Center TitleofPaper [12pt. Times New Roman, no bold, underline, or italics12Wordsorless,1- 2Lines in the upper half of the page]
YourName[FirstMiddle initial(s), Last. OmitTitlesand/orDegrees]
Institutional Affiliation [University College]
[The body of your paper uses 12-point, Times New Roman font formatting, half-inch first line indent and is double-spaced. APA style provides for up to five heading levels, shown in the paragraphs that follow. Note that the word Introduction should not be used as an initial heading, as it’s assumed that your paper begins with an introduction.]
[Heading 1]
[The first two heading levels get their own paragraph, as shown here and below. Headings 3, 4, and 5 are run-in headings used at the beginning of the paragraph. Body text and all formatting styles can be applied from the Styles gallery under the Home tab in the MS Word ribbon.]Do not include the square brackets in the headings or paragraphs. Generally, paragraphs are a minimum of three to five sentences in length, but it is better to develop the thoughts in a paragraph with full and supported statements.
[Heading 2]
[When you apply the appropriate heading style from the Home tab-styles pull-down menu to the heading text anywhere in your document, they will show up in your Table of Contents. To do this, select the text for your heading. Then, on the Home tab, in the Styles gallery, click the desired heading style.]
[Heading 3].[Include a period at the end of a run-in heading. Note that you can include consecutive paragraphs with their own headings, where appropriate.]
[Heading 4].[When using headings, don’t skip levels. If you need a heading 3, 4, or 5 with no text following it before the next heading, just add a period at the end of the heading and then start a new paragraph for the subheading and its text] (Smith, 2013).
[Heading 5].[Like all sections of your paper, references start on their own page. The references page at the end of this example paper is created using the Bibliography feature, found under the Document Elements tab within the References options in the MS Word ribbon. Use the Reference style option in the Style gallery to references that you need to include on your References page. In-text citations that are linked to your references you created on your References page can also be added using the features in the References options found in the Document Elements tab. See the citation examples at the end of this paragraph and the preceding paragraph. To customize a citation, right-click on it (or press Control key + click using a single button mouse) and then select ‘Edit Citation’(American Psychological Association, 2013).
Here are threedifferent examples of an in-text citation for a book or journal reference. This is the first example of in-text citation where the period follows the parentheses (Smith, 2013). Smith (2013) concludes that an indirect quote is the second example of an in-text citation.Smith (2013) states “The third example of in-text citations includes a direct quote and includes page number(s) with the period following the parentheses as shown here” (p. 99). Another way of typing the sentence above is, “Research findings state, “the third example of an in-text citation includes a direct quote and includes page number(s)” within the citation reference as shown here (Smith, 2013, p. 99).
You can apply the same guidelines to in-text citations of a reference that comes from a corporate author. Here are three different examples of an in-text citation for a reference with a corporate author.There are many unsolved aspects of the human brain (American Psychological Association, 2013). The American Psychological Association (2013) website confirms that there are many mysteries to the human brain. According to American Psychological Association (2013), "There are expansive aspects of the human brain still untapped by modern science" (pp.11-13).
Refer to the website or The OWL at Purdue website for more details on formatting other types of references such as websites, communications, videos, etc., as well as other APA formatting guidelines. References always begin on a new page. You will find links to additional Assignment Helps for APA style formatting guidelines within the assignment pages of your online course.
Gore, A. (2008, April ). Al Gore: New thinking on the climate crisis [Video file]. Retrieved from TED Talks website:
1The status bar, which is a horizontal area at the bottom of the document window in Microsoft Word, provides information about the current state of what you are viewing in the MS Word document window along with any other contextual information.