Lesson plan – English ......

September, 7th 2016


Period 3:

I. Objectives:

1. Educational aim: Students should know how to describe a person

2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn about physical characteristics and personalities of a person.

- Language: Talking about people’s physical characteristics and personalities.

- New words: words related to people’s physical characteristics and personalities.

3. Skills: talking about people’s physical characteristics and personalities.

II. Method: integrated, mainly communicative.

III. Teaching aids: Student’s book and pictures showing friends, etc.

IV. Procedures:

Stages / Teacher’s activities / Students’ activities
(5ms) / Game “Take them home”
- T divides the class into 4 groups.
- T gives each group a poster and 20 cards then gives the rule of the game.


- T asks:
+ Which other words are used for describing physical characteristics? / - Ss work in groups, take turns to choose the cards then stick them in the right categories.
- Ss can organize the words into four different categories as follows:
+FACE: square, oval, round
+HAIR: curly, wavy, dyed, sleek, shoulder-length, long, short fair, straight, grey
+NOSE: straight, flat, turned-up, pointed
+HEIGHT: tall, short, medium
* Suggested answers
+ Forehead: broad, high, ...
+Appearance: handsome, beautiful,good-looking,well-built,
Lips: full, thin, ...
(15ms) / A. Vocabulary pre-teaching:
1.  crooked (adj.)['krukid]: (picture)
2.  hospitable (adj.): welcoming guess/ visitors friendly
3.  generous (adj.):/ 'dʒenərəs/ (translation)
4.  quick-witted (adj.)['kwik'witid] : intelligent
5.  humorous ['hju:mərəs] (a):
6.  good-natured ['gud'neit∫əd] (a): tốt bụng, hiền hậu, đôn hậu
7.  studious ['stju:diəs](a): chăm chỉ; siêng năng
-T. reads these words aloud
B. Activity 1:
Help sis know some adjectives that are used to describe a person’s physical characteristics and personalities.
+ Face: round, thin, oval......
+ Forehead: high, large......
+ Hair: black, long, wavy, blond......
+ Eyes: blue, round, brown......
+ Nose: flat, high, straight, crooked......
+ Appearance: good-looking, handsome......
+ Body: slim, fat, overweight......
+Personalities: sincere, caring, hospitable, generous, honest, pleasant......
Activity 2: Describing people(Task 1, textbook, p.15)
- T asks students to work in pairs, do Task 1- textbook on page 15.
- T asks Ss to listen to their friends’ descriptions and decide who he/ she is. / -Realize the words (meaning, pronunciation, stress)
-Listen & repeat
-Give the answers
- Ss sit in pairs, look at the people
and describe their physical
* He/ She is ...... He’s/ She’s got ...... His/ Her hair ......
* He’s/ She’s ...... with ...... and ......
(15 ms) / Activity 3: Vocabulary
- T sets situations and asks Ss to fill in the blanks.
* He’s always willing to give money to his friends or help them. He’s a very ...... man.
* She never tells lies. She’s a very ...... person.
* He’s very good at Maths, but he never talks about that. He’s a ...... person.
* Minh is always cheerful and often tells jokes, which makes us like to be with him all the time. He is a very ...... boy. / - Ss do the teacher’s request.
(10 ms)

Homework / Activity 4: Role – play:
Talk about a famous friend.
(Task 3, page 16)
- T helps Ss review some questions about physical characteristics, personalities, hobbies, ....
-Ask Ss to work in pairs to play the role of a journalist and an interviewee whose friend has won the first international prize in Maths.
* Model:
Teacher( journalist)-one student( interviewee)
-T: Good morning, Hoa
- S: Good morning Mrs A
- T: Lan has just won the first international prize in Maths. Is she your close friend?
- S: Yes.
- T: Could you tell me something about her?
Where and when was she born?
-S:She was born onDecember5th,1990 in Tam Ky.
- T: What does she look like?
-T:What is she like?
- S:......
- T: What are her hobbies?
-T: What made her successful in maths?
- T: What do you often do with her?
-T: Thank you very much.
*Ask some pairs to practise speaking in front of the class
- T selects some pairs at random and has them play roles in front of the class.
- Write a short paragraph about a person you like best.
- Prepare Part Listening. / - Ss work in groups, discuss and number the personalities in order of importance in friendship.
- Each group’s representative will report their results to the class and explain orally why. (Ss’ answers may be different.)
- Ss make questions, using the suggestions (textbook, page 17).
* What’s your friend’s/ his/ her name?
* When was he/ she born?
* What does he/ she look like?
* What are his/ her hobbies?
* What’s he/ she like?
* What makes him/ her a good friend?
* What made him/ her successful?
* How much time does he spend on Maths every day?
* What does he do in his free time?
- Ss work in pairs: Journalist & Interviewee.



Le Quy Don High School Designed by: Nguyen Thi Minh Dung