Keep ME Warm Project
Some Ideas for Evaluating the Project
Staff Data
Number of staff involved
Number of staff hours
Number of volunteers trained
Number of energy kits distributed
Number of community groups represented in training
Additional funding secured to support project
Volunteer Data
Number of volunteers
Number of volunteer hours
Number of households reached
Number of kits installed
Number of miles traveled
Number of people educated about “Top 10 Energy Tips” and other resources web and non web based
Client Change
Number of households adopting at least one of the “Top 10 Energy Tips”
Using a telephone survey, we will be able to get a rough estimate of program impact by determining how many people adopted one or more of the energy tips. Impact will be calculated based on the projected savings associated with implementing each energy tip.
Telephone Survey
Keep ME Warm Energy Kits
Hello, my name is ______representing UMaine Extension. Volunteers recently installed Keep ME Warm Energy Kits in your home and discussed tips and additional resources to help you save money by reducing your energy usage.
I am calling to find out which energy saving practices you were able to complete. This information will not be shared with anyone and will be used only to get a rough estimate of the energy savings generated by the program. The information you are providing is strictly voluntary; you do not have to answer any questions. My questions will only take about 10 minutes.
Which of the following did you do to save energy?
_____ Close storm windows, use drapes and shades at night to conserve heat
Save $229.46 per year
_____Close flue dampers on fireplace
Save $227.92 per year
_____Install faucet flow restrictors and low-flow shower heads
Save $190.04 per year
_____Tune up your heating system
Save $190.96 per year
_____Insulate, caulk, and weather-strip your home
Save $187.88 per year
_____Remove and vacuum your furnace filter every month. Replace it when it cannot be
vacuumed clean
Save $141.68 per year
_____Close and reduce heat in all unoccupied areas
Save $130.90
_____Replace 6-W incandescent bulbs with 13W CFLs
Save $77.20 per bulb over the life of the bulb
If yes, how many bulbs did you replace? _____
_____Set your thermostat back
Save $77.00 for every degree set back
If yes, how many degrees did you set back the thermostat? _____
_____Insulate heat pipes and duct work
Save $2.25 per foot for hot water pipes, $3.99 per foot for steam pipes, $2.28 per
foot for hot air ducts
If yes, how many feet of insulation was installed for _____ hot water pipes,
_____steam pipes, _____hot air ducts?
Did you share any of the energy savings tips with your neighbors and friends?
Yes _____ No _____If yes, how many other people are using one of more of the tips you shared? _____
Did you go to Extension’s website ( to learn about additional energy saving tips?
Yes_____ No _____
If yes, what other measures discussed in the website are you using to save energy?
Did you or someone else conduct an energy audit of your home?
Yes_____ No _____
Additional information you wish to share about the Keep ME Warm Program (Success Story?)
Thank you for participating in this survey. If there is additional information you need about steps you can take to reduce your energy usage, please feel free to contact the WashingtonCounty office of UMaine Cooperative Extension in Machias. Our number is 255-3345 or 800-287-1542.
Keep ME Warm Project.evaluation