Proposal Template: National Research on Economic Statistics

The following template shall be used for the elaboration of the research proposal. Please complete all sections below.

Funding criteria:

-Research proposal is aligned with the regional priorities identified within the Regional Programme on Economic Statistics

-Research proposal identifies an initial list of research areas of economic statistics (up to three)

-Research proposal explains expected impact of the research on the compilation of national accounts in line with up-to-date international standards

-Research proposal supports the national development plans, e.g. NSDS and priorities of the statistical work programmes in relation to 2008 SNA implementation, including coordination across the national statistical system

-Research proposal outlines the contribution and the role of the implementing agency (in-kind and financial)

-Research proposal falls within technical and human capacities of implementing agency

-Research proposal is submitted within the deadline

Applicant Information

Name of Organization
Contact Person (name and job title)

Research ProposalInformation



Total Budget:

Summary of the Research Proposal

-Please identify and clearly present the analysis of problems which will be addressed by the research (within economic statistics )

-Please provide rationale for a research topic(s) and explain its relevance and expected impact to the problems identified

-Please explain research methodology

-Please explain how proposed research will contribute to strengthening economic statistics

-Please explain the contribution of the implementing agency

-Please explain if you are planning to involve other organizations and what their role will be

-Please outline any risks that may affect the national research and how they will be addressed

Role of ESCAP and Role of Applicant Institution

-Role of ESCAP

-[Please describe ESCAP’s role in the national research]

-[Example: provision of methodology and technical materials for the joint activity, including assignment of staff to service the workshop/prepare the joint activities]


-Role of Applicant Institution

-[Please describe the institution’s role in the research]

-[Example: To provide national inputs and access to national stakeholders for the organization of the joint activities]

Objectives, Results and Activities

Objective: [please state the objective of the national research]

Result 1:[please formulate the specific result you aim to achieve through the national research]

Activities / Responsible
Entity / Time Frame
1.1 / [Insert text of activity]
1.2 / [Insert text of activity]
1.3 / [Insert text of activity]

Result 2:[Add results/activities as needed]

Activities / Responsible
Entity / Time Frame
2.1 / [Insert text of activity]
2.2 / [Insert text of activity]
2.3 / [Insert text of activity]

Result 3:[Add results/activities as needed]

[Optional: Insert basic Gantt chart of activities as example below]

Activities / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / Dec
[Activity 1.1]
[Activity 1.2]
[Activity 2.1]
[Activity 2.2]

Budget in US$

[Please complete the table below which shows the detailed contribution of ESCAP by expenditure item (as well as the partner institution’s contribution, if any)]

Activities(please list activities you intend to undertake to reach theresearch objective) / Description / ESCAP / Partner institution / Total
US$ xxxx / US$ xxxx / US$ xxxx
US$ xxxx / US$ xxxx / US$ xxxx
US$ xxxx / US$ xxxx / US$ xxxx