Board of Fire Commissioners

Windsor Locks Fire Department

Minutes – Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Location: Safety Complex, 2 Volunteer Drive

  1. Call to Order

-The meeting of January 14, 2015 was called to order by Chairman Gragnolati at 7:34 p.m.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call

-Commissioners Present: Dennis Gragnolati, Dan Riley, Pat Courtney and David Montemerlo

-Chief’s Present: Chief Ruggiero, Assistant Chief DeBella and Deputy Chief John Donahue

-Fire Marshal Present: Mike Sinsigalli

  1. Secretary’s Report

Chairman Gragnolati entertained a motion to approve the Secretary’s Report for the meeting of December 10, 2015. Motion was made by Commissioner Courtney and seconded by Commissioner Montemerlo to approve the minutes as submitted. All Commissioners voted in favor of the motion.

  1. Report of Officers

-Fire Marshal Report

-Ten inspections were conducted since January 1. The log feature in the computer system is not working properly so the Fire Marshal has not been able to retrieve year-end data.

-All FMO Staff inspected the C&S Warehouse on North Main Street. Also inspected were the Middle School, the Ford Warehouse and Motel 6.

-Two sets of plans were received and reviewed, High School is being completed.

-Inspector Pascarelli completed the third module of fire marshal certification on November 25, 2014. Mike Sinsigalli would like us to consider moving him to Deputy Fire Marshal Status.

-FMO is dealing with two sprinkler system interruptions this period. The water main between the pump house and warehouse failed at C&S Warehouse. The second occurred at Motel 6 where a pipe broke, effecting the fire alarm system.

-Chief Report

-There were 29 alarms and 3 drills. In January,we experienced the highest calls during the day we have had.

-Capital Improvement Budget was presented January 5th.

-On December 10th we were dispatched to the wrong address. We were dispatched to Acorn and it should have been Avon. It was a structure fire. Luckily, one of our members heard the correct address on the radio and we were able to respond quickly. A letter went to the Police Chief so we can take care of this.

-On December 15th we were dispatched to 200 Old County Circle for a reported structure fire involving one of the storage bays.

-We are working on plans for the 125th Anniversary. We will be meeting with Manchester who recently held there’s to get ideas.

-The JI is going to be asking monthly if there have been any disciplinary actions with any town employees. This appears to be taking place in all towns

-Chiefs Ruggiero and DeBella went and spoke to Vic regarding the purchase of new portable radios. Meeting with the Radio Committee tomorrow to see if we can get approval to buy the radios we have selected, which is the first step.

  1. Standing Committee’s

Purchasing – Ongoing. It appears at this time there is no set procedure to pay bills and it is causing more work on the people who are doing it in this Department.

-Purchased, under Capital,27 air packs. We still need 11 more.

Training –Still training on a regular basis with the tower. Holding training Blood Bourne Pathogens in January. In the process of doing the Fit testing on the masks for the air packs.

Human Resources– Fire Marshal has asked that we appoint Jim Pascarelli as a Deputy Fire Marshal.

Chairman Gragnolati entertained a motion that we appoint Jim Pascarelli as a Deputy Fire Marshal. Motion was made by Commissioner Courtney and seconded by Commissioner Montemerlo to make the appointment as recommended by the Fire Marshal. All Commissioners voted in favor of the motion.

-We have one firefighter in the pipeline, he’s still on the waiting list. Two Firefighters received termination letters for lack of attendance.

-Since December 2002 the Department added approximately 53 members. In that 12-year period, 23 are still members, a 43% retention. From April 2013, we added 10 more members

Budget– Chief Ruggiero presented the proposed 2015-16 Fire Department budget to the Commissioners, explaining the increases.

Chairman Gragnolati entertained a motion that we add two new accounts to the budget as presented by the chief. A $10,000 budget for expenses related to the 125th anniversary celebration and $10,000 for a pension fund account. Motion was made by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Commissioner Courtney to approve the additions to the budget. All Commissioners voted in favor of the motion.

Chairman Gragnolati entertained a motion that we do not consider increasing the budget for line items 106 – 111. Motion was made by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Commissioner Montemerlo. All Commissioners voted in favor of the motion.

Chairman Gragnolati entertained a motion that we approve and present to the Board of Finance the 2015-2016 Fire Department Budget of $410,658.00. Motion made by Commissioner Riley seconded by Commissioner Courtney. All Commissioners voted in favor of the motion.

Fire Marshal Sinsigalli presented the proposed 2015-16 budget for the Fire Marshal’s Office, explaining the increases.

Chairman Gragnolati entertained a motion that we approve the 2015-16 Fire Marshals Budget as presented for $71,141. Motion was made by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Commissioner Courtney. All Commissioners voted in favor of the motion.

Building Committee–Selectman has toured both the Police and Fire Department and agree something needs to be done in both areas. We are moving forward to establish a Building Committee. Anyone interested in being on this committee is asked to contact Dennis Gragnolati, Mike Russo or the Selectman’s Office.

Truck Committee– No report.

  1. Old Business- None
  1. New Business- None
  1. Appointments and Promotions - None
  1. Correspondence - None
  1. Public Input- None
  1. Commission Comments- None
  1. Announcements - None
  1. Adjournment

Chairman Gragnolati entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:46 p.m. Motion made by Commissioner Courtney and seconded by Commissioner Riley. All Commissioners voted in favor of the motion.

Submitted by Susan Urso