Edinburgh Network of Voluntary Organisations

for Children, Young People and Families



Date: 8th September, 2011

Time: 1:00 – 3.30pm

Place: Barnardo’s, 91 South Oswald Road, Edinburgh, EH9 2HH

Present: Joan Fraser (chair), Kate Polson, Fiona Hird, David Wilson, Sharon Munro, Debbie Noble, Maura Daly, Sharon Guest

In Attendance: Tim Randall (minutes), Tom Bathgate and Julia Macintosh (Network Discussion only)

1.0  Apologies: Theresa Allison; Sam Anderson, Jan Williamson, Lorraine Herschell, Sandy Corlett, Clare Gibson

The Business meeting was preceded by a presentation by Tom Bathgate and Julia Macintosh from EVOC’s Information and Communications Team on the new (pre-launch) EVOC website, highlighting the pages on the Network as well as Noticeboard (the new way of sharing news and information for the Voluntary Sector in Edinburgh) and Resources, followed by questions and feedback.

2.0  Minutes of Network 04.08.11

2.1 Acceptance as an Accurate Record

The minutes were accepted as an accurate record.

4.0 It was noted that the date and time of the one-off Disabilities e-forum meeting has changed to Friday 30th September from 12 – 1.30pm.

6.0 Leaflets on ‘Information for practitioners on programmes that support families’ are now available at:

Children 1st, Baird House, 10/12 Newtoft Street, Gilmerton, EH17 8RD

Fabb Scotland, Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY

EVOC, 14 Ashley Place, Edinburgh, EH6 5PX

3.0 Network Development

Chair Succession

Joan reminded the Network that she had taken on the role of Chair temporarily, and explained it was her intention to stand down in the autumn. The role had changed and grown significantly over the past 6 months, especially with the introduction of the Chief Officers Group and ad hoc groups such as the current Checkpoint Group and Single Outcome Agreement Group. Currently the role adds up to about a day a week and so the plan is offer a paid stipend to go with the role in the hope of attracting someone who can be reasonably flexible according to the needs of the post. Network members were asked to consider applying, and also to spread the word about the vacancy and encourage suitable candidates to apply.

Those present were asked what kind of attributes they would like in their Chair. Suggestions included: the authority to make quick decisions; and knowledge across a range of areas relevant to the Network. As well as advertising in the Weekly News it was suggested to advertise in places such as the 3rd sector News, depending on costs.

Network members were asked to contribute any thoughts on what to include in the person specification, by emailing Tim by the end of 20th Sep.

4.0 Partnership Working

4.1 Feedback from the Chief Officers Group: Joan Fraser

Following a review of the Terms of Reference the Chair of the Children’s Partnership is to be an elected position, as will the vice-chair. Elections for the vice-chair will be by secret ballot at the October meeting. The membership of the Chief Officers Group will be a senior representative from each of the main partners in the Children’s Partnership. The Network Chair will represent the Voluntary Sector on this group.

Terms of reference for the group were agreed.

There was discussion about co-operation between Police and schools. There are currently six secondary schools with an allocated police officer – but by January each secondary school in Edinburgh will have an officer allocated to it.

The Improving Outcomes for Children and Young People in Craigroyston project was discussed. The Voluntary Sector will be involved in both the city-wide steering group and the local implementation group.

There was a discussion on Drug and Alcohol misuse.

It was decided at the Network meeting to provide a link to an Evaluation of the Family Nurse Partnership through the Weekly News.


4.2 Feedback from the Children and Families Commissioning Plan Checkpoint Group: Joan Fraser David Wilson

The report on process has been commented on and will go to the Children and Families Committee on 13 Sep, and then to the Policy and Strategy Committee on 4 Oct. The Checkpoint group appears to be working well, and has considered much of the feedback from the Network discussion on the Commissioning Plan in April. The Checkpoint discussionseems to have aided CEC understanding of full cost recovery which should inform the revised Commissioning Plan.

4.3 Feedback from Best Start: David Wilson

See feedback – (paper for Sep Network meeting)

Tim to put David in touch with Marilyn Nicholl with regard to indicators exercise


Issues around mapping of voluntary sector services were discussed – there could be over 200 organisations relevant to children, young people and families. The question was raised as to whether this could link in with the new EVOC website. It would need to be carefully planned with a clear purpose. It was highlighted that some services that exist have specific referral routes, and it may not be appropriate to advertise the services too widely. It would be important to be really clear on what the information would be used for. It was suggested that a co-ordinated approach would be best. Tim to look into possibilities for co-ordinating any mapping with EVOC plans to collect data.


4.4 Feeback from Voluntary Sector GIRFEC SARG

See minutes and report - (papers for Sep Network meeting)

It was agreed to clarify with Lynne Porteous what the point was regarding capacity issues for Voluntary Sector Reps with regard to the checkpoint group for the Commissioning Plan Consultation.


4.5 Feedback from Child Protection Committee and Training Subgroup

See feedback for both – (papers for Sep Network meeting)

There was a discussion of the best way for Child Protection Reps to communicate with the rest of the Voluntary Sector and especially how to gather views to take issues to groups on behalf of the sector. It was suggested that Edinburgh should have a voluntary sector subgroup for Child Protection. A brief discussion ensued, and it was also suggested that the subgroup could include Adult Protection. Concerns were also raised about whether people would have time to attend an additional meeting. It was decided that Network members should gather information about what works in other Local Authority areas and continue the discussion at a later date. It was also agreed to devote the Network discussion on Nov 3rd to child protection and communication.

ACTION: All Network members to gather information about voluntary sector communication mechanisms in other local authority areas.

It was agreed to repeat the announcement in the Weekly News asking for Voluntary Sector input on future training, and setting the terms of reference for small focus groups of young people who have had experience of the Child Protection system.


4.6 Voluntary Sector Vacancy on the Adult Protection Panel: Sharon Munro

The Adult Protection Panel (APP) has no voluntary sector reps. This has been raised at voluntary sector adult care forua, and EVOC staff are awaiting further responses from members. Joan suggested having two Reps on the APP, one for adults and one for transitions for young people. It was agreed that the Network would pursue this suggestion, once EVOC staff have clarified the position of the adult care fora.


4.7 Improving Outcomes for Children and Young People in Craigroyston

Discussed at 4.1

4.8 Throughcare and Aftercare

As part of the Looked After and Accommodated Strategic Plan, it was agreed that a review would be undertaken of Throughcare Aftercare (TcAc) services provided by the City of Edinburgh Council and commissioned services. The findings will be included in the strategic plan and there is a consultation on the review recommendations which covers Finance, Accommodation, Health, Positive Destinations and Transitions. The consultation ends on the 30th September.

It was agreed at the Network meeting that Kate would pull together a response on behalf of the Network, and to request members to respond to her by Sep 23.

ACTION: Kate and Tim

It was also agreed that those on Checkpoint groups should feedback that a minimum time period is needed for consultations.

ACTION: Joan and David

5.0 Voluntary Sector News

It was noted that NSPCC is offering free Child Protection/safety awareness sessions in schools. In discussion members asked what the impact would be on existing programmes and it was agreed to seek advice from CEC. It was agreed to contact Sean Byrne about this.

ACTION: Debbie

6.0 Future Network Meetings

Topics agreed as follows:

October- GIRFEC

November - a discussion on how the Network can best communicate around protection issues in (as minuted at 4.5)

7.0 Any Other Business


8.0 Date of Next Meeting

1:00 – 3.30pm, Thursday 6th October, EVOC

Subsequent Network meetings:

3rd November 2011, EVOC

8th December 2011, EVOC