Special Meeting of the Village of McLean held the 24th day of March2015

Present:Mayor Mark Towers, Councilors,James Potter, Adam Causer, Jamie Torry, Admin.Shantell Wagman.

Call to Order: Mayor Towers called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.


042/2015–Clr. Torry: moved the agenda be adoptedas presented.



Mayor Towers requested the correspondence be presented.

043/2015 – Clr. Causer: Correspondence- moved the correspondence was presented, and isto be filed accordingly.

Delegation: N/A

Admin Report: noFirst Responder Report: N/A

Rec Board Report: N/AFire Dept. Report: N/A

Water report: no

Mayor Towers called a 5 minute recess at 8:00 p.m.

Mayor Towers called the meeting back to order at 8:06 p.m.

044/2015 – Mayors Towers - Appropriate Zoning - moved that

WHERE AS the Village of McLean has tried numerous ways to work with Dan Leonard Auto Sales to come to an agreement on doing business with the Village of McLean,

AND WHERE AS DLAS has done nothing to show the Village that they are willing to operate their business in good faith and within all municipal bylaws or within the confines of the Government of Saskatchewan Motor Dealers Act,

THEREFORE it is not believed that if problems persist with DLAS, if permission were to be granted that the Saskatchewan Government or their FCAA affiliate would pull DLAS motor dealers license once approved,

AND WHERE AS it is believed that any recourse taken upon our decision is to be directed at the aforementioned government bodies and not at the Village or its Council,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean DECLINES to write an affirmative letter stating that DLAS be allowed to operate within the appropriate zoning boundaries within the Village of McLean.


045/2015– Clr. Torry:Acting Clerk – moved that

WHEREAS the Administrator is unable to work for a period of time,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village THEREFORE requests a permit for the Assistant to continue as “Acting Clerk” and that a mentor be hired to assist as per UMAAS guidelines.


046/2015– Clr. Causer:Mentor– moved that

WHEREAS the Village will hire a mentor

BE IT RESOLVED that the Village THEREFORE hires Jeanette Schaeffer at the rate of $50.00/hour on a needed basis.


Mayor Towers adjourned at 8:25 pm.


MayorActing Clerk