the Lab.
3. X-Ray Generator to be Used.
Manufacturer and Model / Type (eg Fluoroscopic, Diffractometer, etc)4. General Hazards (common to ALL the X-Ray Generators listed in 3)
Description of Hazard / Groups at Risk* / Description of Control MeasuresCurrent / Additional Required
* See Explanatory Notes
5. Specific Hazards (associated with only ONE of the X-Ray Generators listed in 3)
Manufacturer and Model / Type (e.g. diffractometer etc.)Description of Hazard / Groups at Risk* / Description of Control Measures
Current / Additional Required
* See Explanatory Notes
6. Summary Questionnaire.
No. / Question / Y/N/NA / Comment or Action1 / Has the advice of the Radiation Protection Office been obtained?
2 / Have any recommendations been implemented?
3 / Have all the necessary Radiation Protection Office documents been completed and submitted?
4 / Has all necessary record keeping e.g. Usage Log been established?
5 / Have all the additional control measures identified in sections 4 and 5 been implemented?
6 / Is significant increase in staff, student and/or general public dose (internal or external) expected?
7 / Are extra personal dosimeters required?
8 / Is there a requirement for any additional external dose monitoring?
9 / If the equipment is mobile or portable, are storage arrangements suitable to prevent unauthorised usage?
10 / Have local rules been written and made available to all relevant persons?
11 / Have all current workers read the local rules and signed to verify their understanding?
12 / Has the lab been registered as a radiation working area?
13 / Have all necessary supervised/controlled areas within the lab been clearly demarcated?
14 / Have all training requirements been implemented?
15 / Are training records maintained?
16 / Has all necessary equipment quality control, servicing and maintenance been arranged?
7. Other Comments
8. Signatures
Assessors Signature / Assessment Date / DRPS Signature9. Review
Reviewers Signature / Review Date / DRPS SignatureExplanatory Notes.
1. Risk assessment can be considered to be a 5 step process :
- Identify potential hazards
- Decide who might be harmed and how
- Evaluate the risks and decide whether current precautions are adequate or if more should be done
- Record your findings (i.e. on the form)
- Review the assessment periodically and revise it if necessary.
2. It is recommended that the risk assessor should be the laboratory supervisor, who will be more familiar with the work conducted in the lab than anyone else.
3. In deciding who might be harmed it is not necessary to list individuals by name, but consideration should be given to groups of people who may be affected. Particular attention should be paid to pregnant persons, inexperienced staff or students, lone workers and persons with disabilities. To streamline the filling out of sections 4 and 5 of the form, the following codes can be used to indicate various groups :
1 = Registered radiation workers
2 = Other non-radiation workers who may share the lab
3 = Occupants of adjacent rooms or corridors
4 = Cleaners
5 = Maintenance staff
6 = Contractors
7 = Visitors to the lab
8 = Undergraduate students
9 = Members of the general public
10 = Other (specify)
4. Section 4 covers general hazards common to all X-Ray Generators listed in section 3. Section 5 of the form deals with hazards specific to each individual X-Ray Generator listed in section 3. A separate copy of section 5 should be completed for each individual X-Ray Generator listed in section 3.
Explanatory Notes (continued).
5. Question 3 of section 6 refers to the Radiation Protection Office forms RP6 (for new or modified work).
6. Question 17 of section 6 refers to any equipment used in connection with work using X-Ray Generators and includes Tube head, Image Intensifiers, Cassette Holders, Protective Screens and Aprons, Warning Lights and Signs, etc.
7. The DRPS should sign the form to verify that s/he is satisfied with findings and outcomes of the assessment.
8. The total number of sheets used for the assessment should be indicated in the box provided on the top right-hand corner of the first page.
9. The assessment should be reviewed periodically (e.g. 3 – 5 yearly), and revised if significant changes in work practices have occurred. If no revision is required only section 9 of the form needs to be augmented. Any new work must be subject to an assessment prior to the work commencing (see Regulation 7 of IRR99 plus Guidance Notes).
10. A copy of the whole assessment must be submitted to the Radiation Protection Office and the DRPS. Copies of all assessments must be retained until replaced by a new or revised assessment. After each review, if no revision is considered necessary then only copies of sections 1 and 9 should be submitted to the Radiation Protection Office and DRPS.
Filename Version Author Date Issued Review Date
RP-RA03.DOC 1 PRC 9/5/2001 10/5/2004