(A Political book - Root Causes & Need of Changes.)



Sir Winston Churchill....

His argument against granting India freedom...

"Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low caliber & men of straw. They will have sweet tongues & silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power & India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air & water would be taxed in India." (He wrote this 64 years ago !!! ).

We are incredible; we have worked very hard and we proved him right.....

PUBLISHED By Dr H. K. Gandhi





Author. Dr. H. K. Gandhi- Swami Dwiroopanand

(No copy rights reserved by Author).

Translate and Publish in all Indian Languages.

Print and Distribute FREE to growing Youth in High Schools, Colleges and other groups all over world.

Contact: Dr. H. K. Gandhi -USA.

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Page Set : By Dr. H. K. Gandhi.


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Year: 2012.

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Article No1.

A. India is Richest Country in world in Black Money.

B. MPs’ salary

C. Sir Winston Churchill wrote.

Article No.2.

A. Change Parliamentary To Presedential

Democrasy In India.


Article. No 3.

An Islamic Dynasty Rules India Today.

Article. No4.

Who Is Sonia Gandhi?. (Her short history)

Article. No-5.

Evolution Of Political Systems In The World.

Article. No-6.

Political Mistakes Of Jawaharlal Nehru.

Raja Kalasys Karanam. Good or Bad Times for people are due to King.

(From Mahatma Gandhi Book- 1992).

Article No-7.

Blunders of Indira Gandhi.

(From Mahatma Gandhi Book- 1992).

Article No-8.

Proposed Changes and Reforms in India’s


(From Mahatma Gandhi Book- 1992).

Article No-9.

Short Over View of -International Gandhi- Gita Dharma Sangh. (IGDS)


We read in news papers and receive many Emails about Corruption from top to lowest level in government. Billions of Dollars are in some Foreign Banks like Swiss Banks and others. These money are mostly of Mps, and many State and Delhi’s top level Ministers, Mlas, Bissness people etc, and average people are helpless.

My age is 89. I lived 1st quarter in British Rule, 2nd Quarter after Independence in India as a village Doctor, and now living in USA after 1982 since last 30 years. I have remained a keen observer of Nehru and Indira dynasty’s visionless, Vote Oriented, Muslim Patting, wrong Economic Rule for 40 and more years. I started writting Religious and Political books as hobby of last 30 years.

People like Anna Hazare, Ramdev Baba, and others are trying to bring back such wealth of Nation back, but they Have no Political Power. Because the rulers them-selves are such robbers and thieves.

There is a great verse in Gita, Ch-3, V-20, Karma Yoga which says –

Yad yad Acharti Shreshta – tad tad eve eetre Janaha,

Sa yet Pramanam Kurute, lokaha tad anuvart-te.

Meaning in Brief –

What ever behavior the top leaders, like Religious Gurus, Rich people, and Political Leaders etc, do is mimicked by average people. They think this is real standerd life. They mimic them and act like them.

In this small booklet I have presented views from such Emails received from some people to give an idea to all open minded Educated People. I have presented my views regarding root causes in few articles. I have indicated some suggestions regarding what can be done.

My suggestions will appear Very Radical at first reading, But I indicate what we can do to remove present Total Darkness - both in political and religious fields.

Let me indicate some Quick observations and Changes needed, which sound radical but not impossible.

India inherited British type of Parliamentary system of Democracy. Very few – even Lawyers - know well the diff. between Parliamentary Democracy and Presidential type of Democracy

Firstly - WE need a Presidential Democracy like USA and many European Countries. (more details in an Article-2, by retired High Court Judge T.U Mehta. -also on website).

Know about various political systems in the world, Mistakes of Nehru, Blunders of Indira Gandhi, Changes needed in present Constitution, and some Chapters in my book “Mahatma Gandhi- Ambassador of God for entire mankind in 21st Cent” written in 1992). My some more Suggestions in 2012 are :-

1.  Minimum Powers at Center and maximum powers at State level in many subjects like International Trade – Health-Education, etc. This can be done as a quick first step. All states and most political parties will like this Idea.

2.  Indira Gandhi had taken away many State powers to center during 40 years of 2/3 Cong. Majority Rule. These were with states in 1950 constitution. (I remember a full page Cartoon in Guj. News paper. Indira – standing size 10” and a Prime Minister of state size 2” was requesting her – can we build a Sauchalay (Rest room) in Public Garden of our city)

3.  We have multi state-multi-linguistic federal Parliamentary democracy. When was India one political country, before British rule of last 190 rears? There were 600 Hindu and Islamic kingdoms in 1757. India has One Unique Cultural Heritage and it is One Cultur Country only = having Ramayan, Mahabharat and Gita – in all state languages.

4.  Can you imagine One Country of United Europe? Even their attempt for common currency for Europe “EURO” is on line of failure.

5.  There is Nothing like Hindu Dharm. Hindu is a national lable. I am a Hindu means - I am resident of Hinustan (India), just like someone saying - I am an American.

6.  Word Hindu is not seen in any Vedas, Upnishads, Gita and 18 Puranas and many following commentaries of Acaryas. We are divided into 2000 Idol and Guru worshipping small religious groups, hence Religious Unity is impossible.

7.  I have suggested a plan for real Hindu Unity. Start GGDS Units in every town and village like Lions Clubs. Belive Gandhiji as latest Avtara of God and Gita as only one scripture to be studied with facts of Science. Read article No.9 and visit my website for more details.

8.  Gandhiji belived - Any country –small or large- is made by spoken language of people and not by religion. This was his firm belief. I quote 2 recent Historic Examples to show he was right.

·  Pakistan formed on religious majority basis of religion got divided within 20 years into present Pakistan (West Pakistan) and Bangala Desh (East Pakistan) after a bloody war, because of different languages spoken by people.

·  Divided Germany in 2nd world war in 1947, became united one country in 1988 and Berlin wall came down. More such examples are in world history.


10.  One Federal Common Wealth may be evolved for Common Currency, Central Emergency military, Disaster aid etc.

11.  There were 600 Kingly States before British Rule. India was never one political country before that period.

12.  To day we have 60,000 kings- living like Kings. These are MPs, MLAs, Mayors etc, who call them Public Servants!

Such booklets may be translated in other Indian Language for average people’s knowledge and make them active to join my New GGDS Sangh. (see a short article in this booklet for some details). It’s main aim is to learn only one Holy Book GITA and propagate views of Gandhiji’s Vision of FREE India and his views on religious, political, economic and social subjects. There is no Copy right or need to contact me for printing paras, Articls and suggested ideas in this booklet.

Some Suggestions:-

1.  Total removal of appointments in Government on basis of Untouchables, Castes and Reservations and admissions in Educational Institutions.

2.  Totally write a New constitution on Presidential Type.

3.  State Governors will be elected by Total Votes of People and not by and on Majority Party basis. Governor will be head of government and not Chief Minister as Today.

4.  Governor will select ministers of his choice, even from outside or any elected party member. This will make his cabinet.

5.  Two new Parties need to be formed. A. Political party – GANDHI VISON BHARAT PARTY-(GVBP) and B. New Religious Groups like Lions Clubs - GANDHI GITA DHARM SANGH-(GGDS), in every village, small towns and wards areas in big cities. Both will be totally separate units but will support each-other and reform Politics and Religion.

6.  Some more suggestions- which can be done with present Constitution quickly are indicated in Article No-5. Evolution Of Political Systems In The World.

Hope all open minded patriotic people will propagate this idea and do Prahar- by Xerox of selected articles and Distribute free to open minded Educated friends in local areas.

I will Email complete booklet to those who Send me response via Email. Add.

Visit website

For 20+ Guj and Eng - Gita-Chapters, Mahatma Gandhi Book, other books, and Guj and Eng 125 Audio CDs, and short ARTICLS.

Jai Hind, Jai Gita, Jai Gandhiji and

Jai Shree Krishna from Dr. HKG. (age 89)

Article No1.

A. India is Richest Country in world in Black Money.

B. MPs’ salary

C. Sir Winston Churchill wrote.


India is Richest Country in world in Black Money.

Who Says India is a Poor Country?”

I present below story of Black money in Swiss banks-

Compiled from different Emails I had received.

This information will ‘Prove My Point’.


Swiss Banking Association report, 2006 details bank deposits in the territory of Switzerland by nationals of following countries :

Top Five Countries.

1. India- $ 1,456 Billion

2. Russia $ 470 billion

3. UK $ 390 billion

4. Ukraine $ 100 billion

5. China ----- $ 96 billion

Can we bring back our money? Now do the math.

India with $1456 billion or $1.4 trillion has more money in Swiss banks than rest of the world combined. It is a “Public Loot” going on since 1947: It is one of the biggest loots witnessed by mankind. It is a loot of the Aam Aadmi (common man). since 1947 by his brethren occupying high public offices. It has been orchestrated by politicians, bureaucrats and some businessmen.

It is impossible as long as Nehru family and now a non Matric, non Indian persons like Sonia Gandhi dynasty- rules so called Democratic India. The list is almost all-encompassing. No wonder, everyone in India loots with impunity and without any fear. What is even more depressing in that this ill-gotten wealth of ours has been slashed away abroad into secret bank accounts located in some of the world's best known tax-havens. And to that extent the Indian economy has been stripped of its wealth.

What can happen if Indian Gov. can bring back Our Swiss Bank Money.

·  With this amount 45 Crore poor people can get, Rs 1,00,000 each.

·  With this huge amount of black money and property, Entire Foreign Debt can be paid within 24 hours.

·  After paying Entire Foreign Debt Govt. will have enough surplus amount, almost 12 times larger than the foreign debt.

·  If this surplus amount is invested in earning interest, the amount of interest will be more than the annual budget of the Central government.

·  Govt can abolish all Taxes on average people.

·  Even after abolishing all Taxes, Central government will be able to maintain the country very comfortably.

·  The second best Russia has 4 times lesser deposit.

·  USA is not there in the list of counting of top five!!

·  India has more money in Swiss banks than other four countries combined !!!!

One may well be aware of 'Swiss bank accounts. Some finance experts and economists believe tax-havens to be a conspiracy of the western world against the poor countries. By allowing the proliferation of tax havens in the twentieth century, the western world explicitly encourages the movement of scarce capital from the developing countries to the rich.

Dirty Money and How to Renew the Free Market System' -- estimates that at least $ 5 trillion, have been shifted out of poorer countries to the West since the mid-1970. It is further estimated by experts that 1 % of the world's population holds more than 57 % of total global wealth, routing it invariably through these tax havens. How much of this is from India is anybody's guess.

It is one of the biggest loots witnessed by mankind -- the loot of the Aam Aadmi (common man) since 1947 during rule of the Congress Party, which occupied Posts of Prime Ministership in India. What is to be noted here is that most of the wealth of Indians parked in these tax havens is illegitimate money acquired through corrupt means.

The list is almost all encompassing. No wonder, everyone in India loots with impunity and without any fear. What is even more depressing in that this Black Money of India are locked up in world's tax haven of Swiss Banks. And to that extent the Indian economy has been stripped of its wealth. Value of Indian Rupee has deteriorated 800% in last 30 years. It was Rs.7/- = $ 1 in 1980, now in 2008, it is nearly Rs 50/- = $ 1/-.

I present below Details of 3 Emails I had Received and presented above Information.

Email No.1. From :-

Courtesy: [mailto:



With Best Wishes & Regards, CA. Rajesh Chopra, Mobile : 9327011614

C/O Vibrant DEALS, 601, Avdhesh House, Opp. Gurudwara, S. G. Highway, Thaltej, Ahmedabad-380054. Phone : +91 - 79 - 32913445

E-mail : . Website:

(Deleted above Info – Only few relevant Paras kept.)
