P. O. Box 590
Athens, TN 37303-0590
TO: SkillsUSA Lead Advisors
From: Carl Creasman, SkillsUSA Director
Date: February 10, 2011
Subject: SkillsUSA State Registration
This packet includes your state registration information with proper submission instructions. The State Conference will be at the Chattanooga Convention Center on Second Broad Street April 17 through April 20, 2011. The Marriott Hotel located at Second Carter Plaza will serve as the Headquarters Hotel. In addition, the Staybridge Suites, 1300 Carter Street; Sheraton Reed House, 827 Broad Street; Days Inn, 901 Carter Streets; The Chattanoogan, and the Chattanooga Choo Choo will be options for rooming. (See attached note for making your hotel reservations) The Sheraton Reed House has been named as the Postsecondary Hotel, so I want to encourage you to make your reservations as soon as the reservation site opens on March 4. This packet is being sent to the lead advisor and/or Director at each affiliated Postsecondary institution. Please share this material with the appropriate instructors. After each instructor has completed his/her on-line registration, please complete the attached forms (See page 3) and submit one packet for the entire school as directed. If you have any questions regarding State Registration, contact me at 423-462-2387 or 423-506-7501.
YOU MUST REGISTER ON-LINE AT www.skillsusa-register.org/Login.aspx BEFORE MARCH 16, 2011! NOTE: Registration site will be opened on February 16, 2011 and THIS SITE WILL BE DEACTIVATED at Midnight MARCH 16, 2011.
The Online registration is required of all schools since this will provide the state database for all contests. If your contestants are not included in this database, they will not be eligible to compete. ALL PERSONS attending the state conference, including instructors and/or administration MUST be registered through the on-line registration process.
In addition to the online registration, you must also complete one set of the required forms for each school and return them to the address below, postmarked no later than March 17, 2011. The forms required are:
SREG-1 (State registration form - completely filled out correctly) with your registration fees;
NLSC1 Form for each person registered; (This form can be printed from the on-line registration site after the individual’s personal information is entered.), the Fee Summary; and the Registration Summary from the online registration web site.
NOTE: Advisors should retain copies of all documents submitted.
Please submit one complete set for the school, not individual sets for each program. Fax copies of these forms will NOT be accepted.
P O BOX 590
ATHENS, TN 37371-0590
CHECKS MUST BE MADE PAYABLE TO SkillsUSA TENNESSEE Postsecondary and are due with registration.
Your prompt and immediate consideration of the above requests will expedite your registrations and allow for fewer mistakes.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Two major changes are in effect this year as follows.
ROOMS: The Sheraton Reed House hotel has been designated for Postsecondary housing and you are requested to make your reservations there. Since this hotel is also available to Secondary schools, you should make your reservations as early as possible to ensure that you can get rooms there. The Officers and I will be housed at the Marriott since we have so many duties there. As usual, I will provide the officer rooms.
CONTEST DRESS REQUIREMENTS: This is an area that has created major issues in past years dealing with differing opinions regarding what is “appropriate occupational” and/or “appropriate business” dress. As a result, it has been decided that this area of opinion will be removed by requiring “official dress” as outlined in the 2011 Skill Regs for each contest. The official dress is specified in the Skill Regs and MUST be purchased through the SkillsUSA store which can be accessed at http://www.skillsusastore.org/skillsusa/welcome.asp
The only exception to the official dress requirement will be in the case of the “Official Dress” that includes the Blazer. In an effort to help financially, students will not be penalized for not having the blazer but must follow all other aspects of the official dress.
Check off and Return
NLSC Form 1 (Original Copy for each person registered)
SREG-1, (which is this sheet - √ "checked off" in appropriate places)
______Fee Summary Printout from On-line Registration
______Registration Summary Printout from On-line Registration
Total number of Contestants/Models/Parents/Observers attending
X $70.00 each = $ ______(which is enclosed)
Number of Postsecondary state pins ordered X $1.25 = $ (enclosed)
Total Amount of Check =
Make check to SkillsUSA Tennessee Postsecondary and mail all of the above to:
(Postmark on or before March 17, 2011)
SkillsUSA Tennessee Postsecondary
P. O. Box 590
Athens, TN 37371-0590
Sign and date Certification Statement below (BOTH Advisor And Administrator)
This is to certify that each participant from ______(name of school) SkillsUSA Chapter is enrolled in occupational programs including a unit and continuous updating on safety practices. Each occupational event contestant has received the safety instruction appropriate for his/her area and has been certified to operate equipment and use tools appropriate to the area. Each contestant registered is a bonafide enrollee in the occupational program in which he/she is competing and has developed the competencies necessary to represent this school. Each individual has reviewed and signed the NLSC FORM 1 (code of conduct/medical liability form) and is familiar with specific event regulations. Each contestant has been informed that he/she must take a SkillsUSA Professional Development exam and in the case of occupational events a theory test that will be counted toward their event score. Each student listed was a member of Tennessee SkillsUSA by February 1, 2011.
Advisor Signature Date
Administrator's Signature Date
School Name ______City ______Postmark on or before March 17.
Advisor Name Phone email
SkillsUSA On-Line Conference Registration
INTERNET ADDRESS http://www.skillsusa-register.org/Login.aspx
Log in following the same procedure that you use for membership registration. If you are unclear about logging in, CONTACT Tennessee Postsecondary SkillsUSA State Director CARL CREASMAN AT 423-462-2387 OR 423-506-7501 OR EMAIL .
After logging in, you will arrive at a page with a title bar at the top with headings "MAIN", "MEMBERSHIP", "CONFERENCE", ETC.
Select "CONFERENCE" by clicking on this tab. On the Drop Down Menu, you will see “My Registrations”, “Fee Summary”, Registration Summary”, “Export to Excel” and “Blank NLSC1 Form”. By selecting the “My Registration” tab, you will be taken to a page titled “REGISTRATION INFORMATION” and “Simple 3 Step Process for Registering Competition Attendees”. Below this, you will see the conference title in a drop down menu beside the “Filter Event” (Make sure that “PostSecondary Tennessee State Skills Conference” is selected as the Filter Event). Please take note that there s a different event title for PostSecondary and Secondary. The default event is set to “PostSecondary Tennessee State Skills Conference”. Do not change this.
There are 3 ways to enter an individual for registration as follows:
FIRST: If the individual to be registered attended last year’s conference, the National conference, or this years Legislative Conferences, he/she can be registered using the button “Lookup Previous Registrations” below the registrant listing. Following the directions given will allow you to transfer the data previously entered without having to re-enter the data. You would only have to check the age information, enter the contest information and check to ensure the form is complete.
Second: If the individual has not been previously registered, you use the button titled New Registrant that is located to the left of the Filter Event. When you click on this button, you will be taken to a new page titled “Registrant Detail” where you will see the registration form to be completed. On the top left of the form, you will see a button "Reg. Member" and immediately to the right of this you will find a drop down menu with the names of all of your members. Using this drop down feature, select the name of the individual you are registering and click the "Reg. Member" button and the name of that member will be automatically entered in the proper blanks. Be sure that the proper division (PostSecondary) and Level (Student or Professional) is selected. These are immediately below the school name and Event name.
Third: The third method is to simply enter the individual’s name and information directly into the Registrant Detail page. This method will be used if you are registering someone who is not a member such as a parent or other family member.
Once the individual’s is registered using one of the three methods given, the remaining information must be entered, or confirmed in the case of the first method, following the steps given below.
To the right of the individual’s name is the Reg. Type Dropdown Menu. There are four options for Reg. Type – Other-Observer; Contestant; Advisor and Exempt Registrant. Everyone registering for the conferences, except State Officers, will be registered as a Contestant, Advisor or Other – Observer. State Officers ONLY will be registered as “Exempt Registrant”. This will reflect the fact that their registration is waived when the Fee Summary is printed.
Below the individual's name and address is a block with four (4) tabs. The Details, Emergency and State Info tabs MUST be accessed and completed. The Details tab provides blanks for individual information such as phone, parent information, Gender and email address, the Emergency Tab contains blanks for emergency contact, insurance and medical information and the State Info tab allows for indicating State Officers, delegates and Dinner attendance by checking the appropriate box. NOTE: “Attending Tuesday Night Dinner?” (under the State Info Tab) must be checked for each person in order for them to receive a meal at this session. Tickets will be issued only to those individuals who have this item checked. Complete the information under each tab as appropriate. You must enter the member’s home address and phone at this time, if not entered with membership registration, as well as the personal information requested. IMPORTANT - you must complete the emergency information portion for ALL individuals. Adults do not have to provide parent information, but MUST provide all other information. If a specific blank does not apply, please enter NA so we will know it was not just overlooked. You must also check the block to attest that the individual is over 18 or that the parent or guardian has attested to the information provided and granted permission for participation. The individual’s registration will not be acceptable to Tennessee SkillsUSA until this form is satisfactorily completed! There is a place to check if an individual does not have insurance under the Emergency tab, however the Emergency contact information MUST be entered for ALL Participants.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Contest information is entered by clicking on the “Add Contest” button found after clicking the contest tab. This action takes you to the contest information page where the specific contest and individual’s status is to be entered. NOTE: If it is a team event, the team will be automatically given a team identity letter and each team member will be given a sequential number. This sequential team number will be used to designate the performing members as opposed to the alternates. EXAMPLE: Opening and Closing teams are allowed 7 members plus 3 alternates. The team members having numbers 1 through 7 will be considered the team and numbers 8, 9, and 10 will be considered the alternates. Keep this process in mind as you register your team and enter the actual performing members first before entering alternates. Models for Nail Care and Esthetics are to be registered as Contestants on the Registrant Details page and identified as the appropriate model by the “Reg. Type” on the contest information page. Job Skill Demonstration Models are to be registered as Contestants and the Job Skills Demo Model notation chosen for the contest.
After the information for a member is completed, click on the save button and then repeat for the next person to be registered. You can print out each person’s NLSC form as you complete this process, or you can do all NLSC forms after all individuals are registered. You will see a “Print NLCS” button on the individual registration page and also on the “Registration Information” page. You will also see a “Batch NLSC1” button on the Registration Information page that allows for the printing of all your NLSC1 forms at one time
Once all of your entries are complete, you can click on the Reg. Summary and Fee Summary buttons (Located under the Conference tab at the top of the page) to download a listing of the names registered and a complete summary of the fees owed. Please print a copy of both of these to submit, along with your check in the amount indicated by the fee summary. NOTE: CHECK THESE SUMMARY FORMS CAREFULLY TO ENSURE THAT YOUR DELEGATION IS REGISTERED CORRECTLY. THE REGISTRATION STATUS AND CONTEST SHOULD BE REFLECTED ON THE REGISTRATION SUMMARY. IF THESE ARE NOT CORRECT, YOUR STUDENTS ARE NOT PROPERLY REGISTERED. Also note that as you review the Reg. Summary, every Contestant (Except the Nail Care and Esthetics Models) will have the word “Contestant” in the Reg.Type column and the name of the contest in the “Contest” column. If this information is not present, (ESPECIALLY THE NAME OF THE CONTEST) the individual is not registered as a contestant in any contest! NAIL CARE MODEL AND ESTHETICS MODEL SHOULD SHOW AS MODEL UNDER THE REG. TYPE COLUMN. Models for Job skill Demonstration will have Job skill Demonstration Model listed as the contest.
For Questions, contact CARL CREASMAN AT 423-462-2387 OR 423-506-7501 OR EMAIL .
NOTE: IMPORTANT ADDITION – PLEASE CHECK THE BOX “Attending Tuesday Night Dinner?” IN THE “State Specific Info.” SECTION OF THE REGISTRANT DETAIL SHEET IF YOU PLAN TO EAT DINNER AT THE TUESDAY NIGHT GENERAL SESSION. This will give us an accurate count for planning purposes. Only registrants that check this block will receive tickets for the meal. Please take note that we have changed the order of events from previous years in that our diner is on Tuesday rather than Monday. In addition, our awards session on Wednesday morning will be separate from the Secondary Association awards ceremony and will begin at 7:30 am.