Campbellsville Independent School District

Board of Education

136 South Columbia Avenue

Campbellsville,KY 42718

Phone: 270-465-4162 Fax: 270-465-3918

The following business was conducted at the Campbellsville High School Library

November 10, 2014 Campbellsville Board of Education Regular Monthly Board Meeting

  • Welcome and Call to Order at 6:00p.m. by Suzanne Wilson, Chairperson.
  • Roll Call - Present: Pat Hall, Mike Deaton, Suzanne Wilson and Angie Johnson. Mitch Overstreet and Barkley Taylor arrived at 6:04 p.m.
  • Adoption of Agenda with no Amendments.

Motion by Angie Johnson, Seconded by Pat Hall, In Favor 3-0.

  • Student Recognitions:

Academic Achievers were presented by Chris Kidwell:

CES 1st Graders Gracie Pendleton and Aidan Phillips

CMS 5th Graders Tynisha Richerson and Brice Spaw

CHS 11thGraders Taylor Ditaranto and Ben Fitzgerald

  • Faculty Recognitions:

CISD Dare to Soar Award:

Cyndi Chadwick – CES Music Teacher/CHS Choral Director

  • Academic Spotlight:

CHS Site-Based Decision Making Council Dialogue.

CHS SBDM members present were Kirby Smith, Dale Estes, Theresa Young, Ben Davis and Cathy McMahan. Dee Doss was absent. The Council touched on several areas of interest at Campbellsville High School.

  • 2013-14 test scores were received and as a staff we were not pleased with the scores. We will roll our sleeves up, own the scores and find ways to get better. One item that will help is MAP testing with the first roundbeing finished about a week or two ago. We began our first round of RTI rotations today based on the MAP scores. We use ACT benchmarks to place students in categories they need to be.
  • We are determined to improve in all areas of our accountability: (1) Achievement – EOC/K-Prep; (2) Gap – African American, Hispanic, Native American, students with disabilities, free/reduced lunch and limited English proficient; (3) Growth – student growth from PLAN to ACT in Reading and Math. This December every CHS junior will take the ACT; (4) College and Career Readiness – meeting benchmarks in ACT (English 18, Math 19 and Reading 20) or by being career ready through industry certification, KOSSA, ASVAB and WorkKeys testing; and (5) Graduation Rate – right now we are receiving 19.5 out of 20 points.
  • PLAN: Students took the PLAN test in late September. We were really pleased with the results. We stayed steady in English at 16.2. In Math we went from 16.4 to 17.5. In Reading we went from 16 to 16.8. In Science we went from 17.6 to 18.1. The composite score went from 16.7 to 17.2 which is right at the national average.
  • MAP testing is typically three rounds. We’ll take our second round of MAP testing after Christmas and try to get the third round in right before we being K-Prep testing in May. All the rotations were based on scores the kids received from MAP.
  • Close the Deal has really spurred a lot interest from the juniors and the seniors. They have been asking for more assistance and more ACT help. It was a big event and we’re very proud of our students in the way they performed and participated that day.
  • This Friday CHS will begin offering an ACT study session from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm.
  • Focus and Finish Academy students have earned 13 credits so far this year.
  • CHS is now a Certiport testing center. Students can earn an Industry Certification by passing the IC3 exam. Seven students have already passed the exam.
  • During the summer the teachers went through a three day training over the 7 habits of highly effective people. As that is implemented into the school it has turned into what is called a GRIT team. Basically it revolves around students taking ownership of the school and becomes much more about them having a personal stake in not just what happens here but all the way down to what the building looks like and all the things we do. The student GRIT team is made up of about 25 kids from all four grade levels from a wide variety of backgrounds and many of those students are students that haven’t really been active in activities before. Right now there is a group of 10 students who are working on developing lesson plans and every Friday during second period they come around and teach a lesson on one of the 7 major habits. We have a committee set aside for beautification and they’re in charge of what happens to the school building itself. They’re working on plans to decorate hallways, decorate outside, landscaping and building things. Then we have a third group that is centered on school spirit. Those were the three areas students decided we needed to step up our game on. We had three students that set up a pep club and within about a week and a half it had 40 to 50 members in it. We hope this carries over into some numbers that we have to worry about as well. If they have ownership in the school then they will take ownership over their assessment.
  • Recently Ms. Dicken and Mr. Davis attended a conference at GRREC called Community of Learners. Essentially what that boiled down to is finding a way to integrate technology into the classroom and also personal learning for all of our students which is also a big part of the 7 Habits, Leader in Me and GRIT activities as well. Providing opportunities for every student to learn materials in the way that best suits them and not just the traditional teacher led way.
  • CHS Football will be competing in the 2nd round of playoffs Friday night in Hazard.
  • CHS JV Football team won the JV District for the second year in a row.
  • Blair Lamb was selected to the All-State Choir.
  • Communications:


Community: None.

Staff: None.

Superintendent:Mike Deaton reported as follows:

A reminder that tomorrow is Veteran’s Day. Campbellsville Elementary School will have their Veteran’s Day program starting at 8:00 in the morning. The middle school and high school are going together and their program will be Thursday in Hamilton Auditorium at 1:00 p.m.

They have already touched base on Close the Deal. That was a tremendous opportunity for us. Again, we’re only one of four schools to have the opportunity and obviously from what is being reported back the idea is to stimulate interest by showing these kids that there are avenues for them to explore that will allow them to go into postsecondary education whether it be for a one year certification, two year or four year degree. We’re already starting to reap the benefits of having the program at the high school. Mr. Dooley, Ms. Russell and Mr. Smith did a wonderful job putting it on. It was first class all the way around.

The Softball Facility, as you will hear tonight, is ready to close on much of that work. We will look at installing the artificial turf so the softball team will be able to go inside during the winter and have an opportunity to practice.

Mr. Smith mentioned ACT. We, at the Board under your generosity, have agreed to pay for the juniors to take the ACT in December so that when they take it on the state-wide assessment date that will not be the first time that they have actually had the opportunity to take the test. Several of them will have a waiver that will allow them to take it. Those that don’t, we will pay for that. As he also said, we have a handful of seniors that are real close to their benchmark and if they’re willing to take it again, we have offered to pay for them to take it in December. Again, they’ll become familiar with the testing and hopefully this will help relieve some anxiety that some have when they take it the first time.

Also, along that same line, we will ask tonight that we create a position to assist the high school because of the demands of the two AmeriCorp workers that are helping with literacy. The high school and the middle school originally were to share but the middle school AmeriCorp employee is booked solid alone and I don’t want to take away from those kids at the middle school that have already begun. We have posted a position per your approval to be able to bring someone into the high school that will work part-time and pull out students that are struggling with reading skills. This will be another area where we can assist our students so that they can become college and career ready.

Blair Lamb was selected to the All-State Choir. She scored a 99 out of a possible 100 in her audition. She will be performing at KMEA in February and we’re looking forward to that. There possibly may be a couple more students at the middle school level that may perform at KMEA as well.

The CHS Football team won Friday night which advances them to play in Hazard this Friday night.

Mr. Petett is heading up the student TELL survey that’s currently taking place. It’s very interesting comments from him as he has worked with the elementary kids getting online and taking the survey.

Congratulations to our three Board Members on their re-election.

The three principals, after receivingtest scores, were given the charge of coming into our Administrator’s meeting with a plan for improvement.

  • CHS Improvement Plan:

Achievement: They’re going to identify their below level students, differentiate instruction so that those that are struggling and need help will be given that. Those that are high achievers will be given more rigorous work that goes above and beyond what they’re currently doing.

Gap: Identify and monitor GAP students.

College and Career Readiness: Identify students that have not yet met benchmarks, have conferences with those students and work with them in their RTI rotations. Ms. Russell is getting students ready for the KOSSA, COMPASS, KYOTE and WorkKeys test. Mr. Dooley keeps a spreadsheet so that he can stay on track on what’s going on with those students at any given time. The computer literacy with IC3 certification.

Graduation Rate: We’re doing pretty well with the graduation rate as it is with a

19.5out of 20.

CHS is getting ready to make a visit to Pulaski County High School which was designated as a hub school because of their success with getting students college and career ready.

  • CMS Improvement Plan:

Achievement: Walkthroughs to increase and Mr. Bailey will be included in a little bit more in order to make sure that those are met. Guided planning with a content teams weekly.

Gap: Teachers are to identify GAP/Bubble students in their classes and give them additional instruction starting this month. The RTI will focus a lot more on Math and Reading.Those are the two areas that they really focus on the most to make sure students are reading and are able to handle the math skills that are necessary for them to perform well.

  • CES Improvement Plan:

Also from the Elementary School a lot of the same things. Mr. Hunt has already made a visit to Monroe County which is a blue ribbon school to see what can be brought back from there. They saw a lot of the same things taking place there that are occurring at CES but there needs to be a little sharper focus on those things and take a better personal ownership in the test scores which translates back to each student.

Reading again is a big part of what is going on there and trying to carve out a period of time where it is just devoted solely to reading. CES has the AmeriCorp tutor there to help. We’re looking for some additional things we can do to help with the reading so that every student has a chance to read at grade level when they leave there.

Again, the idea that we move students based on their performance or achievement level and to give them either promotions to higher grade level work or to give them more concentrated work in order to allow them to meet grade level benchmarks for success. Also, to make sure that any of the work that they’re sending home is a little more individualized and tailored to what their particular skill level is at that given time so that it’s more meaningful work. Also, to make sure the parents are bought in with us and communicate with them to try to help assure that the work that they are getting is accurate and correlates to what’s happening in the classroom.

Other Communications:

Independent Auditor’s Report was presented by Jeff Sprowles of Wise, Buckner, Sprowles & Associates.

  • Consent:
  • Student Learning:None.
  • Student Support:
  • Approve BG-4 and BG-5 of Softball Hitting Facility;
  • Approve Final Payment to VanHook Enterprises for Completion of Softball Hitting Facility;
  • Approve Final Payment to DS2 Architects for Softball Hitting Facility;
  • Approve BG-4 and BG-5 of Baseball/Football Field Lighting Project;
  • Approve creation of Certified (part-time) position of Literacy Advisor;
  • Authorize Superintendent to begin Procurement Process to Obtain Design Professionals for Potential Capital Construction Projects;
  • Adoption of October 13, 2014 Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes;
  • Finance Report: Chris Kidwell presented the Finance Report.
  • Bills and Salaries:
  • Regular Monthly Expenditures
  • School Activity Funds - Monthly Financial Report
  • Personnel Report

Motion to approve Consent by Angie Johnson, Seconded by Barkley Taylor, In Favor 5-0.

  • Discussion and Action:None.
  • Discussion and No Action:None.
  • Adjournment @ 7:07 p.m.:

Motion to Adjourn Board Meeting by Barkley Taylor, Seconded by Angie Johnson, In Favor 5-0.





Cash Balance on Hand, Beginning of Month$ 2,997,284.54

$ 1,227,882.38

Total Revenue for Month

Total Beginning Balance Plus Revenue$ 4,225,166.92

$ 1,322,296.53

Total Expenditures for the Month

Balance at Close of Month
Fund 1General Fund / $ 2,902,870.39
$ 2,775,926.64
Fund 2 / Project/Special Revenue / $ (151,745.02)
Fund 31 / Capital Outlay / $ 51,050.00
Fund 32 / Building Fund / $ 91,626.00
Fund 400 / Debt Service / $ (67,057.91)
Fund 36 / Construction Fund / $ 24,302.35
Fund 51 / Food Service / $ 178,768.33
Total Cash / $ 2,902,870.39


Bank Balance at Close of Month / $ 3,262,375.46
Outstanding Checks / $ (359,505.07)

Reconciled Bank Balance$ 2,902,870.39

Information contained in this report is a true and accurate account of the financial condition of the Campbellsville Independent School District.