Students as Digital Partners
Staff Activity Proposal Form
Please refer to the guidance document before completing this form.
Name / Email / Department / FacultyNumber of hours required*:
Anticipated start date:
Activity (needs to) end by date:
Primary location of collaborative work with student:
* Projects should require no less than 5 hours and more than 30 hours of work by the student. Work patterns will be agreed between the student and the staff member.
Please submit this form to . If you have any questions about the initiative, please contact
1: Which model of engagement does your project fall under?Please select one.
Model 1:
Students act as creators/researchers who would offer their digital literacy expertise in the development of co-created content for courses, research, module guides and tasks and assessments to develop your digital literacy. / ☐
Model 2:
The student acts as the expert – taking on a training, facilitating or ‘entrepreneur’ role in developing their own, and your digital literacy skills, for research, coursework, personal and career development. / ☐
2: Activity Details
Maximum of 500 words. (Box will expand.) /
3: Briefly state how this will enhance your digital literacy skills.
Maximum of 50 words. (Box will expand.) /
2: Which Area of Activity does your proposal fall into?
Please select one activity (or two related activities, if applicable) from the 8 boxes below.
A.1 Find, remix, and reuse existing digital artefacts in teaching resources
A.2 Create a multimedia digital artefact for teaching and learning – text/image/video/audio etc.
A.3 Present material in digital format or use digital tools to create resources e.g. presentation or handout
A.4 Create an effective online learning environment (using VLE or social media platform)
A.5 Create a participatory collaborative online community to support learning and teaching (using VLE or social media platform)
A.6 Design and implement digital assessment or task (summative or formative, individual or group)
A.7 Create and manage e-portfolios and similar systems, either for yourself or your students
A.8 Design mechanisms and strategies to search, pull in, discover, filter, manage and curate digital information, for yourself or your students / ☐
3. Which Core Knowledge will you need to gain to complete your activity?
Please select all that apply. This is an indication only to help us match you with a suitably skilled student partner, and can be refined later with your student partner
K.1 Nature and potential of the digital as distinct medium and culture, rather than simply digitised material
K.2 Issues raised by the impact of the digital on your discipline – epistemology and practice
K.3 Awareness of literacies of the digital – diverse genres, terminologies, social conventions, norms, practices etc.
K. 4 Awareness of trends, developments and affordances in digital technology to enable you to select appropriate tools
K.5 Familiarity with common hardware and accessories, and user interface conventions and strategies for self-directed support
K. 6 Knowledge of ethical, legal, privacy and safety issues
K. 7 Openness and networking in scholarship and education
K. 8 Storage, maintenance and preservation of digital artefacts and data
K. 9 Understanding and use of metadata and algorithms
K.10 Building an effective and appropriate digital identity and presence online / ☐
You are expected to explore, develop and adhere to the Digital Professional Values (see Guidance notes) but these will be discussed as appropriate with your student partner.
5: Confirmations- My line manager is happy for this project to go ahead.
- I have notified my Director of Learning and Teaching of this project.
- I am committed to developing my digital skills and literacies and will ensure that my student partner’s role is to support me in this development aim.
- I will ensure that my student partner(s) do not have access to confidential information (details of other students, marked work, your login details etc.).
- I am aware of no ethical dimensions to this project.
- I will not ask the student to undertake any work which is not identified in this project proposal.
- I will support the development of the student’s employability skills as agreed, and will provide him/her with a record of these skills. / ☐