Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.54
Configuration Guide for: Standard Capacity Product / Date: 116/151/13

Settlements & Billing

Configuration Guide:Standard Capacity Product


Version 5.54

CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 15
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.54
Configuration Guide for: Standard Capacity Product / Date: 116/151/13

Table of Contents

1.Purpose of Document




3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

3.3Successor Charge Codes

3.4Inputs – External Systems

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

3.6CAISO Charge Code Formula

3.7Output Requirements

4.Charge Code Effective Date

1.Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a Charge Code in one document.



“Pre-calculation Standard Capacity Product ” is associated with settlement charge groups as follows:

Charge Code / Charge Group / Parent Charge Group

The Standard Capacity Product (SCP) is effective on January 1, 2010, as described in CAISO Tariff Section 40.9. SCP incorporates resource availability standards and incentives into the ISO Tariff to facilitate contracting for Resource Adequacy (RA) Capacity. SCP also enhances grid reliability and market efficiency by providing an incentive for RA Resources to be available during peak hours.

SCP is a set of attributes defined in the CAISO tariff which specify the Availability Standard, Non-Availability Charges and Availability Incentive Payments applied to non-exempt RA capacity. There is one availability standard applicable to RA resources each month during the RA compliance year. Each monthly Availability Standard is based on the historic availability of the RA resource fleet during a pre-defined set of peak hours during a previous three-year period. At a high level, the CAISO will review the availability of each RA Resource subject to SCP each month to determine whether its meets the Availability Standard applicable for that month. An RA Resource that has a lower availability rate than the Availability Standard minus the tolerance band of 2.5% is subject to a Non-Availability Charge. An RA Resource that has availability greater than the Availability Standard plus the tolerance band of 2.5% will be eligible for an Availability Incentive Payment.

For RA Resources whose Net Qualifying Capacity is determined by historical output, ISO Tariff Section provides a separate method for calculating hourly available RA capacity. The method considers three quantities for determining hourly available RA capacity in each availability assessment hour: (1) the actual amount of energy the resource delivered to the ISO grid during that hour, (2) the resource’s RA capacity as designated in its supply plan for the month, and (3) the resource’s Net Qualifying Capacity as reduced for that hour by the same percentage by which any forced outages or temperature-related ambient de-rates reduced the resource’s capacity from its Pmax capacity.

The calculation of hourly available RA capacity for RA resources with historical qualifying capacity, expressed as a formula, is as follows:

Hourly Available RA Capacity = Min (RA Capacity, Max (Actual Energy, Proportional De-rated Capacity))


RA Capacity = RA Capacity designated in the Supply Plan

Actual Energy = Total actual energy delivered by the resource in the availability hour

Proportional De-rated Capacity = Resource’s Net Qualifying Capacity as reduced for that hour by the same percentage by which any Forced Outages or temperature-related ambient de-rates reduced the resource’s capacity from its Pmax capacity

Demand response resources whose Qualifying Capacity is determined by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) or Local Regulatory Authority that does not adjust the historical outage data to correct for the possible double-counting of Outages will not be subject to SCP. The deferral of these provisions to these types of RA Resources is temporary, and in the future the CAISO will revisit the applicability of SCP provisions to these types of RA Resources. RA resources may substitute non-RA capacity to mitigate the impact of a forced outage or de-rate on its availability calculation. Any substituted capacity must be both available (as stated in SLIC) and, if substituted in DA market, must submit a bid or self schedule for full amount of substitution in DA market. A non-RA Resource that the CAISO approves to substitute for RA Capacity becomes an RA Resource for the duration of the substitution.


The Standard Capacity Product pre-calculation is the pre-calculation which executes daily the hourly availability and sold quantities that will be used in the subsequent monthly charge codes. This pre-calculation is predecessor to CC8824 (Monthly Resource Adequacy Standard Capacity Product Settlement) and CC8825 (Monthly NRSS Resource Adequacy Standard Capacity Product Settlement).

3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule
1.0 / The Hourly RA MW Available from Resource and total Availability Assessment Hours of month includes only peak hours. In essence, the CAISO will sum the MW that are available in the month for only the defined Availability Assessment Hours.
1.1 / Availability for each RA resource for each month will be determined by calculating: (a) the total RA Capacity MW available over all Availability Assessment Hours of the month, divided by (b) the total RA Capacity MW designated in the Supply Plan for the same hours
1.2 / A tolerance band of 5.0% is used around the Availability Standard (2.5% on either side of the Availability Standard value) to eliminate the calculation and assessment of Non-Availability Charges and Availability Incentive Payments in very small amounts.
2.0 / SCP Non-Availability Charges and Availability Incentive Payments apply to the Local Capacity Area RA capacity submitted by a Loadfollowing MSS in an annual Resource Adequacy Plan and to the Local Capacity Area RA Capacity of a Modified Reserve Sharing LSE.
3.0 / The eligible substitution quantity is calculated as the minimum of the bid and the substituted capacity in DA market. The bidding is not required for RT substitution.
4.0 / The hourly available RA capacity for RA resources with historical qualifying capacity, expressed as a formula, is as follows:
Hourly Available RA Capacity = Min (RA Capacity, Max (Actual Energy, Proportional De-rated Capacity))
RA Capacity = RA Capacity designated in the Supply Plan
Actual Energy = Total actual energy delivered by the resource in the Availability hour
Proportional De-rated Capacity = Resource’s Net Qualifying Capacity as reduced for that hour by the same percentage by which any Forced Outages or temperature-related ambient de-rates reduced the resource’s capacity from its Pmax capacity

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
Pre-Calculation – Measured Demand over Control Area Pre-Calculation

3.3Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
CC 8824 – Monthly Resource Adequacy Standard Capacity Product Settlement (CC8824)
CC 8825 – Monthly Non-Resource Specific System Resource Adequacy Standard Capacity Product Settlement (CC8825)
CC 8826 – Monthly Resource Adequacy Standard Capacity Product Metered Demand Allocation
(CC 8826)
CC 8827 – Monthly Non-Resource Specific System Resource Adequacy Standard Capacity Product Metered Demand Allocation
(CC 8827)

3.4Inputs – External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description
1 / AvailabilityAssessmentHourFlag hmdh / The Flag is 1 for the Availability Assessment Hours of the Trading Month and 0 otherwise. The Availability Assessment Hours effective 1/1/2010 are:
Apr- Oct HE 14- 18
Jan – Mar HE 17- 21
Nov & Dec HE 17- 21
Excluding Saturday, Sunday and federal holidays
2 / BAHourlyRAResourceSoldCapacityQty BrtF’S’dh’mdh / Capacity MW sold by Business Associate B and by Resource r and Resource Type t subject to the SCP and for each Assessment hour h
3 / BAHourlyRAResourceSubstitutedCapacityQty Brtr’h’’h’F’S’h’mdh / Substituted Capacity MW available by Business Associate B and by Resource r and Resource Type t subject to the SCP and for each Assessment hour h
4 / BAHourlyRAResourceBidQty Brtr’F’S’h’mdh / Bid Quantity for the substituted resource
5 / BAHourlyRAResourceAvailableCapacityQty BrtF’S’s’dh’mdh / Total capacity MW available by Business Associate B and by Resource r and Resource Type t subject to the SCP and for each compliance hour h
6 / BARAResourceGrandFatheredAvailableCapacityQtyBrtF’S’f’dh’mdh / Capacity MW not available to CAISO by Business Associates B and Resource r and Resource Type t for each compliance hour h
7 / BAHourlyRAResourceDARTTimeframeSubstitutionFlag Brtr’F’S’h’mdh / DA and Real Time Market Timeframe Substitution Flag MW. This Flag is 1 when the substitution happens in DA Market and 0 In RT Market. The DA Timeframe shall be anytime up to 6:00AM on the Day before the substitution start time specified on a unit substitution request.
The RT Timeframe shall be anytime after 6:00AM on the day before the substitution start time specified on a unit substitution request
8 / BAHourlyRASubResourceAvailableCapacityQtyBrtr’h’’h’F’S’h’mdh / Total hourly MWcapacity available from the substitute resource r’ that will be used to calculate substitute capacity for Business Associate B and resource r during the trading hour h.
9 / BAResEntityDispatchIntervalMeteredQuantity BAResEntitySettlementIntervalMeteredQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’m’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’VvHn’L’mdhcif / The input represents 510-minute meter data received from OMAR MV-90 Channel ID m’ for a given resource having resource ID r, resource type t, entity component type F’ and entity component subtype S’, where r is associated with UDC/MSS u of entity type T’ and gross/net settlement type I’, having MSS Emissions Pay Flag W’, RUC Participation Flag V, Load Following Selection Flag L’, Aggregated Pricing Node A of Aggregated Pricing Node Type A’, and MSS subgroup M’. The resource is scheduled by Business Associate B forand Settlement Interval i of Trading Hour h, Trading Day d and Trading Month m.
10 / BARAResourceSCPHistoricalQCIdentificationFlag BrtF’S’s’dh’mdh / Historical QC Identification flag Associate B and by Resource r and Resource Type t subject to the SCP and for each Assessment hour h. This Flag identify only resources whose NQC is determined by Historical Output from Master File. The flag is 1 only for HQC resources and blank otherwise.

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

Row # / Name / Predecessor Charge Code/
Pre-calc Configuration
1 / BAHourlyNodalMeteredCAISODemandQuantity_MDOverCA BAA’mdh / Sum of meter input values over the Aggregated Pricing Node A of Aggregated Pricing Node Type A’ for Business Associate B, Trading Hour h, Trading Day d and Trading Month m. The summed quantity includes the individual meter readings for Loads of non-MSS entities and gross-settled MSS entities, and also includes the calculated net MSS Demand value for each net-settled MSS entity.
2 / HourlyNodalMeteredCAISODemandQuantity_MDOverCA AA’mdh / Sum of meter input values over the Aggregated Pricing Node A of Aggregated Pricing Node Type A’ for Trading Hour h, Trading Day d and Trading Month m. The summed quantity includes the individual meter readings for Loads of non-MSS entities and gross-settled MSS entities, and also includes the calculated net MSS Demand value for each net-settled MSS entity.
3 / BAHourlyRAResourceSoldCapacityRatio BrtF’S’s'dh’mdh / Proportion of RA Sold Capacity to RA Capacity Commitment by Business Associate B and by Resource r and Resource Type t subject to the SCP and for each Assessment hour h
4 / BAHourlySubRAResourceSubstitutionAvailabilityRatio Brtr’h’’h’F’S’h’mdh / Proportion of Substituted Capacity to RA Capacity Commitment by Business Associate B and by Resource r and Resource Type t subject to the SCP and for each Assessment hour h

3.6CAISO Charge Code Formula

3.6.1BAHourlyRAResourceAssessmentHourSoldCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’dh’mdh=BAHourlyRAResourceSCPEligibleSoldCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh*BAHourlyResourceAvailabilityAssessmentHourCalculatedFlagBrtF’S’dh’mdh

3.6.2BAHourlyRAResourceAssessmentHourAvailableCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’dh’mdh= Min(BAHourlyRAResourceSCPEligibleSoldCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh, BAHourlyTotalRAResourceAvailableCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’dh’mdh)*BAHourlyResourceAvailabilityAssessmentHourCalculatedFlagBrtF’S’dh’mdh

3.6.3BAHourlyResourceAvailabilityAssessmentHourCalculatedFlagBrtF’S’dh’mdh=Max (0,AvailabilityAssessmentHourFlagh mdh )

Where exists BAHourlyRAResourceSoldCapacityQtyBrtF’S’dh’mdh

3.6.4BAHourlyRAResourceSCPEligibleSoldCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh=BARAResourceSCPEligiblePercentageBrtF’S’dh’mdh* BAHourlyRAResourceSoldCapacityQtyBrtF’S’dh’mdh

3.6.5BAHourlyTotalRAResourceAvailableCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’dh’mdh=(BAHourlyRAResourceSCPEligibleAvailableCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’dh’mdh+BAHourlyRAResourceSCPSubstitutedCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’h’mdh)

3.6.6BAHourlyRAResourceSCPSubstitutedCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’mdh =IF




BAHourlyRAResourceSCPSubstitutedCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’h’mdh =

Min(BAHourlyRAResourceSubstitutedCapacityQuantity Brtr’F’S’h’mdh, BAHourlyRAResourceBidQty Brtr’F’S’h’mdh)


BAHourlyRAResourceSCPSubstitutedCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’h’mdh= BAHourlyRAResourceSubstitutedCapacityQuantityBrtr’F’S’h’mdh


3.6.7BAHourlyRAResourceSubstitutedCapacityQuantity Brtr’F’S’h’mdh=

MinMin (BAHourlyRAResourceSubstitutedCapacityQtyBrtr’h’’h’F’S’h’mdh,BAHourlyRAResourceSubstitutedAvailabilityQuantity Brtr’h’’h’F’S’h’mdh)

3.6.8BAHourlyRAResourceSubstitutedAvailabilityQuantityBrtr’h’’h’F’S’h’mdh =

BAHourlyRASubResourceAvailableCapacityQty Brtr’h’’h’F’S’h’mdh* BAHourlySubRAResourceSubstitutionAvailabilityRatio Brtr’h’’h’F’S’h’mdh

3.6.9BAHourlyRAResourceSCPEligibleAvailableCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh = BAHourlyRANonHQCResourceSCPEligibleAvailableCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh +BAHourlyRAHQCResourceSCPEligibleAvailableCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh

3.6.10BAHourlyRANonHQCResourceSCPEligibleAvailableCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh=BARAResourceSCPEligiblePercentageBrtF’S’dh’mdh * BAHourlyRAResourceSoldAvailableCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’s’dh’mdh

Where s’ > HQC

3.6.11 BAHourlyRAHQCResourceSCPEligibleAvailableCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh=

((BARAResourceSCPEligiblePercentageBrtF’S’dh’mdh * Min (BAHourlyRAResourceSoldCapacityQtyBrtF’S’dh’mdh,BAHourlyRAResourceSCPHistoricalCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’s’dh’mdh))

Where s’ = HQC

3.6.12BAHourlyRAResourceSCPHistoricalCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’s’dh’mdh =


BARAResourceSCPHistoricalQCIdentificationFlag BrtF’S’s’dh’mdh= 1


BAHourlyRAResourceSCPHistoricalCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’s’dh’mdh=
Max (BAHourlyRAResourceSCPMeteredCalculatedQuantity BrtF’S’dh’mdh, BAHourlyRAResourceSoldAvailableCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’s’dh’mdh )


BAHourlyRAResourceSCPHistoricalCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’s’dh’mdh= 0


3.6.13BAHourlyRAResourceSoldAvailableCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’s’dh’mdh=

BAHourlyRAResourceAvailableCapacityQty BrtF’S’s’dh’mdh* BAHourlyRAResourceSoldCapacityRatio BrtF’S’s’dh’mdh

3.6.14BAHourlyRAResourceSCPMeteredCalculatedQuantity BrtF’S’dh’mdh =BAResEntitySettlementIntervalMeteredQuantityBrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’m’F’R’pPW’QS’d’Nz’VvHn’L’mdhcif


3.6.16BAHourlyRAResourceSCPCapacityNotGrandfatheredQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh= Max(0,(BAHourlyRAResourceSoldCapacityQtyBrtF’S’dh’mdh- BARAResourceTotalGrandFatheredAvailableCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh))

3.6.17BARAResourceTotalGrandFatheredAvailableCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh =BARAResourceGrandFatheredAvailableCapacityQtyBrtF’S’f’dh’mdh

3.6.18BAHourlyNodalSCPMeteredCAISODemandQuantity_MDOverCABmdh= BAHourlyNodalMeteredCAISODemandQuantity_MDOverCABAA’mdh


3.7Output Requirements

Output Req ID / Name / Description
1 / In addition to any outputs listed below, all inputs shall be included as outputs.
2 / BAHourlyRAResourceSCPCapacityNotGrandfatheredQuantity BrtF’S’dh’mdh / Eligible capacity that is not grandfathered by Business Associate B and resources r and Resource Type t
3 / BARAResourceSCPEligiblePercentage BrtF’S’dh’mdh / Percentage of Eligible SCP that is available to the ISO
4 / BAHourlyRAResourceSCPEligibleAvailableCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’dh’mdh / Total Hourly Capacity MW Availability by Business Associates B Resource r and Resource Type t during the Trading Hour h
5 / BAHourlyRAResourceSCPSubstitutedCapacityQuantity Brtr’F’S’h’mdh / SCP Elligible Substituted Capacity Quantity.
6 / BAHourlyTotalRAResourceAvailableCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’dh’mdh / Total Hourly Capacity MW Availability by Business Associates B Resource r and Resource Type t during the Trading Hour h
7 / BAHourlyRAResourceSCPEligibleSoldCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’dh’mdh / Eligible hourly sold capacity quantity by Business Associate B and resources r and Resource Type t
8 / BAHourlyRAResourceAssessmentHourAvailableCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’dh’mdh / Total Hourly Capacity MW Available during the Peak Hours by Business Associates B Resource r and Resource Type t during the Trading Hour h.
9 / BAHourlyRAResourceAssessmentHourSoldCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’dh’mdh / Hourly sold capacity during the peak hours by Business Associate B and resources r and Resource Type t
10 / BAHourlyResourceAvailabilityAssessmentHourCalculatedFlagBrtF’S’dh’mdh / Hourly Assessment Hour calculated Flag based on the maximum of 0 and the Assessment Hour Flag .
11 / BARAResourceTotalGrandFatheredAvailableCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh / Total Grandfathered Available capacity quantity by Business Associate B, Resource r and Resource Type t during the trading Hour h
12 / BAHourlyNodalSCPMeteredCAISODemandQuantity_MDOverCABmdh / Hourly Nodal SCP CAISO Metered Demand by Business Associate B
13 / HourlyNodalSCPMeteredCAISODemandQuantity_MDOverCAmdh / Hourly Nodal SCP CAISO Metered Demand
14 / BAHourlyRAResourceSubstitutedCapacityQuantityBrtr’F’S’h’mdh / Hourly Eligible Substituted Capacity Quantity by business associate B resource r and substitution resource type r’ for the trade hour h.
15 / BAHourlyRAResourceSCPMeteredCalculatedQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh / Hourly SCP calculated generation meter quantity by BA, and by resource r and by hour h.
16 / BAHourlyRAResourceSCPHistoricalCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’s’dh’mdh / Hourly HistoricalQC Resource calculated availability Capacity by Business Associate B and by Resource r and by HistoricalQC Resource Id s’
17 / BAHourlyRANonHQCResourceSCPEligibleAvailableCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh / Total Hourly Eligible Capacity MW Availability by Business Associates B, Non HQC Resource r and Resource Type t during the Trading Hour h
18 / BAHourlyRAHQCResourceSCPEligibleAvailableCapacityQuantityBrtF’S’dh’mdh / Total Hourly Eligible Capacity MW Availability by Business Associates B, HQC Resource r and Resource Type t during the Trading Hour h
19 / BAHourlyRAResourceSoldAvailableCapacityQuantity BrtF’S’s’dh’mdh / RA resource’s RA sold availability by Business Associates B, Resource r and Resource Type t during the Trading Hour h
20 / BAHourlyRAResourceSubstitutedAvailabilityQuantity Brtr’h’’h’F’S’h’mdh / RA resource’s substitute availability by Business Associates B, Resource r and Resource Type t during the Trading Hour h

4.Charge Code Effective Date

Charge Code/
Pre-calc Name / Document Version / Effective Start Date / Effective End Date / Version Update Type
Standard Capacity Product Pre-Calculation / 5.0 / 01/01/10 / 6/21/2010 / Configuration Impacted
Standard Capacity Product Pre-Calculation / 5.1 / 06/22/2010 / 12/31/2010 / Configuration Impacted
Standard Capacity Product Pre-Calculation / 5.2 / 01/01/11 / 12/31/2011 / Configuration Impacted
Standard Capacity Product Pre-Calculation / 5.3 / 01/01/12 / 06/30/13 / Configuration Impacted
Standard Capacity Product Pre-Calculation / 5.4 / 07/01/13 / 06/30/1303/31/14 / Configuration Impacted
Standard Capacity Product Pre-Calculation / 5.5 / 04/01/14 / Open / Configuration Impacted
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 15