9 JULY 2008





To provide members with information on:

·  The amount of housing grant allocated for 2009/2010 and;

·  The proposed Social Housing Grant programme for 2010/2011


Social Housing Grant Programme

  1. Social Housing Grant is a funding opportunity through which the Local Authority can facilitate other housing organisations (namely Registered Social Landlords or Housing Associations) to provide affordable or social housing.
  1. Social Housing Grant is awarded by the Welsh Assembly Government directly to Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) on the basis that scheme proposals meet strategic housing aims and needs within the Local Authority area. The Social Housing Grant Programme is co-ordinated in partnership by the Council’s Housing and Public Protection Department together with the RSLs that operate in Wrexham
  1. Social Housing Grant is a capital only grant which, when combined with financial contributions from the RSLs, is used to fund the costs of providing new build affordable housing or the refurbishment of suitable existing accommodation for affordable use. The award of Social Housing Grant is often the only way in which RSL’s can deliver new affordable housing in order to meet the accommodation needs of residents across the County Borough.
  1. The delivery of this type of accommodation underpins a number of the Council’s strategic aims including providing support to vulnerable people in their own homes and improving the health, social care and well being of people within Wrexham.
  1. The Social Housing Grant application system rewards schemes which demonstrate effective joint working and forward planning. The application process requires Local Authorities and their partner RSLs to supply evidence of need and more importantly focuses on scheme deliverability. In order for Social Housing Grant to be awarded each bid must meet specific key criteria and include details of:

·  The location of proposed schemes

·  Estimated costs

·  Land ownership

·  Land acquisition dates (if applicable)

·  Key dates for planning consent

·  Start & completion dates (construction)

·  Evidence of need

·  Contribution to broader strategies

  1. It is extremely unlikely that proposals will be awarded funding from the Assembly if the above criteria are not satisfied. Therefore, if Wrexham County Borough Council and its partner housing providers wish to secure Social Housing Grant funding the meeting of these criteria, in particular the identification and future supply of land and sites (both private & public sector), is critical.
  1. Bids must support and address the Authority’s strategic housing priorities. Identified through extensive research and consultation and contained within the Local Housing Strategy 2007-2012 these are:

·  To improve the quality & sustainability of existing homes & neighbourhoods

·  To develop more good quality affordable homes

·  To reduce homelessness and rough sleeping

·  To ensure that appropriate housing is available for all, particularly the vulnerable and those with special housing requirements

·  To provide effective housing advice and promote the full range of housing options available.

  1. These priorities also contribute to a number of other Council’s key strategic documents and plans including:

·  Health, Social Care and Well-Being Strategy

·  Homelessness Strategy

·  Unitary Development Plan

·  Wrexham Refreshed – Community Strategy

·  Supporting People Operational Plan

·  Housing Needs Assessment (March 2006)

·  Accommodation and Housing Support Strategy for Older People 2007-2010

Social Housing Grant announcement for 2009/2010

9.  The Social Housing Grant programme bid totalled £12.06 million for 2009/2010 and was approved by WCBC Executive Board (CHPPO/111/07) in October 2007. The submission of these bids included an application for an Extra Care housing scheme at Llys Madoc, Plas Madoc. Appendix 1 shows details of prioritised schemes submitted for 2009/2010

10.  In March 2008 allocations were announced. The investment target for Wrexham for 2009/2010 being £2.32 million from the main bid programme list. In addition, forward indicators of minimum allocations for 2010/2011 amounted to £1.6 million totalling £3.92 million over the two years.

11.  In addition, the Extra Care Scheme was included in the programme; however the Assembly did have some concerns about particular aspects of the scheme. On 28 May a team of WCBC officers, accompanied by Plas Madoc Communities First and Pennaf representatives, met the Assembly to address their concerns.

12.  Full approval for the scheme was subsequently received on 29 May and confirms the first Extra Care Scheme approval within the County Borough. Allocation for the scheme amounts to £4.45 million over the two years 2009/2010 and 2010/2011.

13.  The total Social Housing Grant programme award amounts to £8.37 million. This level of award far exceeding levels of Social Housing Grant previously awarded to Wrexham.

Social Housing Grant submission for 2010/2011

  1. The current Social Housing Grant system awards funding based upon a forward 3 year programme, the current cycle ending with this submission for 2010/2011.
  1. In early June the Assembly issued a consultation document on draft guidance requiring local authorities to produce Affordable Housing Delivery Plans (AHDP) by 31st March 2009. The proposed AHDP will bring together work undertaken as part of the Local Housing Market Assessment process, Local Housing Strategy and Local Development Plan.
  1. The AHDP will include a four year affordable housing target covering the period 2007 – 2011 and is intended to be an interim measure until the Local Development Plan is adopted. If agreed AHDP’s will inform the allocation of Social Housing Grant monies for the 2011/2012 bidding round onwards.
  1. The issue of the consultation document has delayed the Social Housing Grant submission invitation document and a deadline date for submission is still awaited from the Assembly.

18.  Existing scheme guidance highlights the continued importance of Local Authorities demonstrating their clear commitment to the delivery of affordable housing schemes. Required elements such as location, ownership details and disposal/development plans must be identified. The outline Social Housing Grant programme for 2010/11 has been devised with this in mind and in reference to identified strategic housing priorities. This is provided for Members’ information in Appendix 2.

  1. Officers continue to identify and explore potential development opportunities and where appropriate additional sites may be included in the programme. Where this is the case details will provided to Executive Board on 5th August and Local Members will be consulted.
  1. The programme has been developed jointly with partner RSLs and representatives from across the Council (including Social Services, Transportation and Asset Management and Planning). Specific details about unit mix etc. are being finalised and priorities have yet to be agreed.
  1. Where the disposal of Council owned land is being considered initial feasibility work has taken place to confirm site ownership and issues such as site access, provision of public open space & other planning gain requirements, potential abnormal costs etc. The Joint Member/Officer Asset Management Group were asked to consider the disposal of these sites for the provision of affordable housing on 1 July 2008.
  1. The support and involvement of elected Members in the development of new affordable and supported housing schemes has and remains crucial to the success of these developments. Where appropriate Local Members were contacted between 22 May 2008 and 19 June to seek initial comments regarding the proposal for land disposal to support the development of affordable housing. Despite two Members being concerned about the loss of open space, feedback to date has generally been supportive.
  1. Executive Board will consider a combined report on the proposed Social Housing Grant programme for 2010/11 and the disposal of land to support the programme on 5 August 2008.
Members are asked to consider the proposed schemes for the 2010/11 Social Housing Grant programme in Wrexham.




Report No: CHPPO/64/08s

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Appendix 1 Prioritised SHG bids – 2009/2010 programme
1 / Undod / CLWYD / National Trust Site, Rhostyllen / 12 / HS / £ 860
2 / Syniad / WALES & WEST / King Street, Acrefair / 9 / HS / £ 662
3 / Undod / CLWYD / Australia Street, Ponciau / 5 / SH / £ 436
4 / Syniad / WALES & WEST / Castle Road, Coedpoeth / 5 / SH / £ 408 / £ 22
5 / Undod / CLWYD / Daniels Drive, Ruabon / 1 / HS / £ 326
6 / Undod / FIRST CHOICE / Rural Bungalow / 2 / SH / £ 213
7 / Syniad / WALES & WEST / Coed Efa, New Broughton / 7 / HS / £ 692
8 / Syniad / PENNAF / Hampden Way, Plas Madoc / 10 / HS / £ 813 / £ 43
9 / Syniad / WALES & WEST / Heol Glyndwr, Coedpoeth / 6 / HS / £ 452 / £ 24
10 / Undod / FIRST CHOICE / Town Bungalow / 1 / SH / £ 337
11 / Undod / CLWYD / Salisbury Family / 1 / HS / £ 119
12 / Undod / CLWYD / Gwersyllt Bungalow / 1 / HS / £ 117
13 / Syniad / PENNAF / Mountain Street, Rhos / 9 / HS / £ 607 / £ 32
14 / Syniad / PENNAF / Church Street, Rhos / 6 / SH / £ 325
15 / Undod / CLWYD / Evans Family / 1 / HS / £ 133
16 / Syniad / WALES & WEST / Homeless Properties / 10 / HS / £ 809
17 / Undod / CLWYD / Homebuy / 3 / HS / £ 255
TOTAL / 89 / £ 7,564 / £ 121

Appendix 2

Proposed SHG Programme 2010/2011

Address / Land / Client Group/Strategic Theme / Units / RSL / Consortium
Former Jacques Scrapyard, Regent Street, Wrexham / Privately owned land / Extra Care Scheme / 60 / Pennaf/SYNIAD
National Trust Site, Wrexham Road, Rhostyllen / National Trust owned land / Affordable Housing / 6 / Cymdeithas Tai Clwyd/UNDOD
King Street, Acrefair / Privately owned land / Affordable Housing / 6 / Wales & West/SYNIAD
Tanydre, Holt Road, Wrexham / WCBC owned land / Physical Disability and Affordable housing older persons / 2 / Cymdeithas Tai Clwyd/UNDOD
Houses for families with disability / Purchase of existing / Learning and physical disability / To be confirmed / 1st Choice/UNDOD
Russell Street/High Street, Cefn Mawr / WCBC owned land / Affordable Housing / 6 / Wales & West/SYNIAD
Russell Street/King Street, Cefn Mawr / WCBC owned land / Affordable Housing / 6 / Wales & West/SYNIAD
Bridgeway West, Pentre Maelor / WCBC owned land / Affordable housing – older persons / 2 / Cymdeithas Tai Clwyd/UNDOD
Homeless provision / Purchase of existing properties / Affordable housing / 10 / Wales & West/SYNIAD
Coed Aben, Wrexham / WCBC land / Affordable housing – older persons / 4 / Pennaf/SYNIAD
Glan Gors, Wrexham / WCBC land / Affordable housing – older persons / 4 / Pennaf/SYNIAD
Rivulet Road, Wrexham / Privately owned land / Affordable Housing / 20 / Cymdeithas Tai Clwyd/UNDOD
Total Units / 126

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