To: All Parents Year R - 6

School Clubs AutumnTerm 2017

Please find attached the schedule for Clubs for the autumn term 2017. Clubs will start in the second week of term i.e. the w/c Monday 11 September and finish in w/c 11 December, exceptions: Drama which runs from Thursday 7 September to Thursday 14 December. We will open up Schoolgateway on Friday 1 September for you to sign up and pay for clubs electronically.

Reminder of the signing up procedures using School Gateway

Using Schoolgateway allows you to sign up from a given date/time and pay in full for clubs. In order for this to happen successfully it is very important that you have installed School Gateway. If you haven’t already done so please follow these 3 simple steps:

Step1Go to

Step 2Press the ‘New User’ button and enter your email and mobile number (the one that you told your school) – your PIN number will then be texted to your phone.

Step 3Log in as an existing user using your email address and 4 digit PIN number.

You will now be up and running.

Club sign up will be made live from Monday 28 Augustand close on Tuesday 5 September.

We will release the programme of activities with number of places available and you will be able to see these on your School Gateway account from Monday 28 August. Just select the activities you would like your child to attend and then

1. Firstlybook them on the club which allocates them a place (very important)

2.Secondlymake the payment.

You can pay using your debit/credit card in the normal way. If you have more than one activity you can add these to a basket and pay at the end.

Once you have signed your child(ren) up for a club, they are expected to honour the commitment for one whole termand refunds will not be possible. We also hope to avoid children signing up, then not attending the club and taking a place which another child might have used.

New signing up procedures for Premier Sport and Drama Club

Premier Sport

We will be runningDodge Ball at lunchtime and Gymnastics after school. Please select ‘Control and click’ on their hyperlink below which will take you straight to the St Andrew’s page of Premier Sport website to sign up and pay for these clubs.

Helen O’Grady Drama Academy

You will need to sign up for this club direct with the Academy by going to their website

Cookeryeatery Year1-6

We will run this club again next year on Fridays but have extended the time to 3.15 – 5.00. The children sit down and eat a hot meal they have prepared together.

Netball Year3&4 and 56

Club members will roll forward to the autumn term so no need to sign up except we have 5 places available in the Year 3 & 4 group. Years 3 & 4 will be after school on a Tuesday and Years 5 & 6 will be after school on a Thursday.

Cross Country Year 4,5 & 6

This club on Tuesday lunchtimes will roll forward to autumn term so no need to sign up.

Football Training Year 56 and 34

We have 6 spaces available for children in Year 5 & 6 next year to play football. If you would like to join the ‘B’ team to play football Years 3 & 4 can sign up this term.

Children need appropriate clothing: shin pads, studs or blades and waterproof jacket and a water bottle. If children do not have their kit they will not be able to attend training.

Wind Band

This will continue from 8.00-8.30 on a Wednesday morning members will roll forward so no need to sign up.

KS2 Choir

Any child from Years 3-6, who is not already a member of the choir, can join the first choir session on Wednesday 13 September at 10.00-10.30 am. There will be no sign up sheet to complete.

Recorder Groups

Beginner’s Year 2 club will be on Wednesdays at lunchtime 12.00 – 12.20 please sign up.

Mrs Johnson’s recorder groups for the newYear 3-6 are all full. The members of these groups will roll up to the autumn termso no need to sign up. The session will be 12.20 – 12.40.

String Group

A new String group will be formed and take place on Wednesdays after school. If you play a string instrument and would like to join this group please sign up.


Please encourage your child to take responsibility for bringing to school their own kit/equipment. We will not be telephoning parents if kit is forgotten.

Thank you for your continued support

Lynda Bysouth

Mrs Lynda Bysouth

School Business Manager