ASA Suitability Statement

Thank you for your interest in employment with the ASA. Please complete this suitability statement to accompany your CV, addressing as many aspects of the person specification as possible. CV’s submitted without a completed suitability statement will not be accepted.

Please complete this form and email back to us at


Position Applied For:
Where Did You See The Post Advertised?:
Salary Expectations for Role:
Contact Email Address:
Contact Telephone Number:

A | Suitability Statement.

Please outline your suitability for the desired role below, including any information to support your application.

You may find it helpful to refer again to the advertisement, job description and person specification to ascertain what experience, skills and knowledge the ASA/IoS is looking for.

If you believe you have the necessary experience and skills etc. please ensure that all the relevant information is included. This could include any personal interests or unpaid activity.


B / If applicable, please specify all time not accounted for on your CV with dates and reasons:
(If not specified on your CV, please give names, addresses and position of two referees to whom a reference may be requested. One should be your present or previous employer)
1. NAME:
Please can you confirm as to whether these referees can be approached before or after the interview:
Before After
ASA/IoSwill process the personal information provided by you in the application form, and any other personal information provided by you now or in the future, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, to assist us in considering your application for employment and, if you become an employee, for purposes relating to your employment.
For selection purposes, your personal information will be considered by our HR Department and, where appropriate, relevant managers of the organisation. However, none of the sensitive information, e.g. ethnicity or criminal record (if any) included in this application form will be provided to the managers during the selection process (except where necessary to enable us to make arrangements for you to attend interviews). Any appointment will be subject to references and if necessary a DBS check.
Should your application for employment be unsuccessful your personal information will be held in our HR Department for a maximum of 6 months. After this period your application form and any associated documents will be disposed of in a confidential and responsible manner.
If your application is successful, all of your personal information (including sensitive information) provided on your application form, and any information provided by you now or in the future, may form part of your personal file and may be held on our HR database. Your personal information will be processed to assist in the service and administration of the Company’s employment practices e.g. payroll & pension. Your line manager may also have access to your personal information to assist in line management duties e.g. Professional Development/Appraisal Reviews.
Should you leave the Company’s employment, your personal information will be retained for a reasonable period of time in line with HR practice, including the purposes of providing references and dealing with queries in connection with your employment.
I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief all the statements and information given in this form are true and complete, and that I have not withheld any material fact. I understand that any appointment will be made on the basis that the information given on this form is true and correct. I understand that if I have failed to disclose information, or have given incorrect information this may result in an offer of appointment being withdrawn, or in disciplinary action or summary dismissal at a later date.
I have read and understood the Data Protection statement and consent to the Company processing my personal information as described in that section.
Date: ______
(If you are completing this form on-line then an e-signature is acceptable)

ASA/IoS Equality & Diversity Monitoring Form

The ASA/IoS is committed to promoting equal opportunities and diversity in employment, in respect of our recruitment and selection procedures and in ensuring that all employees receive equal treatment in employment.

We seek to employ a workforce which reflects the diverse nature of our community and value the contribution of each individual regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity.

Responses will be treated in the strictest of confidence. The information you provide will be used for statistical analysis only and will not be forwarded to the hiring manager for shortlisting.This form will assist in evaluating the Company’s progress towards improvements in its diversity strategy. We would, therefore, be grateful if you would complete the details below in line with our commitment to promoting diversity.

The information will be held in compliance with the Data Protection principles as set out in the Data Protection Act 1998. Should you become an employee, we will seek periodic confirmation from you as to its accuracy.

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Position Applied For: …………………………………………………………………

(Please tick the appropriate boxes)


Female Male

Prefer not to state




16 and under
65 plus
Prefer not to state


ASA/IoS aims to promote equality of opportunity for all job applicants with the right mix of skills and potential. We welcome applications from a diverse and representative population. If you have a conviction this will not necessarily bar you from consideration for employment. Each case is looked at on its particular circumstances and background.
Please note that the position for which you are applying may involve unsupervised access to children, young persons and/or vulnerable members of society. Therefore, applicants who are offered employment may be subject to a criminal record check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) before the appointment is confirmed. This will include details of any cautions, reprimands or final warnings as well as any convictions.
Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence?
Yes No
If yes, please give details of the conviction(s) and the date(s) on a separate sheet and attach it with this form.
Failure to disclose criminal offences, whether spent or current, could either lead to your application being rejected or if you were to be appointed then it could lead to your summary dismissal. If you are unsure about whether to disclose a conviction, please seek the advice of the People Development Department.


As an employer, ASA /IoS is committed to ensure people with disabilities are treated fairly and well, to enable them to carry out their role effectively. The Equality Act 2010 defines disability as:

‘A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal day to day activities’.

I consider myself to be:

Disabled Non Disabled

Prefer not to state

Please indicate below if you require any reasonable adjustments, due to a disability or health condition, to enable you to attend an interview, or which you wish us to take into account when considering your application.

Interview information on audio tape

Interview information in large print format

Sign language interpretation or other assistance with communication at interview

Wheelchair accessible location for interview

Car parking space for interview (for people with mobility problems only)

Facility for Personal Carer, assistant or other person to accompany you at interview

Please specify any other support, which you would like to be made available on the day:


I would describe my ethnicity as:

White - British / Asian or Asian British - Pakistani
White - Irish / Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi
Any other white background / Any other Asian Background
Mixed – White and black Caribbean / Black or Black British – Caribbean
Mixed – White and black African / Black or Black British – African
Mixed – White and Asian / Any other black background
Any other mixed background / Chinese
Asian or Asian British - Indian / Any Other ethnic group
Any other Background – Please state / Prefer not to state


I would describe my religion as:

Christian (all denominations)
No religion
Prefer not to state
Other (please specify)


I would describe my sexual orientation as:

Prefer not to state
Other (please specify)


Are you a transsexual with the acquired gender of a male or a transsexual with the acquired gender of a female?

Prefer not to state


Are you married or in a civil partnership?

Prefer not to state


Are you presently pregnant or within 26 weeks of having given birth?

Prefer not to state