Appendix 1: Community Memories - Sample Production Schedule

Project Phase / Start (Date) / Finish (Date) / Resource / Description
Signing of contract / CMH, Institution / This may include:
• re-evaluation and identification of Payment schedule;
• minor rewrite of project description and basic content grid.
Phase 1 - INITIATION - First Deliverable
(1st Deliverable) - Schedule, budget, translation sample. / Institution / This includes:
  • delivery of a final production schedule;
  • delivery of a final production budget;
  • delivery of sample translation.

(1st Deliverable) - VMC review and approval / VMC / VMC review
(up to 5 working days)
Invoice: first payment of 40% / Institution / Presentation of invoice for first payment of 40% of the approved budget (plus GST/HST if applicable) following approval by the Project Authority of production schedule and budget.
(Payment by CMH within 30 days)
(original language) - Second Deliverable / Estimate completion within (9) months of signing the contract
VMC Delivery - VMC Community Memories Authoring Tool / VMC / Provide the Institution with access to the Community Memories Authoring Tool and User Guide to develop and populate the exhibit.
Tutorial / Spot-check period - VMC Community Memories Authoring Tool / VMC, Institution / Provide the Institution the opportunity to test-drive the Authoring Tool and populate it with an example of each asset type, and VMC the opportunity to provide guidance for populating the remaining content.This period may run simultaneously with the development of the exhibit.
Content - Research / Institution
Assets - Selection / Institution / Assets include: images, video and audio
Assets - Confirm availability / Institution / Assets include: images, video and audio
Community consultation (as required) / Institution
Detailing /updating of the project description and content grid / Institution
Digitization of assets / Institution / Preparation of images to meet the technical requirements for populating the Authoring Tool.
Text - Write / Institution / • body text
• captions, credits
• descriptive Transcripts (video/audio)
• closed captioning (video)
• alternative text (images)
Content - Vetting / Institution / Vetting of all content with partners and collaborators.
Text - Edit / Institution / • body text
• captions, credits
• descriptive transcripts (video/audio)
• closed captioning (video)
• alternative text (images)
Translation - Sample / Institution / Editing and translation of Home Page content for VMC review.
Video, Audio - Production / Institution
Video - Create a YouTube account / Institution
Video - Post onto YouTube site / Institution / Posting of any videos on YouTube account (with closed captioning).
Images, Video, Audio - Copyrights / Licences (Draft List) / Institution / Production of a preliminary list of all images and videos identifying information related to copyrights and licenses required (e.g. duration of licences acquired, cost of licences date when copyrights need to be renewed, any limitations to the usage rights, or copyright fees have been waved, etc.)
Populate Community Memories Authoring Tool with main content / Institution / Inputting main content of the exhibit, including:
  • text
  • images
  • audio
  • video (link to YouTube)
    (estimate a minimum of 15 working days)

Populate Community Memories Authoring Tool with Accessibility- related content / Institution / Inputting content required to meet accessibility requirements for each image, audio or video file:
  • alt text for all images
  • closed captioning for all video
  • transcriptions of all audio/video

Pre-submission review / Institution / Internal review (and vetting with partners and collaborators, if required) of populated Authoring Tool content and assets
(2nd Deliverable) - Deliver to VMC / Institution / This date will appear in the payment schedule of your contract
  • submission of the exhibit (in original language) through the Community Memories Authoring Tool as described in section 1, after approval by the Project Authority
  • sample of Home Page text translated and edited in second official language

(2nd Deliverable) - VMC Review and Approval / VMC / VMC Preliminary Quality Assurance review & report
(up to 20 working days)
Invoice: second payment of 40% / VMC / Presentation of invoice for second payment of 40% of the approved budget (plus GST/HST if applicable) upon satisfactory completion of the First Deliverable and approval by the Project Authority.
(Payment by CMH within 30 days)
(both official languages) - Third Deliverable / Estimate completion within (4) months of receipt of VMC Quality Assurance report
Exhibit Modifications - VMC debrief / VMC, Institution / Review of VMC Preliminary Quality Assurance report and collaboration with VMC for clarification and guidance.
Exhibit Modifications - post-VMC Review / Institution / Make corrections and adjustments as outlined in the VMC Quality Assurance report.
Images, Video, Audio - Copyrights / Licences (FINAL List) / Institution / Final acquisition list of all copyrights and/or licences for all content including images, videos, audio artwork, artist fees etc. documentation of all costs, restrictions and durations in a copyright and licencing list.
Text - Translation / Translator / Translation of all texts approved in Phase 2:
• all exhibit text
• captions and credits
• transcriptions
• closed captioning
• alternative text
Edit - Translated text / Editor / Editing of translated text.
Edit - comparative edit of both languages (suggested) / Editor / Comparative edit of English and French text. (This is optional but highly recommended).
Video/Audio - transcript & closed captioning - Translation/edit / Creation of (second official language) transcript and closed captioning of video, and (second official language) transcript for audio content.
Video - Post onto YouTube account / Institution / Posting of (second official language) videos and related closed captioning on YouTube account.
Populate Community Memories Authoring Tool with main content / Inputting of main content (second official language) of the exhibit which includes:
• text
• images
• audio
• video (link to YouTube)
(estimate a minimum of 15 working days)
Populate Community Memories Authoring Tool with Accessibility- related content / Inputting of content required to meet Accessibility Requirements for each image, audio or video file (in second language):
• alt text for all images
• closed captioning in for all audio/video material
• transcriptions of all audio/video material
Pre-submission review / Institution / Internal review (and vetting with partners and collaborators, if required) of populated Authoring Tool content and assets.
(3rd Deliverable) Deliver to VMC / Institution / Submission of final version of the exhibit (both official language versions) incorporating all the changes requested by the VMC Preliminary Quality Assurance Review.
(3rd Deliverable) VMC Review and Approval / VMC / VMC Final Quality Assurance review & report
(up to 20 working day)
Exhibit Modifications - post-VMC Review / Institution / Adjustments based on VMC's Final Quality Assurance report (if required).
(FINAL Deliverable) - to VMC / Institution / Submission of the updated final version of the exhibit incorporating all the changes requested in the VMC Final Quality Assurance Review.
(FINAL) -VMC Review and Approval / VMC / VMC Quality Assurance review & report (if required)
(up to 15 working days)
Support Documents – Submission / Institution / Submission of:
  • a minimum 250 (maximum 400) word summary of the exhibit in an electronic format;
  • the completed Metadata Collector Document.

Exhibit live on VMC website / VMC
Invoice: - final payment of 20% / Institution / Final payment of 20% (plus GST/HST if applicable) after satisfactory completion of the Second Deliverable and approval by the Project Authority.
(Payment by CMH within 30 days)