IHSMA State Jazz Festival Itinerary

Monday, January 26, 2015

Plan to eat dinner before coming to West High School

6:00 PMMeet at West High School. Load van and bus with equipment.

6:15 PMDepart West High School

6:35 PMArrive at Union High School in LaPorte City, IA

Homeroom: Gymnasium

Concessions are available

7:25 PMJazz II Warm-Up: Library

7:50 PMJazz II Performance: Auditorium

(after we’re done, move the rhythm section gear back to the library)

8:15 PMJazz II Clinic: Band Room(rhythm section gear will be provided)

Jazz I Warm-Up: Library (same time as Jazz II clinic)

8:40 PMJazz I Performance: Auditorium

9:05 PMJazz I Clinic: Auditorium

9:30 PMLoad van and bus

9:45 PMDepart for Waterloo

10:05 PMArrive in at Waterloo West High (approximate) Unload and GO HOME!

Set Lists

Jazz II

  1. Sugar
  • Solo Section at 41 – 2 times
  • Ky, Kalim (one chorus each)
  • Backgrounds 2nd time only
  • D.S. to 25 – black only the bracketed parts! Take CODA (shhhh!)
  1. Black Coffee
  • Solo section at 39 – 3 times
  • Parker, Alex, Jordan (one chorus each)
  • Backgrounds 3rd time only (behind Jordan’s solo)
  • D.S. to 19 and take CODA
  1. El Ritmo De Vida
  • Solo Section at 37 – 4 times, then interlude at 45, then 4 times again
  • Jordan (two choruses), Kaleb (two choruses)
  • Interlude at 45
  • Sam/Dylan (two choruses - trading), Kalim (two choruses)
  • Backgrounds on the 4th time, both times
  • No congas or piano behind the trumpet solos

Jazz I

  1. Teddy the Toad
  • Trombone Soli at D – stand up!
  • Solo section at F – 8 times
  • Andrew, Makenzie, Ashton, Josh (go down front - 2 choruses each)
  1. When I Fall in Love
  • No solos. Just breathe and play really beautifully.
  1. I’m Not So Sure
  • Solo section at G – 4 times
  • Seth, Jason, Andrew (horns down front – 1 chorus each. 8 + 7 + 8)
  • Backgrounds on the last time (4th time) only
  • Andrew continues into H…

Alternative Travel Plans Form

Due: Friday, January 23, 2015

Student Name: ______

Check one of the following boxes:

I WILL NOT be taking the bus TO the festival, but I WILL be taking it BACK to West.

I WILL be taking the bus TO the festival, but I WILL NOT be taking it BACK to West.

I WILL NOT be taking the bus at all (neither to nor from the festival)

What is the reason for your alternate travel plans?

How can we contact you if necessary?

Is there anything else we need to know about the way that your schedule will differ from the one on the itinerary?

By signing and completing this form, the student(s) and adult(s) responsible for the student(s) agree to the following:

•Students must be in the care of a responsible adult at all times during this trip. Mr. Conrad cannot be responsible for a student during the times that the student’s schedule differs from the one on the itinerary.

•Student(s) and adult(s) must check in/out with Mr. Conrad in person

•Failure to follow any of the procedures detailed on this form may result in disciplinary action and loss of privileges.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Responsible Adult Signature: ______Date: ______