Board Meeting Minutes 8 August 2014 Location: Greensfelder
Order of Business
Call to Order: 11:45AM
- Present:
- Joe Thompson, Jaime Torres, Mollie Thompson, Keith Guller, Ken Liescheidt, Rick Seiler, Dan Shoenekase, Peter Mason, Dan Arakelian, Dave Motes, and Megan Richter.
- Excused:
- Frank Tucker, Doug Stuart, Brett Cox, Jon Bopp, Jim Barrett, Michael Bamber, Gennalle Redmond, Bill Hammerschmidt, Morgan Kreitner, Capt Mark Gadell, Molly Barrett, Gus Winkler,Matt Crandon, Kent Schien, Ken Young, Jack Stapleton and Stephanie Bass.
- Welcome and Introductions:Joethanked Dan Shoenekasefor hosting the meeting. All members were introduced and we welcomed Dave Motes.
- Board Minutes: Minutes of the July 2014 meeting were reviewed and approved.
- Treasurer Report: Jaime provideda brief report that our balance is $32,054 based on information provided from Tracy. The treasury report will be provided on our next meeting.
- Membership Report: Megan gave us the Membership Report as follows: Membership numbers for Aug 2014 indicated that currently we have 537. Corporate membership is at 31 but two will expire this month (Four Seasons and Mathews Manufacturing).Record indicated that 17 individuals will also expire this month.
- PAO & CAR Report: Since Frank was absent, this report will be provided in our next meeting.
- Semi-Annual Membership Meeting: Ken reminded us that the Semi-Annual General Membership meeting is scheduled for 12 Nov at Scott Air Force Base Officer’s Club.
- Partner Appreciation Reception: Megan briefly indicated that the event at the 360 Club was scheduled for 13 Aug starting at 5:30 pm and that MG Susan Davidson has confirmed her attendance. Over 24 people have rsvped.
- MAD: Although Brett absent, we were reminded that all aspects are planned and coordinated. Parking has been secured, USO support was confirmed and Fort Leonard Wood has been contacted and committed to include a sharing of the day costs. Volunteers will be needed to set up the area with tents, tables, and chairs. Food item have been secured as well as cooks. Beverages have been secured. Any checklist open items will be communicated as needed.
- Adjournment:The meeting was ended at 12:30 pm.
2014 Board Meetings Schedule & Hosts
13 SeptemberBrettMil Appreciation Day at Busch
10 OctBill/GinaHome
12 Nov ?KenGeneral Membership Meeting, Scott AFB
12 DecJoeSunset Hills Country Club