Sent by email
To:Mr. William Wolfenden
/ Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service HQ
Leigh Road
SO50 9SJ
Direct Dial Tel: 023 8062 6850
Fax: 023 8062 6718

Date:21 December 2011

Enquiries To:Audrey Olden My Reference:482011

Extension:3945Your Reference:-

DearMr William Wolfenden

Freedom of Information Act 2000

I am writing in respect to your recent application for the release of information held by the Authority.

You asked:

The number of individuals both full time and part time working in the Human Resources Department for the following years 2004-5. 2205-6, 2006-7, 2007-8, 2008-9, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-present.

The individual salaries, including any associated benefits or bonuses, for individuals employed to work in the HR department for the periods 2004-5. 2205-6, 2006-7, 2007-8, 2008-9, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-present.

The total cost of the Human Resources Department/Function for thefollowing periods 2004-5. 2205-6, 2006-7, 2007-8, 2008-9, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-present. Please include details of any and all associated costs such use of consultants and any projects that required the time and cost of both internal and external advisors.

We have used the key reporting date of 31.03.yyyy (end of each financial years). Anyone who has been seconded into HR working on a project will have been counted. Anyone who has been seconded out will be excluded. The figures include temps and casual staff. The figures include maternity cover and those who are off on maternity leave. The director of HR also receives a 5% availability allowance. Unformed officers have a 20% flexible duty allowance and continuous personal development allowance which varies year to year. Grades have been grouped together to stop individual staff salaries being disclosed except for the Head of HR.

This is to ensure that individuals personal information is kept secure. For information on the grading structure please see our website at

it should be noted that this will only provide the current grading structure.


Head count28

Head of HR 47,682.00

Group Managers 249,936.48

Grade D & E 139,317.00

Grade G & H 121,449.00

Grade J and above 216,198.00



Head of HR49,089.00

Group & Station Managers162,005.16

Grades C, D & E206,466.12

Grades F, G & H107,387.40

Grade J and above194,238.00



Head of HR100,734.12

Group & Station Managers231,570.24

Grades C, D & E294,971.76

Grades F, G & H144,399.48

Grade J and above234,888.00


Director of HR98,692.08

Grades C, D & E270,243.60

Grades F, G & H175,995.12

Grade J, Station Managers and above323,465.04



Director of HR99,679.08

Grades C, D & E241,433.52

Grades F, G & H127,356.12

Grade J, Station Managers and above410,877.48



Director of HR100,675.92

Area Managers, Station Managers130,408.08

Grades C, D & E236,791.80

Grades F, G & H246,020.88

Grade J and above348,020.40



Director of HR100,675.92

Grades C, D & E164,598.84

Grades F, G & H197,194.08

Grade J, Station Manager and above388,404.60

As of Today - December 2011


Director of HR100,675.92

Grades C, D & E167,066.04

Grades F, G & H205,653.00

Grade J, Station Manager and above319,083.48

Any future correspondence you may have with HFRS in relation to this matter should be sent to the Information Compliance Officer at the above address.

If for whatever reason you are unhappy with our response to your application you are entitled to pursue any dissatisfaction through Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service HR Business Team. The HR BusinessTeam can be contacted by writing to Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service, Headquarters, Leigh Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO50 9SJ.

Should you still remain dissatisfied you can appeal against the decision by contacting the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, WilmslowSK9 5AF.

Where information has been supplied, you are advised that the copyright in that material is owned by Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service and/or its contractor/s unless otherwise stated. The supply of documents under the Act does not give you an automatic right to re-use those documents in a way that would infringe copyright, for example by making multiple copies, publishing and issuing copies to the public.

Brief extracts of the material can be reproduced under the “fair dealing” provisions of the Copyright Design and Patents Act 1998 (S.29 and S.30) for the purposes of research for non-commercial purposes, private study, criticism, review and news reporting.

Details of the arrangements for reusing the material owned by Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service and/or its contractor(s) can be obtained by contacting the Performance Review department, at the address at the top of this letter.

Authorisation to re-use copyright material not owned by Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service and/or its contractors, should be sought from the copyright holders concerned. If in doubt, you should contact Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service Performance review in the first instance.

Yours sincerely

Audrey Olden

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service Information Compliance Officer

Data Protection, Freedom of Information & Environmental Information Regulation