HBHS Cheerleading Rules

Lettering Policy

Cheerleaders are required to cheer at 85% of all events the cheerleaders attend to receive a Varsity letter.

Practice Rules

  1. To practice you must be wearing practice clothes. This means shorts, sweats, t-shirts, and tennis shoes (no jeans, sandals, or anything you are unable to move in). Two non-dresses will be one tardy.
  2. Everyone should be at all practices and on time. If you can’t make it, you must tell the coach by a phone call or personally tell her/him prior to practice time.
  3. If you are late to practice, you will receive a tardy.
  4. There will be no chewing gum, no jewelry (this includes: navel rings, cartilage piercing, tongue rings, etc.).
  5. You should be dressed and ready for practice at the designated practice time.

Game Rules

  1. You are expected to cheer at all the games we are cheering at. If you are going to miss a game, you must let the coach know by phone call or by personally talking to her/him prior to game.
  2. There will be no chewing gum or no jewelry (this includes: navel rings, cartilage piercing, tongue rings, etc.).
  3. If you are late to the game, you will receive a tardy.
  4. You must be at the practice before the game or else you will not be able to participate.
  5. All equipment including all uniforms must be kept in bag in case of any adjustments.

Assembly Rules

  1. You must be at the practice before a pep assembly if you are performing. If you are not there, you will be unable to perform.
  2. You must wear appropriate scheduled attire for that day (cheer sweatshirt, t-shirt, etc.).
  3. For Spirit Day, as a squad we will vote and decide whether as a squad we will wear our uniform or the specific spirit item or both.

Post Season

a.Should a team advance to post season, the coach will decide which cheerleaders will accompany the team depending on attendance, attitude, participation, etc. in games and practices throughout the season.


  1. You must pick up your cheerleader at the proper time after the game and practice.

Unexcused Absences and Tardies

  1. Three tardies equal one unexcused absence. If you accumulate three unexcused absences, you will be removed from the squad for the rest of the season. Work, homework, birthdays, etc. are not legitimate excuses for absences, they will be counted as an unexcused absence
  2. If a student is suspended, they cannot cheer at the game that day and it counts as an unexcused absence.


Tardy= subject to sit half of event

Unexcused absence=subject to sit out entire event at your next appearance

2 non dresses = 1 tardy

3 tardies = 1 unexcused absence

3 unexcused absences in a season = subject to removal from squad for the rest of the season

Hudson’s Bay High School Cheerleaders must follow the ASB rules of conduct (no alcohol, tobacco, drugs and inappropriate conduct.)

I carefully read the above cheerleading rules and I understand and I agree to follow them. If I do not, I will face the consequence.


Cheerleader SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

