Grade: Fourth Unit:1 Risks and Consequences Month: August /September
Supported ReadingImagine It Texts:
Island of the Blue Dolphins(realistic fiction)
Two Tickets to Freedom (biography)
Mrs. Frisby and the Crow (fantasy)
Langston Hughes:Poet of the People(Scenes I and II)(Plays)
Daedalus and Icarus (Greek Myths)
Possible Resources:
Read Alouds:
Langston’s Train Ride by Robert Burleigh
Visiting Langston by Willie Perdomo
Amelia Earhart:Flying for Adventure by Mary Dodson Wade
Rosa by Nikki Giovanni
Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez by Kathleen Krull
Escape North! The Story of Harriet Tubman by Monica Kulling
Discovery Education:
Risk Video (2:35)-Kids Skating and taking risks
Langston Hughes Image/Biography
Myths and Legends:Ancient Greece Video(20:00)-Daedalus and Icarus and two other myths
Taking a Risk Level V Grade 4 Fluency Passage
Odysseus and the Bag of Winds Level Y Grade 5 Greek myth-Text
Social Studies Connection:
Two Tickets to Freedom- Chapter 8 Lesson 1 The Struggle for Freedom and Lesson 2 Equality for All / Independent Reading
Mini Lessons –Growing Readers by Kathy Collins
Bottom Line Habits page 61
1. Strong readers read every day.
2.Strong readers talk and think about books with other people.
3.Strong readers read everything in sight.
4.Strong readers take care of books and protect their reading time.
Readers Build Good Habits page 66
1.Readers have reading identities and share them with each other.
2.Readers take care of books and the classroom library.
3.Readers understand the reading workshop procedures so that all readers can do their best work.
4.Readers stay focused on their reading.
5.Readers think and talk about their books with others.
6.Who am I as a reader?
7.What do I need to read well?
8. Readers have books that are special.
9. What are my goals for reading this year?
Possible Resources:
Growing Readers by Kathy Collins
Novel: Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
Novel:Mrs.Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O’Brien
Nonfiction:Real Kids Taking the Right Risks by Arlene Erlback
Novel:Poppy by Avi
Myths:Favorite Greek Myths by Mary Pope Osbourne
Read Aloud:Satchmo’s Blues by Alan Schroeder
Read Aloud:Wanted Dead or Alive :The True Story of Harriet Tubman by Ann McGovern
CMS 3- Day Writing Assessment
Students create writing notebooks/journals
Writing Workshop-Calkins Units of Study Book 1 Launching the Writers Workshop
W1 Create an opinion piece that includes an introduction, a clearly stated opinion, reasons to support the opinion, linking words, and a concluding statement or section.
W2 Write an informative/explanatory text to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
Teachers share sample papers for W1/W2 writing standards from Common Core Appendix.
Teachers model writing a W1/W2 paper with students. Teachers could use the individuals profiled in each Imagine It selection as the basis for their writing sample. Teachers edit, revise and publish a W1/W2 paper with the class.
Students write their own paper using the W1/W2 common tasks.
Possible Resources:
Calkins Units of Study Grades 3-5 Kit
Common Core Appendix Writing Samples W1/W2 / Word Study
Unit 1 Month by Month Phonics and Vocabulary
August-September pages 21-34
Goal One Polysyllabic Words pages 21-30
Goal Two Word Wall Words pages 30-32
Goal Three Visual Checking page 33
Goal Four Cross Checking page 34
Possible Resources:
Month by Month Phonics and Vocabulary Grade 4 by Amanda Arens,KarenL.Loman,Patricia M. Cunningham-Carson-Dellosa Pub.
Imagine It Green Band
Imagine It esuites-eskills and games for vocabulary
Possible Assessments:
Imagine It Assessments
W1/W2 Common Writing Tasks and rubrics
Reading A-Z Fluency Passage Assessment-Taking A Risk
Reading A-Z Comprehension Assessment-Odysseus and the Bag of Winds
Social Studies Chapter 8 Assessment / Essential Questions:
How does taking a risk impact a person’s life?
Why do people take risks?
How can you make a connection with taking a risk, but wishing you had not?
What were the major causes and effects of taking risks in the selections you read?
What can we learn from taking foolish risks?/What can we learn from taking risks?
Common Core: Please refer back to the CCSS document as the standards are paraphrased and do not contain the complete expectations.
Reading Standards for Literature
RL 4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text, make inferences,
RL 4.2 Summarize the text RL 4.3 Describe in depth character,setting, or event in a story or drama
RL4.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text(Greek mythology)
RL 4.5 Explain differences between poems,drama,prose and refer to the structural elements
RL4.6 Compare and Contrast
RL4.7Making connections
RL4.9Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics
RL4.10 Read and comprehend literature at or above grade level
Reading Standards for Informational Text
RI4.1 Refer to details and examples; make inferences
RI4.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases
RI4.5 Describe story structure
RI4.6Compare and Contrast
RI4.7 Visualization
RI4.8 Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence
RI4.9 Integrate information
RI4.10 By the end of the year, summarize,interpret,synthesize,evaluate a variety of texts
Reading Foundational Skills
RF4.3 Know/Apply grade level phonics, word analysis and decoding skills
RF4.4 Read fluently on grade level
W4.1 Create an opinion piece
W4.2 Write informative/explanatory text
W4.3c Use a variety of transitional words and phrases
W4.3e Provide a conclusion
W4.5 Develop and strengthen writing by planning, revising and editing by demonstrating command of Language Standards 1-3
W4.7 Conduct short research projects
W4.8 Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources
W4.9 Draw evidence from literacy or informational text
W4.10 Write routinely over extended time
Speaking and Listening
SL.4.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions
SL4.2 Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented
SL4.3 Identify reasons and evidence a speaker provides
SL 4.4 Report on a topic or text
SL4.5 Add audio recordings and visual displays to presentation
L4.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
L4.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions
L4.3 Use knowledge of language and conventions
L4.3a Choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely
L4.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases
L4.4b Use domain,grade appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots
L4.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language,word relationships, and nuances in word meanings
L4.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases
Common Task
W1 Create an opinion piece that includes an introduction, a clearly stated opinion, reasons to support the opinion, linking words, and a concluding statement or section.
W1 Common Task
Research a person that has taken a risk.Chart the positive and negative outcomes of your chosen person’s actions. Decide if this person had positive results or negative results. State your opinion by choosing either the positive or negative effects that this person’s risk has had on his or her life and/or our world. Be sure to include reasons to support your opinion. / Common Task:
W2 Write an informative/explanatory text to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
W2 Common Task
Research a career in which a person takes a risk.
Suggested list:Military,Police,Firefighter,Extreme Sports,Investor, Inventor,Activist,Pilot or Journalist. Define/List/Explain the requirements an individual must possess or achieve to obtain this career. Provide statements as to why this career takes risks.
2012-2013 Curriculum Guides Created by nominated teachers and Literacy Facilitators for the Humanities Department