MAY 5, 2010





JULY 7, 2010

1:10 p.m. Convene in Regular Session

Flag Salute

Roll Call

General Update of Planning Activities

Matters Initiated by Commissioners


Presentation by Staff

Approval of Minutes

Matters Initiated by the General Public

1:30 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE #2010-036, Lowell Harwood, to allow a 14 foot sideyard setback from the west property line as an alternative to the 30 foot setback required by Lassen County Fire Safe Ordinance #502 E. The applicant is requesting the 14 foot variance to allow for the construction of an attached carport to an existing garage. The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15303 (e) of the Guidelines. The parcel is zoned R-1-A-B-2.5 (Single-Family Residential, Agricultural and Building Site Combining Districts, 2.5 acre minimum parcel size), and is located at 705-040 Indale Drive, one mile south of the intersection of Highway 36 and Highway 395, 0.75 miles west of Highway 395 in Johnsonville. A.P.N.: 116-200-41. Staff Contact: Thomas Maioli, Associate Planner.

1:35 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, VARIANCE #2010-034 and #2010-035, Walter and Donna Johnson. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors in regard to the applicant’s request to allow a 1.5 foot sideyard setback from the eastern property line as an alternative to the 30 foot setback required by Lassen County Fire Safe Ordinance (Ord. 502) and as an alternative to the 14 foot setback required by the A-2 District (Agricultural Residential, Lassen County Code Section 18.18.050). The applicant is requesting the 1.5 foot variance to allow for the construction of an addition to an existing garage/storage building. The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15303 (e). The parcel is zoned A-2-B-5-A (Agricultural Residential, Building Site, 5 acre minimum parcel size, and Agricultural Combining Districts), and is located at 716-155 Lake Leavitt Road, 0.25 miles south of the intersection of Highway 395 and Chappius Lane, 1.70 miles west of Standish. A.P.N.: 119-250-42. Staff Contact: Thomas Maioli, Associate Planner.

1:40 p.m. GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY (File #703.38), Lassen County Department of Public Works, Review for Conformity with the Lassen County General Plan pursuant to Government Code Section 65401, Bieber Park, to construct a new multiuse sports field complex to include two baseball backstops, well, irrigation system, landscaping and parking. An existing building on site will be remodeled for use as a bathroom and snack bar facility. The project is estimated to cost $250,000.00 and would be funded by a grant (2002 Park Bond) which has already been secured. The Planning Commission is to make a determination as to conformity with the Lassen County General Plan 2000. Staff Contact: Thomas Maioli, Associate Planner.


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For questions, please contact the Lassen County Planning and Building Services Department, 530 251-8269